Chapter Fourteen (Final)

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"What?" Asked a very confused Aliyah. She froze- for she could have killed her love. After her clearing the fog, she ran over to Tyler with the rest of Team Crafted, Candace Skylar, and Pricilla. She got down on her knees to see the one she loved laying on the ground, lifeless.

"Somebody help him!" Cried Adam.

Everyone stared at Skylar, she new she had the most power in saving people.

"Im sorry. There's nothing I can do," Skylar said, but Aliyah didn't listen. She gabbed his hand, pushing everyone else out of her way.

"Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, make the clock reverse-"

"Its no use!" Skylar interrupted. "He's gone."

Aliyah was devastated. She had killed her love.

"Wait!" Pricilla exclaimed. "There's one way. But the only problem is- Tyler wont remember us. He'll only remember Team Crafted, not me, or Skylar, or Vanessa, or.. Aliyah."

"But will he be alive?" Aliyah asked, Pricilla nodded her head. "Then do it."

Everyone stared at her blankly. "What?" Adam asked.

"I love Tyler enough to let him live, just not remember me. Will there be any side effects?" Aliyah asked.

"Umm... besides forgetting you, yes. His hair will turn a white-blonde color, and he wont be a vampire anymore. And after the spell- he'll wake up after ten minutes and think this was all a dream," Pricilla explained. Aliyah started to cry.

"Do it," she said, whipping her tears. Skylar and Pricilla got down on they're knees as Candace hugged Aliyah. Skylar and Pricilla held Tyler's hands.

"Aliyah?" Skylar asked. "We need to you put your hand over Tyler's heart."

Aliyah did as told as her tears dripped down, onto Tyler's cheek.

"Wrap thy in cotton, blind thee with love, protection from pain, surrounds like a glove. Brightest of blessings, surround thee this night, for thou that are cared for, healing thoughts sent flight," Pricilla and Skylar said at the same time. Tyler lit up golden as his hair turned a white-blonde, ad covered his left eye. Adam, Ty, Jerome, Mitch, and everyone else in Team Crafted carried him away, leaving a crying Aliyah wrapped in her sisters arms. Ivy and Gale came over to Queen Ivy's daughters.

"Aliyah, the best thing is to stay away from him. If you tell him- it will just make things worse," Ivy said as she hugged her daughter.

"Yes, Aliyah. Your mom is right. If he can remember on his own- great! But its very rare. Its only happened once or twice in the last two hundred decades," Skylar agreed.

"Aliyah," Gale started, "Would you like to come back to living with the angels?"

"But... What about my friends?" Aliyah asked.

"You'll still be aloud to be down here and visit them- very often. We promise," Ivy said.

"Okay.. I'll go," Aliyah replied. She waved goodbye to her friends and left with her new life. Skylar and Pricilla dove off into the woods. Aliyah knew this was the start of her new life.

~~~Two Years Later~~~

This day was two years. Since Aliyah almost killed Tyler. Since Aliyah became a Princess once again. Since Tyler forgot Aliyah. Two years since Aliyah almost killed herself from depression. This day, was September twenty-third, a windy fall day. Aliyah had come down from the kingdom today to meet up with Skylar and Pricilla.

But, they were late. As usual. Aliyah was sitting on a bench in the park which was almost empty. She was reading The Fault In Our Stars in dead silence, besides the wind. Her brown hair was curled and in a grey beanie, matching her grey coat with black buttons. She was in black  jeans with brown Bear Paws.

As Aliyah sat on the bench reading, she noticed a boy walk by. He had blonde-white hair, she knew it was Tyler, but Tyler didn't know it was Aliyah. He noticed her and smiled, she smiled and waved back then going back to her book. Tyler walked passed her and started walking towards the woods. He stopped when he noticed a trail. Thinking it was a short cut, h walked through it.

After searching threw leaves and bushes, he reached a... strange place. It was a purple circle with a floral decoration around it. He stepped on it, it looked old. He noticed something in the middle, a lightning strike. A few footprints were on it, he looked at it weirdly. Before it all came back to him.

"Hi.. Im Aliyah."

The party.



Princess Aliyah Belle.

The circle of Death Revived.


His eyes flashed with all the memoires flooding back with him. Aliyah, he was a vampire... But his first love... disapeared. He looked at his hair as it turned back to a beautiful brown. Suddenly, he remembered the girl on the bench. That was Princess Aliyah Belle Langford. He panted heavily, before screaming:


Meanwhile, Aliyah heard her name being called. She knew the voice. She dropped the book on the ground then running into the woods. Tripped over her on shoes, but she didn't care. She reached the circle and she froze as she saw Tyler. He stared at her, and she stared back. A minute after, she ran into his open arms.

"Oh Aliyah... I missed you so," Tyler whispered to his Princess.

"I missed you to," Aliyah said. "Prince Tyler."

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