Chapter Six

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Aliyah's pov

Two Years Later

(Tangled Lyrics Apply)

"Open your finger more, Lia." Seto ordered. He was teaching me my powers, and if I put up my hand and opened up my fingers more, I could go invisible.

"Okay," I replied doing as he told.

"Good. Okay, try fog." He responded. If I could but up both hands and run, it leaves a trail of dark blue fog so it was harder for people to see me.

"Alright. Like this?" I asked doing it.

"Good, now start to run in a circle around me with fog." he ordered. I nodded my head and did as I was told and did it. Seto was a nice kid, but he had a big scratch on his cheek. It looked like it was made by a wolf.

"Perfect" He replied. I smiled at him and used another power to get rid of my fog.

"Thank you, Seto." I said.

"Alright Miss Price. You did good today." Seto complemented.

"Thanks. When can I go back to living with humans?" I asked.

"About one to two more years of training. Then you can go and protect the ones you love," He said with a sigh at the end.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.

"N-Nothing." He lied.

"Its obviously something Seto." I said.

"Don't worry about it." He said with a fake smile. I ran my fingers over his scratch.

"How did this happen?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter" he replied.

"But it does. Did the wolves do this?" I wondered.

"Yeah.." His sentence trailed off.

"I can heal it if you want. I have the power to do that, you know," I offered.

"Its okay, really." He replied. But I did it anyway. I ran my fingers over his cut and did the lyrics to what Im suppose to say so it can work.

"Flower gleam and glow, let your powers shine. Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt. change the fates design, save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine, what once was mine."

"Aliyah, you have an amazing voice." Seto said as I lowered my hand. He felt his cheek, the mark was gone.

"Thank you," I giggled.

"That was the cutest thing I've ever heard in my life." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"Your giggle." He replied.

"Thank you, Seto." I responded.

"Don't worry about it. Just get some rest. The wolves are going out soon, so its just me and you until they get back," He explained.

"Okay. Goodnight." I said as he left. I changed into white silk pajamas and rested in my bed. I drifted off into a deep, lovely sleep.

Ashley's pov

"Do we have to do this?" I asked Nathan as we crept towards Tyler's house.

"Of course we do. Just get one and done." Blake replied.

"Adam?" I asked.

"Ashley Marie you are stupid as hell." Nathan snapped pushing me down.

"Im new to this cut me some slack." I said.

"Slack? That's not aloud here, Ashley Marie. If you think we're going to cut you slack because your the youngest wolf, think again." Jared snapped pushing me back down. They all walked away, and I went into my human mode. I stood up and ran the other way to Tyler's. I arrived at his back door and barged in. Everyone was in the living room, and they all glared at me when they noticed me. Tyler stood up, letting his eyes go red and his teeth point.

"The fuck you want Ashley?" Tyler snapped.

"Look, your in danger, Tyler! The wolves are coming, and they want to kill you!" I exclaimed.

"Why should we believe you?" Adam asked harshly.

"Why would I try to help you?" I answered.

"She's right. But, she's a wolf. We don't know if we can trust her." Ty responded.

"Please, Aliyah might be in trouble!" I begged. It went silent for a moment.

"I say we trust her. For Aliyah." Tyler said breaking the silence.

"Please..." I begged once more, we suddenly heard howls in the distance.

"Fine." Tyler said as he ran into the bathroom. He came out a minute later with five bottles, all labeled 'VAMPIRE.'

"Drink these" Tyler ordered tossing Jason, Mitch, Jerome, Adam, and Ty a bottle. They all drank it, and they're eyes went red and teeth became sharp. I went into my wolf mode as we stood guard at the door. The door barged open and everyone growled and hissed.

"Ashley Marie! Get over here!" Nathan ordered with a growl.

"No" I snapped.

"Get out!" Tyler ordered.

"Oh Tyler, that'd be to easy now wouldn't it?" Blake teased.

"Shut it!" Ty screeched, with a hiss. The wolves for mad, and attacked. Nathan went after Adam, Blake went after Ty, Jared went after Tyler, the other wolf Kristin went after Jerome, another billy went for Mitch, and the leader Vanessa came for me.

"You betrayed us, Ashley!" She exclaimed as she slashed my cheek.

"At least I'm not a crazy murderer!" I yelled as I slashed her back. We fought for a while, when we both got up and she threw me into a wall, causing me to bleed from my head.

"Your dead." She said, that's all I remember before escaping into the darkness.

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