Chapter Two

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They all stared at me, I was breathing deeply in and out trying to cool myself on not hurting any of them.

"Aliyah, your not a monster, you killed an evil.." Tyler encouraged taking a step forward, I took two back.

"But I am... it doesn't matter who or what I kill... I still killed." I responded.

"Is this why you disapeared?" Adam asked, also taking a step closer.

I took another backwards, and I was in the doorway. "I was scared of hurting you.. and now I put you in danger."

"No you didn't, Im fine." Adam replied.

"Tyler, watch out for him. They'll be back, and they'll be hungry." I said looking into Tyler's red eyes. I climbed up to the top of Adam's roof by using my vampire powers, I looked around for where the werewolves went. I looked down and saw Adam, Tyler, and everyone else running outside looking for me.

"Aliyah please come out!" Adam called for me.

"I walk alone, I dine alone." I said to myself, recalling the lullaby my momma sang to me. Vampire spells were real, and that was one of them. by saying 'I walk alone, and I dine alone,' makes you invisible to humans and werewolves, but vampires and other mystic creatures could see you.

"Aliyah!" Tyler called after me. Adam looked up, and saw me. He pointed to me and everyone else saw me.

"I walk alone, and I dine alone." I said, I could tell I disapeared, because they all stared at me looking for what happened, except Tyler. I climbed down from the backside and slowly crept out front. I felt a hand on mine, and Tyler grabbed me and stared at me.

"Aliyah you don't have to be afraid." He encouraged.

"But I do. I killed something, and I swore I would never again." I rebottled.

"Again?" he asked.

"When I was little, well, little as in fourteen, I was just getting new to my powers. I would run around with glowing red eyes and pointy teeth, and people would be afraid of me. I went to the park one day, and a boy was calling me all these really mean things, pushing me around, and I lost it and bit him. He was a jerk, but I didn't think I would kill him!" I explained.

"Aliyah, you killed evil, that's what you were made to do." Tyler responded.

"I know. But I broke my promise to myself." I said, Tyler was still holding on to me.

"Here, come with me." He said, I stared at him in confusion, "I walk alone, I dine alone." He added, and he was invisible to.

"Tyler?!" Adam hollered.

"Aliyah," Tyler started in a whisper, "I get that your scared. How about we go on a long walk." Tyler suggested.

"Alright." I said. We left Adam's yard with everyone still in a panic, but we'd be back. We walked around and hung out for a bit. He flew and climbed up on buildings, it was a lot of fun. We were sitting on top of a big skyscraper together and laughing.

"So Aliyah, how'd you get your wings?" Tyler asked.

"A spell. I think it went: Gods and Goddesses of the air, listen now and hear my prayer, let me soar with wings of flight, soaring through the darkest night." I explained.

"Cool. I've never tried it before." Tyler responded.

"Maybe we should sometime. Its a lot of fun." I suggested.

"Yeah, that'd be awesome." He responded.

"Hey, I can call in my friends if you want, Harper, and we could scare people." I said.

"How?" He asked.

"We go invisible, open and slam shut doors, flick on and off lights, it wicked fun." I answered. Tyler smirked at me, and nodded his head.

"Do it."

-Adam's pov-

"Aliyah!" I called.

"Tyler!" Ty called from behind. Tyler and Aliyah disapeared, and we have no idea where they went.

"I cant believe your friend is a vampire." Jordan scoffed.

"So?" I asked.

"So, shes a creature," Jordan responded.

"Shes not a creature. She kills the evil." I rebottled.

"How do you know your not next?" Jordan asked.

"Because I know her, and she would never hurt me." I said.

"I wouldn't be to sure, Sky." Quentin said coming to his side.

"I cant believe your against her." I said.

"Shes a monster, bro. She just wants to turn you." Jordan said crossing his arms.

"No she doesn't! Shes my best friend and I know she would never want to hurt anybody." I rebottled.

"Really because she killed a animal." Quentin reminded.

"Because it was trying to hurt us!" I exclaimed.

"Look Sky, things like her belong down in Hell, not up here with humans." Jordan said.

"Shes not a thing! Shes a beautiful girl." I said.

"Whatever." Jordan said, and him and Quentin left. I continued to search for Aliyah and Tyler, even though I knew they probally wernt even here. I sighed, I knew Aliyah would never want to hurt me.

-Aliyah's pov-

Me and Tyler finished messing with people and it was amazing. We walked back to Adam's, but only Tyler was staying. I was going back home, afraid to face Adam and everyone else.

"Alright Tyler, we're here." I said pointing to Adam's house.

"Alright. You coming?" He asked.

"No. Im going back home." I said.

"C'mon Aliyah, they wont be afraid of you." Tyler responded.

"Don't be to sure." I replied. Tyler went back to being visible, but I didn't.

"Please Aliyah." Tyler begged.

"Tyler, Im no much of a threat. Look, Im still learning how to control my powers, and figuring out what they are. Only my friend Harper is here to help me, and I don't know what to do. Shes not always here, she has to help others to. So Im kind of on my own." I explained.

"I can help you. I know my powers, I can show you the way. Please." Tyler begged.

"Alright. If you think you can help, fine." I agreed. We walked back into Adam's house, and Tyler just walked in. All the lights were off, and nobody was here, they were probally all asleep. Tyler went upstairs and went into a bedroom as I followed.

"Wow." I said admiring the room.

"Thanks, this is my room." He said.

"You guys all live together?" I asked.

"Yeah." he said. We walked over to a couch and pulled it into a bed. he grabbed a pillow and a blanket from the closet and put it on the couch, he jumped on the couch a smiled at me.

"I can take the couch if you want. You are the guest." He said.

"Thanks, but I don't feel like sleeping. I have this weird feeling that they'll be back." I responded.

"We'll be fine. Don't worry about it." Tyler said. I sat on the bed and sighed, and Tyler came to my side and wrapped his arm around me.

"It'll be okay Aliyah. I wont let anything happen to you." Tyler whispered. I felt safe in his arms, I felt something I had never felt in a long time,


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