Chapter 8

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For hours after Thomas left, my heart and mind fought between once again mourning over the loss of my parents, and being giddy over the fact that I was beginning to fall for an incredibly amazing guy. I constantly went between crying, and being, for lack of a better word, twitterpated. Thumper the bunny had nothing on a teenage girl.  Thomas texted me when he arrived back at home, and though I hadn't realized that I had been worried, I felt a distinct relief to know that he was home safely.

I knew that starting tomorrow, I absolutely had to start getting into the mind of the Senator. The Director was NOT a patient man, and I didn't want to waste time. But would it be possible for me to use Thomas to get to his father and still love him? I would have to find a way. It registered to me at that moment exactly how much Thomas was starting to mean to me. Shit! That was never a part of the plan. Tomorrow I would go to the mansion. Tomorrow I would slip sleeping powder into his drink. Tomorrow I would slip into his father's office and find out what was such a big deal that the Director to be worried about it.

I finally broke down and took two sleeping pills, knowing that I desperately needed the sleep if I was going to go into super spy mode in the morning. My sleep was deep and dreamless, and I woke up early the next morning feeling refreshed and alert, and I shoved the thought of my parents out of my head. I popped up and headed to the kitchen, where I poured myself a mug of coffee and slipped two of the remaining muffins out of the basket in the fridge, and went to town, before I changed into shorts and a sports bra and made my way to jog in the gym. 

Two and a half miles later, I walked back upstairs to shower, and texted Thomas.

Is it okay if I come over for a while? :)

His reply was nearly instantaneous, and it put a smile on my face.

Hmm, let me think. A hot girl wants to come over? Sounds like a plan, Sweetheart!

I wiggled into a pair of tight black skinny jeans, and a sky blue tank top, and tied the laces of my black Chuck Taylor's. I practically skipped out of the apartment, nearly forgetting to lock the door behind me. I had to look like an infatuated teenage girl, because I got more knowing looks from women on the street than I'd ever gotten in my life. I called him when I got to the gate, not wanting to reveal that I had memorized the code, least they changed it. Before a minute had passed, the gate swung open on it own, and when I had stepped inside, it closed. Sweet!

Thomas was waiting by the door, where he kissed me on the forehead, and said, "Good morning, Sweetheart," before he led the way to his bedroom. In the pocket of my jeans, I could feel the small packet of powder that I would have to slip into his drink to knock him out. It put a slight damper on my mood, but it had to be done. It just did. There weren't any if's, and's, or but's about it. We curled up on the love seat, and started to play Minecraft, and after a while, I said I was thirsty, and was gonna run and ask Linda for something to drink.

Just as I'd hoped he would, he asked if I could get him something, too. I padded over to he kitchen, and asked Linda for two cups of whatever she had to drink, and a moment later, I walked out with two glasses of Coke. I paused briefly outside of his door, and dumped the little packet of powder into the one that was in my right hand. I slid back into the room, always the ultimate actress, and smiled as if I wasn't up to anything at all. He drank half of his in one gulp, and I sipped mine, ever so slightly nervous.

Five minutes later, Thomas was fast asleep on the love seat, and I was slipping silently out of his room. I'd left my shoes behind, as to mask the sound of my footsteps, and I darted quickly up the spiral staircase. I had no idea which room was the office, but I found that it was easy to find, since it had a name plate on it that said: Senator Jacob Wilson.  It would have been far too easy if the door had been unlocked, but a bobby pin later, I was standing inside, looking around. Yes, you can really pick a lock with a bobby pin. It's not just a legend. 

His desk was enormous, and on either side, there were large filing cabinets. I knew that Thomas would be asleep for a minimum of 2 hours, so I had a little bit of time. I began looking in the first one, thinking I was probably not going to find what I was looking for on the first try. That would be much too easy.  But I was wrong, and it was just that easy. Right there, in the first filing cabinet, in the A's, was a file, labeled, "The Agency". My agency? Holy shit.

I sat down in the Senator's (extremely comfortable) desk chair, and began to look at the file. It had lists of the agents. It had living lists, deceased lists, and even children of the agents. I saw three things that interested me. Number one, The Director actually had a name. It was Andrew Wilson. Number two, Andrew Wilson and Jacob Wilson were brothers. Number three, both of my parents had been Agents. Holy shit. 

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