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Eighteen year old Aliyah Price wasn't the girl people would take a second look at. Aliyah grew up on the streets until she was seven, and taken to a adoption center. She was adopted at nine, and she lived with her parents until she was eighteen. She moved out six months ago, and is now living on her own, if it wasn't for her friends Adam and Danny.

Adam was there for her since she was twelve, when they met in the sixth grade. And Danny was there for her since the seventh, when Adam introduced him to her. They all stayed best friends, but Adam met other friends. They still hang out and talk, but now its rarely. Aliyah started talking less and less at school, and now she is dead silent. Aliyah has a pink diary, she writes everything in it. Aliyah's only way of communicating is writing, which is why she locked herself in her bedroom and rarely came out. She writes on anything she can find; wrappers, paper, and now its especially sticky notes.

She writes down everything that she thinks will make a huge difference in her life, and keeps them in a shoe box in her closet. And for her diary, she writes in it everyday. She keeps it locked in her closet, with the key to her diary hidden. Adam realizes its been to long since they've last spoken, but Aliyah thinks its a good thing. One less chance of him finding out her secret. Aliyah is a vampire, and nobody knows except her best friend Harper, who is also a vampire. The older Aliyah is getting, the harder her powers are getting to control.

She'll be cool and calm at one point, then suddenly her eyes will go a bloody red, her teeth will be pointy, and she can become strong enough to kill. Until, Adam comes looking for her one day, and she meets Tyler, who is also a vampire. They have to team up and make sure that the vampires enemy will not ever attack, the werewolves.


(Aliyah's pov-)

Dear Diary,

Its getting harder and harder to control this power. Im going to lose it one day and hurt someone, which is why Im glad I don't see Adam or Danny anymore, I'd be devastated if I hurt them. Its a good thing my best friend is already a vampire, less of a chance to hurt her. Im locking myself in my bedroom until I learn to control it, conceal it don't feel it. (DONT JUDGE ME) wish me luck!

-Aliyah P.

I closed my diary and locked it tight. I put it in my closet and put the key in my hiding space. I laid flat on my bed and felt my teeth become pointy again. I pushed my brown hair out of my face, and grabbed a cap off the night stand and put it on. I stood up and went into my kitchen to grab something to eat. I opened up to window to let in the summer breeze. I grabbed a banana and my phone and sat in front of the window. I scrolled through my Twitter, nothing new. Some new things from my YouTube people Im following, Emblem3 updates, nothing new to be honest. I looked out the window and watched people walk by, the same people that walked by everyday. Mainly my neighbors, but my neighbors were throwing a party for they're sons eighth birthday, and I was invited, but I didn't go. I could kill someone for crying out loud!

I sighed, and stepped away from the window. I went back to my bedroom and locked the door. My red wings grew and my eyes became a bloody red.

'Don't let it show, Aliyah.' I thought.

'No. Let it show, let everyone know!' The evil inside of me rebottled. This is what Im talking about, this evil devil inside fights with every positive thing I think.

'C'mon Aliyah. Be normal.'

'Aliyah Price so help me, don't try to be normal! Kill all and leave the vampires!'

'Conceal. Conceal.' I thought over and over, my wings disapeared and my eyes went back to a brown, but my eyes stayed red. I heard my doorbell go off, and I went to answer it. I opened it a bit, showing half my face, but not my teeth. A boy with short brown hair was there, and he smiled.

"Are you Aliyah Price?" He asked.

"Y-Yes." I stuttered quitly.

"Im Tyler. Im on of Adam's friends. I open the door all the way, but my teeth went back to normal.

"Come in." I whispered getting out of his way. He stepped in and I shut the door behind him.

"Its the famous Aliyah Price." He said as he sat down at the kitchen table.

"Famous?" I asked.

"Adam talks about you all the time, you sound really nice." He answered.

"He does?" I asked with a small smile.

'Don't trust him! Hes evil! Kill him now!' My evil thoughts screamed. My teeth started to become pointy, but only a little bit.

"Oh yeah, he goes on and on about how pretty and nice you are. Then you disapeared." He responded.

"Wow." I said with a small giggle.

"Yeah. So, what happened to you?" He asked, I didn't respond.

"See! Hes trying to get to you!'

'Hes only being nice, nothing bad.'

'That's what they want you to think.'

"Its private." I whispered.

"Its okay. I get it, anyway, Adam is throwing a party tonight. Its going to be awesome, he wanted to invite you." Tyler said handing me a invitation. I read it about two times and looked back up at Tyler.

"That's nice, but..." My sentence trailed off.

"It'd be awesome if you came, Adam misses you a lot." Tyler replied.

'Don't want to be to suspicious, Aliyah. You have to go, just control it.'

"True." I said out loud.

"What?" Tyler asked.

"I mean... I guess I could go..." I replied.

"Okay great. I'll tell Adam. See you tonight!" Tyler shouted leaving my house. Dear God what did I just get myself into?

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