Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Training

After I have finished dinner I join in on the conversation.
"Tomorrow you will be training in front of the other tributes, and you two need to intimidate the other tributes" says Brutus.
"What do you mean?" asks Cato.
"You need to show off your sword and knife skills, also try and scare everyone else" says Enobaria.

I am very good at knife throwing and Cato is good with the sword. "Also don't forget to make and alliance with the district 1 tributes, Glimmer and Marvel" says Indigo. Urr I think, being careers means that we team up with the other career district which is district 1.

"You can decide wether you will join up with district 4 tributes tomorrow, since they are not very good fighters" says Enobaria.

I think about tomorrow how I will be seeing all the other tributes. After dinner I head to my room, just before I close my door Cato runs in. "Oh hi what do you want?" I ask.
"I need to tell you something" Cato says.
"This is going to sound crazy, but ever since I first saw you on the first day of school, I have had a crush on you.... and I thought I'd tell you since we are going into an arena where only one person comes out...." he says.

His cheeks have gone red, I have never really thought about this but I decide to tell him I feel the same. "This is going to sound even crazier but Cato I feel the same way about you ....." now I'm the one blushing.

"Really!" he says.
"Yeah...well I guess this is awkward" I exclaim. Then he leans over and kisses me. I don't know what to do, so I kiss him back. He walks out of the room and I'm left alone.

I can't sleep, I keep thinking about that kiss. Did he mean it? When I wake up my training clothes have been put out for me. I have a shower, the showers here have over a hundred different buttons. Once I am done I make my way to the dining room. I have a big breakfast and just sit there trying not to look Cato in the eye.

When we are done we meet with Brutus give us some last training advice. When we are on our way down to the training centre he says "So that kiss...was it real, do you really love me?" he asks.
"Of course I do!" and I kiss him on the cheek.

We step of the elevator and someone pins the number 2 on my back, we walk over the other tributes. A tall woman called Atala tells us about each station. When she is done I head over to a compulsory station, the tributes line up, I'm second in line. The station is strength, the tributes are meant to grab on to a hoop and then swing and grab the next one, it's a bit like monkey bars.

We have one more compulsory station before Lunch is announced. We all file into the dining hall, tables and carts full of food have been laid out and I don't hesitate to fill up my plate. I see Cato sitting with the district 1 tributes and I walk over. "Hey" I say, I sit down next to Cato. "Hey I'm Marvel and this is Glimmer" says the boy.
"Hey I'm Clove" I say. Glimmer is sitting way to close to Cato. Throughout lunch Glimmer continues to get on my nerves and is constantly fake laughing and flirting with Cato.
After Lunch we do the last 2 compulsory stations and then head back over to the elevator. I don't even bother to look at Cato, I'm angry at him for letting Glimmer flirt with him.

On the 2nd day of training all 4 of us try and scare the other tributes. We go over to knife throwing first so I can show of my skills. Then we go to sword training for Cato. Marvel's weapon is a spear and when e throws it it hits right on target. Glimmer however is not so good her weapon is a bow and arrows, when she shoots she misses by a mile, pathetic I think. After lunch we try and work out a plan for the arena since we are going to form an alliance. Cato keeps trying to avoid Glimmer, so I have forgiven him because it wasn't his fault. Me and Cato have told no one about our relationship.

The conversation at dinner is about our private sessions on the 3rd day they call us all out privately to perform in front of the game makers. "So tomorrow make sure you show them everything" says Enobaria.
"Clove you throw knives, and Cato you show your sword skills" says Brutus.
"Ok, how long are the sessions?" I ask.
"Only about 15 minutes, so don't mess around" says Enobaria.

The next day all the tributes gather in a room and wait for are names to be called. First Glimmer then Marvel and Cato, I'm next, when they call my name I walk in and head straight for the knife throwing section. The gamemakers are just drinking alcohol and chatting not really concentrating on me. "Clove Sevina, district 2" I say loudly, so they can here me. They all turn and face me. I throw 7 knives and hit the target every time, they are all intrigued and I have to ask if I can go, they nod and I hit the number 2 button on the elevator and fly back up to our floor.

At dinner that night the conversation is about training and how it went. Cato says he did sword skills and survival. I just say that I threw knives and I had to ask if I could go. Later on we watch our scores, Glimmer and Marvel get a 9 and me and Cato get a 10! We both have the highest scores out of all the tributes. We celebrate until girl on fire from district 12 comes out with an 11! I'm shocked, since all she did in training was tie knots. Cato is furious and storms off to his room. I decide to leave him alone, but I know Cato will make Katniss the girl on fire his target.

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