Chapter Ten

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-Tyler's POV-

I looked behind me as I saw Aliyah yell. Her blue ray thing disapeared, and she fell to the ground. I watched as Veronica smirked.

"Great Pricilla, lets go," She ordered as she ran out the door. Pricilla's eyes turned back to there original color, and she fell to her knees. She wasn't herself. I froze, I had no idea what to do. Skylar got out when her magic came back and ran over to Pricilla and  Adam, Ty, and everyone else ran over to Aliyah. I finally snapped out of my trance, and pushed through everyone and got down to Aliyah. Her wings faded away, and she was barley breathing.

"Aliyah!" I exclaimed shaking her. She opened her eyes slowly, as they went back to the chocolate brown. She showed a weak smile as I sat her on my lap, she was so cold and weak. "Please live.. live for me..."

"T-Tyler.." Aliyah muttered, still with a weak smile. She rested her head in the crook of my neck, and I kissed her cheek, "I love you.."

"Please Aliyah.." I begged. She closed her eyes, and she faded from my arms, literally faded away. She just disapeared from me. Tears fell from my eyes as I whipped them away. Adam extended his hand to me, but I didn't take it. I wanted to be alone. Forever. I sniffled, then looked over and Pricilla and Skylar, and growled. She was the reason for my loved ones death. She killed Aliyah. She killed my love.

"You..." I growled standing up and going over to her. Skylar looked at me, and stood up to protect Pricilla. My eyes became red and my teeth became pointy.

"Tyler.. please, let Pricilla explained..." Skylar begged putting her hands up in defense.

"You.. killed... my.. baby.." I growled slowly, I tried to go at Pricilla, but Adam and Jerome picked me up and held me back, while Skylar helped up Pricilla and put her behind her to try and protect her.

"Please let her explain!" Skylar begged. I growled, but Adam and Jerome didn't put me down.

"Put me down so I can kill the bitch!" I demanded.

"Tyler calm down! Let her explain!" Adam demanded.

"I'll fucking do it!" I warned.

"Ty a little help?" Adam asked Ty, he came over and helped us.

"We Walk Alone We Dine Alone!" I screamed, doing the spell. "We Walk Alone-"

I didn't get to finish because Adam covered my mouth with his hand, and Danny came over and helped them to.

"I can bring her back!" Pricilla exclaimed. I stopped jittering, and calmed myself down. My eyes became brown again, and my teeth went down. They noticed and put me down.

"How?" I questioned.

"If Skylar and I can go to the Circle Of Death Revived, and do our little 'spell' we can bring her back. But-"

I cut her off, "Circle Of Death Revived? The hell is that?"

"When a vampire, mage, wolf, or angle dies, and you get a Dark Mage and a Mage together, and they can revive him or her, but they only have two hours. And, there are some side effects..." Pricilla explained.

"We only have two hours?! We need to go now!" I exclaimed.

"Then lets go!"

~~Time Skip~~

"We're here!" Skylar exclaimed as she moved bushes out of he way. There was a circle made from light purple stones, but that's it.

"THIS is the Circle Of Death Revived?" Ty questioned.

"Yeah but, Pricilla and I need to do the spell, then its kind of weird to explain..." Skylar said.

"Well, we only have abut thirty minutes to hurry up!" Adam exclaimed.

"Okay, so, if we do it right, and if someone REALLY loves Aliyah, then she'll come back." Pricilla summed it up. I nodded my head as the two girls got down to the circle and put they're hands on the purple stones. They sung the flower gleam and glow song, and white and silver things came up from the circle, and it surrounded it. I saw the sparkles form a dress, then a person, it was Aliyah! The sparkles died down as Aliyah looked around, she looked confused.

"My Princess!" I exclaimed running over to her, I got down on my knees and hugged her around her neck, but she didn't hug back.

"Umm.. hi.." She replied, I let go and stared off into her beautiful chocolate eyes, and everyone else joined us.

"Aliyah! Im so glad your okay!" Jerome piped in.

"Thanks, but.. I have one question..." Aliyah replied rubbing the back of her neck.

"Ask away my Princess." I replied kissing her forehead.

"Umm.. who are you people?"

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