chapter 1

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***So major preface: I wrote this story almost 8 years ago and it is complete butt. I recently read through it, and I decided that it wouldn't be right to leave this published in the state it is in, so I am completely revamping the story. Don't worry, it will still have lots of Brent in it (even though I know nothing about him anymore lol). This is going to take some time, so if you are interested in this "new version" reach out to me and I can send you some new chapters to read. You have been warned, this story was written by a 13-year old who had never been in a relationship (and she still hasn't been). Remember to wait for love, set boundaries, and never let someone pressure you into something you don't want to do. Besos!***


"NO," I screamed," I am not just going to pack up my entire life here in Miami so you can go live in California for your job. Quit and get a new one. I have friends and memories here that I just cannot leave behind. Mom, you are crazy if you think I am going. If dad was alive he would never allow this!" I could tell I went too far bringing up Dad when I saw tears start to run down my mom's face. Just a year ago my dad was killed by a drunk driver when he was driving home from work very late at night. I miss him so an I know my mom did. She wiped the tears off her face with her hand and walked next to me. "Honey, I know it has been hard on you losing Dad. This is why we have to move. I cannot afford this house and pay for your school an our needs with just my paycheck. My job offered me a fifty percent raise if I moved to work in California where workers are needed. This can get us back on our feet and we can start having money for extra things now. Wouldn't you like that? You'll miss your friends, I know, but you'll make plenty more in Huntington Beach."

I knew my mom was right. We have to move if we want to be able to support ourselves. I guess living in California wouldn't be too bad. "Well, let's get packing,"I said. My mom smiled. I could tell she was felling a little bit better now that I was on board.

*three weeks later*

Today was the first day of spring break and my last day in Florida. All of the boxes were packed in the moving truck except one left in my room. My best friend, Jules, came by and helped me pack earlier. She promised to text everyday an visit during the summer. I am really going to miss her. As I ran up to my room to grab my last box, I stopped and looked around. I spent fifteen years of my life in this room. Memories flooded back from where my dad tucked me in every night until I was nine. A tear dropped from my eye and splattered on the floor. I picked up the box and gave one last goodbye to my room and went out to the moving truck. In five minutes my mom and I were on the road to California. I did not know what to expect starting a new school in the fourth quarter of the year in a new state with all new people. I guess I will just have to find out.

*****Hey guys, I hope you liked the first chapter. I know it was sort of short but there is plenty more to come and lots of Brent. Keep reading and I will update regularly. Xoxo

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