Chapter 2

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I ran my fingers through my long, red hair, and leaned back against the brick wall. I scanned the crowd, eagerly, looking for one person in particular. To any passerby, I probably looked like a teenage girl who was waiting for a friend or a significant other, or something of the sort. But it wasn't quite that, in fact, I'd never met the person I was waiting for, and he had no idea that I was waiting for him. Aha! There he was! It was about time.

Tall and good looking, Thomas Wilson was walking down the sidewalk quickly. If I was going to manage to talk to him today, I would have to hurry. He slowed down as he passed where I was standing, looking me up and down and smirked, and winked. He continued on his way, and I melted into the crowd of people flooding down the New York City sidewalks. I searched him for something, anything of value that I could use as a basis for a conversation. Bingo! There was a gold chain hanging out of his pocket, that more than likely lead to a pocket watch. 

The corners of my lips twitched up. This part was easy. I made my way up til I was right behind him, caught the flipping chain between my fingers, and in one fluid motion, pulled it up and out. He didn't feel a thing. I balled the chain up in my hand, and slipped it into the pocket of my jacket. I melted back into the crowd, waiting until he approached the front gate of the mansion where the Wilson family resided, and I came running out of the crowd. "Hey! Hey, you!" He turned, slightly affronted that I was speaking to him.

He raised an eyebrow as I approached, and in return, I dug my hand into my pocket, and his watch appeared in my hand. Both of his eyebrows raised at that point. "Where did you get that?" He asked, accusingly, his voice deep and his New York accent strong. "You dropped it, back by the church," I panted, acting as if I'd bee running a long way. "I saw it drop, and I've been trying to catch you ever since!" He still looked slightly incredulous, but he seemed to accept what I was saying. "Thanks," He replied. "My dad would have killed me if I lost it. It's a family heirloom, or something."

"That's really cool. It's really pretty though. Is that your family crest engraved on the top?" I asked, seemingly curious, though I truly didn't care. I was more interested in the assignment I'd been given, not to mention the fact that Thomas Wilson was an extremely attractive man. He looked pleased that I was curious. It was probably a boost to his overly-large ego, or something like that. "Uh, yeah, I think so. Um, if you want, you could come inside, and I could show you some of the other family stuff. If you're interested, I mean." He rambled, speaking abnormally quickly, obviously slightly nervous. 

I smiled, lowering my eyes, looking shy. "Sure," I said, softly, "I mean, I'd love to!" He typed a code into the box by the gate, which I immediately memorized . 13-18-665. This was going surprisingly well. I hadn't expected the boy to invite me into their house this quickly. Perhaps exchange phone numbers, but not to invite me in, Oh well, this was a good start! He led me inside, and I looked around, completely in awe. The foyer of the mansion was beautiful, marble pillars lept gracefully from the beautifully polished stone floor, and a spiraling staircase led to a second floor. 

Everything was spotless, and I felt slightly grubby as we entered. Though on the street, I would have looked like I was a part of the upper middle class, in this beautiful building, I felt as if I was absolute scum. "Let me just run and inform the cook that we'll be having a guest for dinner, and then we can head upstairs and I'll show you some of the historical stuff. Shit!" He cut off quickly, and then blushed. "I'm sorry, it's just, I just realized I never even asked your name!" I smiled and laughed. This kid was something else! "My name is Theadora," I told him, "But everyone calls me Thea!"

"I'm Thomas, Thomas Wilson," he replied, holding out his hand. I shook it, but I gasped, as if I had no idea who he was. "Senator Wilson's son?" I asked, looking curious. A dark look crossed his face. Something told me he wasn't terribly fond of his father. Good, that would make things considerably easier! "Yeah. We don't get along to well, but hey, I guess I really can't complain. I mean, look at this place. I literally have everything I could ever want." We made our way into the kitchen, and he told the cook, Linda, that I would be staying for dinner. She smiled, told me I was a pretty little thing, and then told us both to get the hell out of her kitchen. I laughed, and we slipped out.

I had no intention of telling him that I really didn't have the slightest interest in all of his family's historical artifacts, so he led me up the magnificent staircase, and through a door that led to a gigantic room. The room's walls were covered in paintings of deceased relatives, and underneath them were golden plaques, engraved with their names, the years in which they had lived, and the achievements that they had been awarded during their lives. In glass cases surrounding the walls, small artifacts were preserved. I walked around the room, looking at the beauty of the ancient pieces of art, jewelry, and expert craftsmanship.

Suddenly the door flew open, sending enough natural light from the room that both Thomas and I turned toward it. Thomas' face was etched with fear. Standing in the doorway was a tall and powerful looking man. "Thomas," a deep voice growled, "I believe I've made it quite clear that I don't like your guests being in such a valuable room. Get out!" He nearly screamed, and when he stepped aside, Thomas grabbed my hand and nearly dragged me out of the room, down the stairs, to another doorway. After he had pulled me through it, he quickly locked the door behind us, his face still showing sheer terror.

"Who the bloody hell was that?" I asked, my heart beating extremely fast, and slight fear creeping in from the look of terror on his face. He looked at me for a split second before he answered, with words that confirmed my fearful thoughts.

"That," he informed me, "Is my father."

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