chapter 27- last chapter

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I grabbed my clutch when I heard the door open. As I walked into the hall, I looked in a mirror to make sure all my makeup and hair was in place. I stood at the top of the stairs and looked down. Brent was standing there with a corsage in his hand. When he saw me he smiled. I walked down the stairs and he took my hand and gave me the flower to put around my wrist. "Let me get a picture before you leave," My mom said as she ran to the door with her camera. We took some pictures and headed out to Brent's own car. His mom got a new car and gave him the old one. He was so happy. As soon as we got in the car Brent gave me a kiss. I blushed and he started up the car. "You look just amazing," Brent said as he looked me up ad down. "You look good too," I replied and he flashed me a smile. When we got to the school we waited by the entrance for Nathan, Cameron, Jack, and Ash. I saw Megan walk in and she smiled at me. Sam walked in with some guy. She glared at me as she passed. I'm glad she finally got a clue and is leaving Brent alone. We found the guys and walked in. There was a band playing and a disco ball. Everyone was dancing and laughing. Brent took my hand and we walked over to the dance floor. We smiled and laughed and talked as he spun me around. I looked over at Cameron and Ash to see they were having a good time too. Jack and Nathan had found some girls to dance with and looked happy also. After an hour or so of dancing Brent excused himself to use the bathroom. Many girls waved to him as he walked by but I wasn't jealous or mad because he ignored them. I walked over to the food tables and got some punch when I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me close. I dropped the punch and looked up to see Jeff. I panicked and looked around for someone to see what was happening but no one seemed to notice. "Hey baby, you still haven't given me my birthday present," he said trying to feel up my backside. I pulled out of his grip but he quickly grabbed my arm again and started to drag me out the door. I screamed but no one heard me over the music. I continued to fight against Jeff but it was no use. I about gave up hope when someone came up behind Jeff and punched him in the face causing him to drop. I quickly got out of his grip to see Brent. This time instead of leaving Brent looked at Jeff when he got up and yelled at him. "If you ever mess with my girl again you'll be sorry." Jeff wasn't as tough as he made out to be because he left and didn't even try to fight back. "Thanks for saving me again," I said as I hugged Brent. We stood there for a moment and he looked down into my eyes. "I love you," he said. "I love you too," I replied and he crashed his lips onto mine. As we kissed I remembered the first time we met and the first time we kissed. Falling for Brent was the best thing that's ever happened to me.

****Author's note: That was my last chapter guys. I hopped you liked the story. Comment if you want a sequel. Thanks to everyone who read the story. Luv u all. Xoxo

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