chapter 24

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It was Sunday night when I was sitting in bed writing in my diary. Yes, that's right I have one. I know it is kind of dumb but it helps me organize and get out all of my thoughts. I closed it when I heard a knock at my bedroom door. I opened it expecting to see my mom. "Hey mo-," I stopped. It was Brent. "Listen can we practice the script. I won't talk about anything else," he said. "Okay, just let me get my script. It's downstairs," I replied. Brent walked into my room and sat down in my beanbag.

Brent P.O.V.

Sydney finally let me talk to her again. I was going to tell her about Sam and how we weren't really a real thing, but I promised her I wouldn't bring anything up. She walked out of the room and I looked around. I saw that all of our pictures and the bear I won her were in the trash. I felt so sad. I really broke her heart. I shouldn't of been the jerk I was and we would still be together. I got up and looked at all of her artwork she had on her walls when a sparkly book on her bed caught my eye. I opened it and filled to the first page. It was Sydney's diary. I flipped to today's date and quickly read.

****APRIL 20th 2014
Dear diary,
I just don't know what to do. I love Brent and want to be with him but he obviously doesn't want to be with me. He broke up with me to be with Sam. I also spoke to Megan yesterday and she got dumped. She wanted me to tell Brent she was sorry for being a jerk and she was really nice. I hope she is ok. Anyway, the spring fling is in two weeks. I really want to go with Brent but I can't. I was thinking about asking Jack or Nathan to go with me as a friend. They are really great. Through all of this they have still been my friends. Ash has also been a great friend. She actually tried to get me to go boyfriend shopping but I said no for none are like Brent. I love Brent I just don't know how to tell him.****
I put the diary back on her bed. She loved me. She loved me! SHE LOVED ME! I had to tell her I loved her too, but how? I was startled when Sydney walked back in. "Sorry it took so long, my mom moved my script and I had to look for it," she said plainly. "It's fine," I said. "Shall we begin?" I asked. "Yes," she said and smiled a little at me. My heart melted. I said my line taking her hand and she said hers. We came to right before the kissing part. "Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take,'' I said. She looked at me and then at my lips. She turned away and began to tell me to skip this part but I couldn't resist. I grabbed her face and kissed her passionately. She kissed back. Our lips moved in sync. I had been waiting for this for weeks.
Sparks flew as I continued to kiss her. She pulled away and began to speak. "Let's move on," she said looking at her script. "I love you," I blurted out. "What about Sam?" Sydney asked. "I never loved her. She made me get back with her for she threatened to hurt you if I didn't. I should of never of made a big deal at the skate rink. I was wrong and I'm sorry. I just got so mad when I saw my girl kissing another guy, especially Jake. Please forgive me," I said. She looked at me. She gave me a look saying she wanted to but she also didn't want to. "What if this happens again?" she asked. " If what happens again?" I asked her confused. "This whole mess. I don't want to get hurt again. You broke my heart twice. I thought I wanted to get back with you but I don't know now. You thought I was lying. Plus, every time we break up you just go right to Sam. Before I even consider saying yes you need to figure out who you love," she said starting to tear up. "I love you. Can't you see how unhappy I am with Sam. With you I feel so right," I just about yelled. "I thought I felt right with you too, but maybe I was wrong," Sydney said her voice cracking a little.
"Let's just get through the lines without the scrips now," she said. We went through the rest of the lines and skipped the second kiss. "Tomorrow we can go to the fabric store to get the supplies for the costumes," Sydney said plainly. She sat on her bed and I grabbed my stuff about to leave when I turned around. "Here, these always belonged to you," I said handing her the necklaces. "Even if we never get back together I want you to have them. When you wear them you'll know I always did and always will love you. I'm sorry for breaking your heart. You are the only girl I've really ever truly loved," I said quickly and ran downstairs. I said buy to Mrs. Jenkins and left. I almost got out of Sydney's driveway when I heard someone call my name. I turned around to feel someone's lips crashing against mine. It was Sydney. "I can't take it anymore. My heart kept telling me to be with you but I ignored it. I love you too Brent and I know you will never hurt me again," Sydney said. I looked at her as she smiled. She had the prettiest smile. I leaned in and we began to kiss again. About ten seconds later I heard a crash of thunder and it began to pour down rain. "I promise I will never hurt you. You are my girl," I said and we ran to her door for cover. I kissed her quickly and said bye. She said bye and walked inside her house. I ran to mine and ran into my room. We were finally back together and I couldn't help but smile.

****Author's note: Thanks everyone for 1.3k! I remember I was screaming when I got 4 reads. Sorry if there is errors but I wanted to update for you guys. Luv u all and comment with any ideas. Xoxo

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