Chapter 15

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It was nearly four o'clock in the morning before we finally passed out, spending the evening laughing, getting to know one another, and truly being sisters for the first time in our lives. It was a wonderful experience, but eventually, fatigue and alcohol took over, and we passed out, fast asleep on the floor of my living room.  We woke up late the next morning to a catchy jingle blasting out of my phone, laying on the table. I moved to reach it, and winced. Shit, that was a nasty headache. And so the hangover begins.

I reached for my phone, ignoring the throbbing in y temples. I gasped. It was Thomas! "Hello?" I said, quickly, putting the phone to my ear. "Can we meet up somewhere this evening? I want to talk about everything." I smiled. "Sure. Where do you want to meet? And what time?" He paused for a moment. "Meet me at Castro's at 6. It's on 5th Avenue, and it's pretty fancy, so dress up. I'll see you there." And without another word, he hung up, leaving me sitting there, phone to ear, smiling like a fool.

"Do I want to know?" asked Courtney, her eyebrow arched in question. "Boyfriend," I answered. "Well, ex-boyfriend. Sort of. We never technically broke up, but.. You know what, I don't even know." She nodded. "I feel you, girl. Boys are confusing. So, want help getting ready? I think I may be able to help." I felt my eyebrows furrow together. "What?" I asked, confused. What the hell was she talking about. Help? Why did I need help? She giggled. "I'm a cosmetologist by profession, Love! I'l do your hair, makeup, and nails for you. Let's get started!" A little unsure, I surrendered myself to my sisters hands, and subjected myself to her commands.

After I'd showered, changed into a new tank top and shorts, and sat down on a stool in the kitchen, she pulled out a pair of shears, and looked at me mischievously. "Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no! I'm sorry, but you're not cutting my hair! I haven't cut it in years!" She looked at me, and raised one eyebrow. "Who said I was gonna cut it? I'm just trimming your split ends, and maybe giving you a couple layers. They'll look good in your hair." I knew it was no good arguing with her, she was as stubborn as I was, and she would win in the end. 

I squeezed my eyes shut and winced as I felt the first lock of hair fall to the ground. My hair was nearly to my waste after years of letting it grow. I had a feeling it wasn't going to be even half that long when my sister was finished. But when she finally said, "Done!" and pulled into the bathroom to look at it, I was pleasantly surprised to see that she'd done exactly as she'd said. About two inches were missing, but it was even, and the minimal layers that she'd put in gave my hair a cute flare. "Alright," she said, "Let's find something for you to wear."

Without even asking, I knew that I was going to have no say in what I was wearing, so I let her go into my closet. She reappeared several minutes later, with a short, tight, strapless black dress. I nodded. Excellent choice. The girl certainly had taste. "We're going to have to spice this up, some, but I think I can handle it." She winked. I sat back as she applied my makeup, painted my nails and toes. I put on the dress as she instructed, and let her curl my hair, and twist the top half into a painful, up-do type thing, and finally, I showed her where all of my jewelry was, and  let her fawn over what accessories I would wear.

It was nearly 5 o'clock by the time I was ready to go, and I hurried out the door, knowing that my feet were going to be killing me by the time I got there. Oh, why had I let her talk me into wearing heels? I would have looked just as nice in flats! I could feel the blood rushing to my toes as I walked. I may have learned a lot of things in spy training, but being graceful when walking in five inch heels was not one of them!

After what seemed like an incredibly long walk, I finally reached the restaurant, my feet throbbing. Oh god, I couldn't wait to sit down. Thomas was standing in the foyer, waiting, and when he saw me, his jaw dropped. I smirked a little. I had to remember to tell Courtney. Mission accomplished! We sat down and the waiter brought us two flutes of champagne. As soon as he left, Thomas looked at me, and before I could say a word, he spoke. "Don't you dare apologize again. I don't want to hear it. I know you're sorry. I forgive you. I want us to be together, even though it will take a little while before my trust is completely back." 

I looked at him, quietly, gazing upon the face of the sweetest man I knew. "Thank you, Thomas. Thank you." The rest of the meal was quiet, delicious, and full of smiles and not so secretive glances at one another. Afterward, we made our way to Central Park. "Come on, let's take a walk," Thomas said, taking my hand. I smiled, I was just fine with that. But my smile didn't last long. Step, step, step, CRACK. The heel of my shoe snapped, and I fell to the ground, my ankle twisting beneath me. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Thomas asked, crouching beside me. I shook my head, the pain in my ankle a sharp throb. "My heel snapped, and I think my ankle might be sprained." He looked concerned. "I'm gonna help you stand up, then I'm gonna get you home, okay?" I nodded.

I put my arms around his neck, as he helped me move upward, avoiding my throbbing ankle. Then, with no warning at all, he swept me up into his arms, pulling me close as he began to stride toward the edge of the park. "Thomas-" I started to object, but he cut me off. "No. You're hurt, I'm carrying you home!" I took it as defeat, and relaxed in his arms, enjoying the feeling of being pressed up against him. It seemed to take only seconds for him to reach my apartment. "Key?" He asked. Embarrassed, I reached down into the top of my dress, where the key was tucked into my bra. I handed it to him, my face on fire. I was sure that it was bright red.

He unlocked the door with one hand, while supporting me entirely with the other arm. When we walked inside, I expected to find Courtney, either on the couch, or running out of my room the moment she heard the door. But she was no where to be found, and I was sure there was a note or something, somewhere. I wasn't concerned about it at the moment. Thomas carried me into my bedroom, laying me gently on the bed. "Are there any bandages that I can use to wrap your ankle?" I pointed out to the living room. "There's a box beside the couch that has that kind of stuff." He leaned down, and brushed his lips across mine. "Try to get changed while I look for them, okay?" I nodded, feeling dazed by the feeling of his lips on mine.

I limped across the room, tearing the dress of and throwing it in the corned, followed by my bra. I pulled a pair of black sofie shorts out of the nearest drawer, and pulled them on, trying to ignore the searing pain. I pulled on a pink cami, too, and limped to the bathroom, untwisted my hair, and brushed it, weaving it into my normal braid. Thomas came up behind me, bandages in hand. He swept me off my feet, in the most literal sense, and once again placed me gently on the bed. He tenderly wrapped my ankle, looking concerned when I winced. When he finished, he moved around the bed, leaning down to kiss me, before turning to leave.

"Thomas?"  I asked, starting to get sleepy. "What, Baby?" he answered, walking back toward me. "Stay?" I asked. He nodded, not saying another word, and crawled onto the bed next to me. He wrapped his arms around me, and I relaxed into the warmth and comfort of his body. Feeling safe and comfortable, I drifted off into the best sleep I'd ever had.

A/N: This chapter is a little longer than the others, I hope you guys like it! Please, pleease, pleeeease, vote and comment! Let me know what you guys think! I think I'm only going to do a few more chapters, but I'm going to doa sequal to it. Thoughts? Comment or messge me! Thanks for your support! Jenn♥

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