Chapter Five

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"W-What?" I stuttered in a whisper as I stood up from my chair.

"Please, Aliyah. We want you to learn your powers. The last angle was friends with the werewolves." Nathan begged.

"What about vampires?" I asked.

"Not so much. But, if you do, we have a peace offering for you." Blake offered.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You act like your dead. Tyler will have less fear on his hands about you being dead, and we'll lay off him. We can deliver the news to him. Tyler and his friends will be safe from us" Jared explained. I thought about it. I hated having to be with werewolves, but I was keeping Tyler safe.

"How do you say Im dead? We cant say it was you, they'll want to kill you." I asked.

"Suicide?" Nathan offered.

"Write a note and leave it in your hand. We can do makeup, or our friend Ashley can, and make it look like your shot yourself." Jared explained.

I finally said after a long pause, "I'll do it. But only for Tyler's safety."

"Great. Blake call Ashley." Jared ordered as Blake nodded his head and took out his phone. he called someone and came back to us two minutes later.

"Ashley is coming." He announced.

"Well, Angel Aliyah, take us to your makeup." Jared said. I nodded my head and went to my bedroom with them following. I sat down in my chair and pulled out my black and red makeup box. I took out all my dark colors that looked like blood and wound marks, when there was a loud knock at the door.

"I got it." Nathan said as he left the room, and came back a minute later with a girl.

"That's her?" She asked, she had a British accent.

"That's the angel." Nathan replied.

"Yeah, whatever. Lets get this done already." She rolled her eyes and walked over to me and did my makeup. She put red lipstick on my forehead and made it look like blood, but added water to make it look like it was dripping. She put white makeup on my face to me look pale, and she finished in at least twenty minutes.

"Done." She said putting the cap on the lipstick and tossing it on my vanity.

"I wrote a death note." I announced ripping it out from my diary page. I stood up leaving my diary on the vanity and left with them. We got to the TC house and we stood in front of it.

"Okay, what do I do?" I asked.

"Wow your stupid," Ashley scoffed.

"Shut it Ashley" Blake said as she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry Im new to this," I defended.

"Just close your eyes and act like your dead while Nathan carries you to the house." Jared said. I groaned as Nathan picked me up. I closed my eyes and held my breathe when I heard the doorbell go off.

Adam's pov

"Adam! ADAM!" Someone screamed as I shot up in bed. I rushed out my room and into Tyler's room where I heard loud rustling.

"Tyler?" I asked while rushing in.

"HaveyouseenAliyahanywhereicantfindher!" He said it so quickly, I couldn't understand him.

"Slower." I said.

"Aliyah is missing!" He shouted continuing to look around.

"Calm down! Tyler! Calm down!" I shouted as I rested my hand on his shoulder.

"I-I cant even.. Im worried about her," Tyler said.

"Don't worry, we'll find her," I said as I took my hand back. We looked around the room for any clues when the doorbell went off.

"I got it." I said as I left the room and went downstairs. I opened the door, and two guys and one girl were there. They were all crying.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Is Tyler here?" The girl asked.

"Tyler!" I called. I heard footsteps coming downstairs and Tyler appeared. His eyes opened wide at the sight of them and he ran over and slammed shut the door.

"Adam get out of here!" He ordered pointing upstairs. I ran upstairs and he followed, but before we could get all the way upstairs, they kept banging on the door worriedly.

"Please! Its Aliyah!" One of the boys called. Tyler stopped and ran back to the door. He yanked it open and I came to his side.

"What happened to my baby?" He asked. Since when were they dating?

"Shes dead." The girl whispered, breaking down.

"How? What did you DO TO HER?!?!" He screamed jumping at them, but I held him back.

"We didn't do anything! She committed suicide. Nathan!" The girl exclaimed, a boy in the back stepped up and he held Aliyah's helpless body. Tyler started sobbing, and he took Aliyah from Nathan.

"We found a suicidal note. We didn't read it yet," The other boy said handing Tyler the note. He stuck it in his back pocket as he kissed Aliyah on her nose.

"Im so sorry for your lose." The girl said.

"Why would you care? Your all werewolves." Tyler snapped.

"Because, just because we're not humans doesn't mean we don't have feelings." Nathan responded.

"I know, but.." Tyler's sentence trailed off.

"We'll take her back." The girl said taking Aliyah from Tyler's hands. The walked away while Tyler closed the door and flopped down on the couch crying. I tried to comfort him, but there wasn't really much I could do.

Tyler's pov

I bawled my eyes out on the couch while Adam sat down next to me. He was crying to, but he was trying to hide it.

"Its alright, Tyler. Its alright," He cooed as he patted my back.

"But its not. Its not okay. She left my life forever..." I responded.

"Don't worry. I'll go get the guys, I'll be back," Adam responded as he left. I sat up and wiped my tears away, then pulled the note out from Aliyah. I almost died from what she wrote. But I was also relieved that she wasn't dead.

Dear Tyler,

Its Aliyah. Don't read this out loud, okay? Listen, Im not dead. I found out what I truly am! Im an Angel Tyler! An Angel! Listen, that 'blood' was only makeup. Im not dead, Im alive. Don't worry about me, okay? I'm going with the werewolves so they can train me to find my true powers. Trust me, I'll be alright. But for some weird reason Im not, you know where I am. Don't tell anyone about this letter, okay baby? I love you. I'll be watching over you forever and always. If something bad goes wrong, I'll be there to protect you. Thank you for everything, and I know we met not to long ago, but I can tell its true love. True love is something I can see in your smile, and your smile is bright. I love you with all my heart!

~Your One And Only, Aliyah.

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