chapter 6

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I watched Brent as he watched Megan giggle with the guy. The guy then got up and headed toward the restroom. "Will you excuse me for a minute," Brent asked me. I nodded and he walked over to Megan's table. I listened as he spoke. "Oh, hey Megan. How was shopping?'' Megan turned around startled to find Brent. "Br... Brent, what are you doing here?" she asked in a worried tone. "Well we were going to spend our one month anniversary here, but I see you would like to spend it with someone else. How long have you been seeing him?" Megan smirked. " Oh come on Brent we were friends for a while. The only reason I even wanted to date you was because your famous now. I've been secretly dating Luke for two and a half weeks now. He's even more famous than you." "Your such a jerk. After all the money I spent on you and good times we had together. Hope your happy with Luke because WE ARE DONE!!! I hope he can handle your big mouth that never stops running!" "I don't care. I was going to break up with you soon anyway."

At this time Luke came back. "Who's this?" he asked Megan. "Nobody important," she replied. I could tell Brent was about to explode. "Have fun dating this slut!" he screamed and came back to our table. I can't believe Brent just said that. Everyone in the restaurant was now watching waiting to see what would happen. Megan grabbed Luke's hand and they were out of here. "I'm sorry Brent," I said. "It's not your fault. I knew something was up when she left today. She's been leaving a lot lately." He looked down and a tear dropped. I guess it kind of sucks to be used by somebody for fame.

Our food came and we ate in silence. I didn't know what to say to Brent. He then looked at me and spoke. "I'm sorry for not talking. It's just that we've been friends for years and she was never like this. I guess people change." "Don't worry, she wasn't worth it," I said. "There is plenty of other girls out there that have a crush on you," I continued. He then looked into my eyes which always makes me melt. They were so big and brown and beautiful. "Thanks," he started,"I know I can count on you to be a good friend.

We went back to eating and ordered an ice cream sundae which we shared. He said he wanted to pay for my meal, but I refused. "It's way too much. I will pay for my meal," I said. "No, please let me. I would much rather spend my money on someone worth it than someone like Megan." I blushed a little and finally let him pay. We walked outside and waited on the bench by the door for Jack to come get us.

"So are you excited to start school here?" Brent asked me. "I'm actually quite scared and afraid I will get lost. My old high school only had one hundred and fifty people in ninth to twelfth grade," I answered. "Don't worry, I'll be there to help you." he smiled and started to lean in a little when Jack pulled up. Why do we always get interrupted?!? Anyway, we climbed into the car and sat in the same spot. Brent told Jack about Megan and how he broke up with her. By the time he was done telling the story we were home."Thanks for tonight," I said. "No, thank you," Brent said. I walked over to my house to find the door open right up as soon as I walked up. "You didn't kiss?" my mom asked. "Mom! It wasn't even a date!" I said laughing a little. I went upstairs and took a shower and went to bed. Brent was single now which met I had a slight chance of getting to go out with him. I fell asleep quickly and hoped to dream of Brent.


He grabbed my hand. He told me he had to show me something. We walked trying to find the place he was looking for. After a while of searching I spoke up. "You really didn't want to show me anything?" "Ya your right, but I wanted to find a good place to do this. As we stood on the sidewalk Brent pulled me close and was about to kiss me when RINGGGGGG!!!

My stupid alarm went off and I quickly hit snooze. My perfect dream was ruined. I got up and went downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning Honey," my mother said as I sat down at the table. She sat down a plate of pancakes in front of me and began to talk again. "Were you ok last night Sydney?" she asked. "Ya, why?" I asked back confused. "Well, you were mumbling things in your sleep loudly and you never do." "I was fine, just dreaming." I guess I was talking to Brent a lot in the dream. I put my plate and fork in the dishwasher when I was finished and went to my bathroom to get ready. I did my usual routine and walked over to my closet. I already called Jules to have her pick out my outfit. I was wearing a pair of high waisted shorts and a cropped short sleeve gray sweater. I was wearing a pair of ankle high black boots. My jewelry consisted of an arrow necklace and gold stud earrings. I put on a few bracelets and grabbed my backpack and headed out the door.

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