36 : escape

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Rogue 28 | night sixty

escape the love
you've never found
for you to have it;
at least try to bring back
what you've lost.

Harry: (shaking and crying)

Paramedic: Mr. Styles, you're fortunate only a few branches hit you. Those cuts will eventually heal in few days time. Drink this, it will stabilize you from the shock. (hands drink) (Harry refuses to take medicine)

Tess: Harry, are you with us? You're alright dear, only a few cuts and bruises, that's all. Harry? (places hand on Harry's shoulder)

Harry: (scared)

Paramedic: It's fine, we can't force him to do what he doesn't want to do until he calms down. Does he have any previous cases? Trauma? Illnesses? Whatsoever?

Tess: [silence]

Louis: (takes medicine from paramedic) He has one, and it's quite a sensitive topic to talk about in front of him.

Paramedic: Sir? (confused)

Louis: I'm the partner. What happened here? (clears throat/keeping his composure intact)

Paramedic: From what was reported, he was about to move to the side when a lightning hit the tree a few meters away from him. Although he was able to shield himself by bolting out of the way, a few branches caused him to have small cuts on the arms, some on the forehead, and his lower lip. Scratches from the asphalt are also prominent on his hands and knees. Fortunately, he's alive. (gives Louis a towel to dry Harry down)

Louis: Thank you. (holds Harry's hand)

Paramedic: (concerned tone) But for an hour now, he's been quite unresponsive and we're having difficulties on calming him down.

Louis: (nods) He won't calm down as easy as other do. Harry can be quite vulnerable when it comes to insidents like this, I've seen him do this before. (glances at Harry)

Harry: (still shaking and crying)

Louis: (approaches Harry)

Harry: (immediately nuzzles under Louis' neck, resting his head on his shoulder)

Louis: (whispering) I'll tell you everything you need to know, Harry. No more lies and secrets. (pauses/hugs Harry tightly) Let all of those tears out and have all the fear inside you escape on its own. You're my brave boy, and I'll keep you safe. I'd trade my healing heart for you broken one, just to save you. I'm here Harry. I'm here. (kissing Harry softly on cheek/tears falling down face) Your husband is here.

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s o n g | You'll Be In My Heart - Phil Collins

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