Chapter Thirteen

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-Aliyah's POV-

"What?" I asked as Ivy spoke. "My mother is dead! And a vampire!"

"Honey, please. This is a very confusing story, and your probally not going to believe me," Ivy replied.

"I don't believe anything that's going on right now, but go ahead," I replied.

Candace sighed, "Look, Aliyah. When you were about three, I was one. I am your sister, and this is your mom. But when you were little, you were taken. They sucked the magic out of you, and you became mortal and fell from the sky. You landed somewhere, and before we found you, someone else did. Danielle Price, your 'other mother'."

"So... I fell from the sky?" I asked.

"Aliyah please tell me you don't believe them," Skylar said.

"Your a fallen angel. And 'Price' isn't even your real last name," Gale said.

"Then what's my full name?" I asked.

"Your full name is Aliyah Belle Langford," Ivy replied.

"That's a beautiful name," I said.

"Its YOUR name, Aliyah. Your a Princess," Gale said.

"A Princess?" I asked.

"Princess Aliyah Belle," Candace responded.

"I cant believe this! Tyler, if Im a Princess, that makes you a Prince!" I exclaimed hugging Tyler as he hugged back. Candace, Gale, and Ivy all started laughing, and I looked at them confused. "What?"

"Oh Aliyah Belle you can POSSIBLY be dating him! Hes a vampire!" Candace exclaimed.

"So what? I'm part vampire to," I said.

"Only because Danielle bit you as a baby and raised you as her own," Ivy informed.

"So... I cant be with Tyler?" I asked.

"Nope!" Candace exclaimed, but I held onto Tyler.

"I don't care! I'd give up everything to be with him," I said.

"Aliyah its a law in Heaven that vampires cant date or marry Angels. Vampires are then enemy," Ivy explained.

"Then I wont go," I demanded.

"Aliyah Langford your going with us, its not a choice," Gale replied.

"Why not? Tyler and his friends went through so much to save me, and you want me to leave him?" I snapped.

"Because, its a old and long story," Ivy said.

"Sum it up," I demanded.

"The old Queen, Queen Wanda, fell in love with a werewolf, and he betrayed her by killing her and taking over the land," Candace explained.

"But that was a WOLF" I pointed out.

"Wolves and Vampires are in the same league, we cant trust them, either," Gale responded.

"Vampires hate wolves!" Adam shouted, the rest of us said yeah in agreement.

"Why should we trust you?" Ivy snapped, Candace stayed quiet.

"Because I love him! And if you love me, you should respect that," I replied.

"We do love you, but we hate vamps," Ivy replied.

"Then... I don't wanna be a angel anymore!" I shouted, it went quiet.

"What?" Candace asked.

"You heard me, I don't give a shit about princesses, or queens, or royalty, or ANYTHING, but Tyler, Harper, Skylar, Pricilla, and all my other friends here!" I shouted.

"Aliyah I-"

"I've been a vampire all my life, and nobody can change that. Not wolves, and especially not you. Skylar, Pricilla, your mage's, right?" I asked turning to Pricilla and Skylar.

"Yeah why?" Skylar asked.

"I need you to whip me up a potion of Permeate Vamp," I replied. They nodded their heads and took off.

"Aliyah Belle Langford! How could you?" Ivy exclaimed.

"Look, real parents or not, I do love you. And If Im a vampire, or a Princess, or angel, or whatever, you should love me to. And I LOVE Tyler, cant you accept that?" I questioned.

"Look sweetie, if Tyler wasn't a vampire we would accept him," Gale said. I looked at Tyler, he looked disappointed and walked away.

"Then I don't accept YOU!" I screamed. I closed my eyes in anger, then opened them. Everything looked blue. My blue fog had gone off, it was impossible to see. I couldn't see anyone, not Tyler, Skylar, Adam, Pricilla, no one!

"Tyler?!" I called out. I whipped my hands in the air to get the fog away, but my blue ray went off suddenly, and I heard someone yell out in pain. "Skylar? Pricilla? ANYONE?"

"Aliyah!" Candace yelled from a far.

"Candace?" I yelled back running towards her voice. I saw her out in the distance, she looked horrified.

"Aliyah! What have you done?" She screamed.

"The fog was an-"

"No! Not the fog, the ray! Didn't you see who you hit?" She interrupted.

"No! Who?" I yelled back, suddenly wind started to pick up, and the sky was a dark, dark blue.

"You. Hit. Tyler!"

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