Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: The interviews

Tomorrow night is the tribute interviews with Caesar Flickerman the games' host. This morning me and Cato will discuss how we will present ourselves, with Brutus and Enobaria. We each have 4 hours with Indigo and 4 hours with Brutus and Enobaria. I am with Indigo first, she first tries to teach me how to walk in high heels, which I'm not to bad at. Then she teaches me how to sit and how to smile.

By lunchtime I'm exhausted and I still have my session with Brutus and Enobaria. My session with them isn't too bad it only lasts an hour, we try out different types of characters but in the end I am going to be small and deadly. After dinner I ask Cato what he is going to be, he says he is going to be a brutal killing machine.

I walk down the hall and I'm just about to close my door when Cato quickly slips into my room. "Here I wanted to give you this." he says. He is holding a silver ring with a heart engraved into it. "Thank you, what's this for?" I say.

"It's your token, for the games." he replies. Every tribute is allowed a token, if it is small and can't be used as a weapon. Glimmer had a ring, but it turned out deadly. When you turn the gem a poisonous spike comes out. She claims she didn't know anything about it, but I bet she did. Before I can say anything else he kisses me gently on the cheek, before leaving.

After breakfast the next morning, our prep teams get to work for tonight's interviews. They let me a have a quick shower and then they put makeup on me, do my hair and paint my nails. Then Louis comes and dressed me in a gorgeous orange dress and sparkly heels.

By late afternoon I'm ready, as I meet Cato in the elevator, he looks amazing in his black suit. "You look great!" I say. "Thanks, you look more amazing though!" he says. When we are back stage, we are lead into a room with the rest of the tributes.

First up is Glimmer, as she walks on stage the crowd roars with excitement. I don't blame them, Glimmer looks amazing in a golden dress with her long golden hair flowing down her back. Her approach is sexy and lush. I see Cato staring at the screen throughout her interview, the only thing that stops me from almost slapping him is the fact that I will kill her in the arena.

When it's time for me to go up, I'm really nervous. I take a deep breath and walk on to the stage. The audience roars with excitement. I take a seat. "Welcome Clove!" says Caesar. "Are you ready for the games tomorrow?" he says. "Ready as I will ever be" I say, the audience are going crazy. Caesar asks a few more questions, before my time is over.

I shake his hand and walk off stage, as I head over to the elevator, I decide to watch the rest of the interviews in our compartment. When I reach our floor Cato is already sitting down and watching them. The boy from district 11 is called Thresh, he is tall and muscular, I bet half the people are considering sponsoring him. "We should have asked him to be in our alliance" I say.

"We did but he declined" says Cato.
"Oh" is all I say, I'm not sure why anyone would decline a chance to team up with the Careers. Then girl on fire comes on, she does a pathetic spin whist her dress goes up in flames, which seems to make the audience go crazy. After that the boy from her district comes on, I have never paid any attention to him. When Caesar asks him if he has a special girl back home he says yes. Caesar says if you win she will have to go out with you. The boy who's name is Peeta replies saying "Winning won't help me... because she came here with me!"

Me and Cato exchange looks, when we realise he means girl on fire. This is surely an act, to get more sponsors. Then I think that should have been mine and Cato's approach and that we should have mentioned it to Brutus and Enobaria! I stroll off to my room, I want to try and get some sleep since we are going in the arena tomorrow.

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