Chapter 25

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"Mu'er You can leave." Mother said as she silently took a sip of her tea. As usual every movement that she made was elegant and beautiful.

Siting up from beside me, in the corner of my eye-my brother slowly got up and left.
The door behind me open and then closed signaling the start of what ever will happened.

Omg I'm alone now. I can't believe he left me.

"Fa'er come here"


Like my brother I slowly got up, but instead of the door I made my way to mother. Couldn't we like switch places?

"Sit down" listening to her, I sat down. Moving my mother turned her body towards me and then hugged me.


I think my heart just stopped, and not in a good way.

All in all I love my mother, but she was in a really bad and the atmostphere from before was kinda-really scary, so I'm abit of wary.

Taking the veil that covered my face, she gently opened it and flipped it to the back. Females showing each other their faces by flipping their veil, especially to family could be considered quite close or like an affection of some sort. You know, I really don't remember they doing this in ancient China, or maybe cause I was dozing of in history lesson. Then again some stuff ain't the same.

But what made me really worried was that mother sadly stared at me, and her already complicated eyes started to turn a bit red.

"You really look like your father..." She said in a somewhat bitter tone.

Wait what happened. Gyaaaa- dont cry, Im sorry! wait, what did I even do!? Is this like the really emotional scene in movies where a daughter and mother hug? But I don't know whats going on!

Is my face really that scary?? What does looking like father have to do with anything?

Suddenly before any tears began to fall from mothers face, a deadly aura was emitted from mother. Silently she bit her lips, but I can see her thoughts were going else where.

"Fa'er let me tell you this-you cannot trust anyone. Soon you will be put into harder situations as you grow." Clenching her jaw she looked straight at me.

Can't I just eat and sleep? Please.

"I-I, " She chocked on her words. This is getting really serious.

"...and your father, have decided to send your brother away." As she said the word father her tone was quite bitter, but I ignored it.

Waaaaaaaaaattt!!!!!! Why?????????

"This place is getting to dangerous for your brother, and so me and your father have decided to send him to the Shi Shou Fu's second elder to be taught." Mother said solemnly. Looking at my confused expression she continued."Your brother won't be sent to any sect, Shi Shou Fu is a famous sect known throughout the continents in the Jianghu."

The Janghu. The jianghu? THE JIANGHUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!! asfsftrsgdgd, omlkgfchgfhtfgftfgu, jgfjfjyfgvvj thats in a freaking different continent! uyvtbgyfvby Its in the hgfjgjbtujtgy continent known for freaking high rise of fighting, power-stuff magic voodoo things and pointy knife objects!

Who cares about that old man! We never see him anyways, what happened to make you guys think that it was getting too dangerous for elder brother here compared to there?? He's a babbieeeee(he's 7, but I still consider him to be a baby), he'll be hurt. And why so far way, why not a sect here?? aretgfdtfgffd omg! My brother!!!!!

"Its a good opportunity for him." NO. IT. ISN'T. PERIOD.

"M-mother no, you can't it's too dangerous." Ah...I spoke against her, and I hardly speak against her....

Hearing my shaking voice, mother began to burst out into tears.

"A-and in 5 years... You'll be sent to the Blue feathered goddess's peak ...."

Oh god, t-this can't be....

"To be trained...."

Woah-Woah Whoa, calm down. Calm down. Calm the cow done- I mean calm down! aren't princess supposed to be like spoiled or something?? I don't want to fight. I want to happily eat and be lazy, is that too hard to ask?

"Fa'er, remember not to trust anyone. With this opportunity many people will be jealous and scheme against you." She said solemnly."The blue feathered goddess is a high ranking immortal who accepts disciples every 100 year or so. And her acceptance will be in 5 years from now....not only that  she only picks 50 students, given your talents and the right pre-training you will undoubtedly be accepted."

B-but I don't want to be accepted....

"Do you know what 'they' have been saying about you?" Mother said coldly.

Who's they?

"Those women are trying to spread word that you are ugly, fat, and lazy-without any talents, like your brother."

You know they're not wrong about me being ugly and talentless, but ain't no way they can say that about my brother!
And wait how could anyone say anything bad about children, I'm only like 5 years old and my brothers 7. What kind of immature ass grown ups spreads rumors about little kids.

"They claim that you eat like an unmannered peasant. And have the etiquette of fish on dry land."

HAHAHAHA, not untrue.

"-And so.....I made it so they can never speak again." Said mother as she smiled dangerously. "But the root of the problem will still have to take time."

Yikes, that's something I don't want to hear about. I think we should instead try and discuss more about me and brother not being sent away.

"That's, not all but starting from today. From morning to noon you will also start practicing on how to control your elements. You must also practice on your manners and etiquettes so you will not shame yourself. I have also started taking inconsideration of what you eat, and I'm asking the head chef to reduce your meals."

Reduced. Meals. REDUCED MEALS!?

Who ever spread those rumors are dead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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