Chapter 17

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Courtney looked crazed and I wasn't too certain about how safe it was to let her have a gun in her hand. She pointed toward my room again. "Come on, hurry up!" She said, her voice bordering on hysteria. "We need to leave!" I took a couple of steps toward the bedroom, just to calm her a bit, before turning to her. "Court, what's going on?"I asked, as she dropped into a kitchen chair, shaking. She set the gun down on the table. I bolted for it, un-cocking and unloading it before setting it back down. She looked at me with fear in her eyes.

"I got my concealed carry permit before I left Grams, and I always carry it. I'm glad I do, too. Because, when I was leaving the Kingsley's earlier, this big-ass guy tried to grab me. I think he was one of those agent dudes!" I tried to choke back a laugh, and covered my slight slip-up with a cough. Agent dudes? Big-ass guy? Where did she think she was, Mayberry? Ha! "Hun, there are two major problems with that. Number one, the agency is done. There's no way there was an "agent" after you." She didn't look too certain. "And number two, you're in New York City. This isn't small-town Ohio, or wherever the hell you grew up. He was probably trying to rob you!" I was slightly annoyed, though amused that she thought someone was after her. But she was livid over the fact that I wasn't taking her seriously.

"I grew up in OKLAHOMA," she spat, before grabbing her (unloaded) gun and storming out. She was angry for now, I thought, but she'd realize I was right. This was NEW  YORK. Shit happens. I rolled my eyes, and poured a cup of coffee out of the pot, and stuck it in the microwave. God, this sibling thing was harder than I thought. But my quiet environment was interrupted by a loud scream, that I had no doubt was that of my sister. I ran from the kitchen, stopping momentarily to grab MY gun from the box on top of the table. I bolted out the door. A tall, buff man was stuffing my sister's limp body into the trunk of a black car. What the fuck? How cliche. 

I pulled back the hammer and took aim. "Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked, loudly, pouring all the authority I could muster into  my voice. He turned, caught off guard that someone was talking to him, and I took my opportunity to jump in, swinging my leg into the back of his knee, causing him to drop. He tried to move, but my heel met his nose, and I felt a burst of satisfaction as I heard and felt his nose splinter. Blood gushed from it, but he didn't have the chance to do anything, as I took the tie of my robe and tied his hands, trying to hold my robe closed as I dragged him into my apartment. I tied him to the table, before dashing out to save my sister. I laid her gently on the table, before I turned to the man, anger boiling through my blood.

"Who are you?" I hissed, pulling him up by his collar. He shrunk back in fear, afraid of the power emanating from me. But he didn't answer my question. I pulled his collar tighter around his neck. "Who are you?" I slammed his shoulder down, twisting his arm backwards until he cried out in pain., unable to control himself. Once more, I looked down and said "Who are you?" Finally, he looked up. "My name is Cody Vega." The name was unfamiliar. "Why were you after my sister?" I questioned him. If he didn't want to answer, I could make him. He was silent for a moment.

"I said, WHY WERE YOU AFTER MY SISTER?" My voice came out like a growl, full of rage. He started to shake. "I don't know. I got my orders from the Agency, and I followed them. Simple as that." How stupid did this guy think I was? Everyone who worked for the Agency knew that the Director was dead, and that the Agency was done. And so I told him,after backhanding him. "I can't tell you anymore than the truth," he said, spitting blood on my carpet. I left him there, bleeding, and carried my sister to my bed. I slid into some clothes and hauled the bastard out of my apartment and into the backseat of his car. I drove it around the block into the worst neighborhood around.

Without a second thought, I put the gun to the back of his head and pulled the trigger. And this was why I didn't deserve a man like Thomas. Because I was despicable.

A/N: Sorry, guys, I know this chapter is really short! But It seemed like a good place to end. I'm only gonna do one more chapter in this, and I still need a name for the sequel! Anyone got something? Message me or comment it! And as always, pleaaase vote. It means the world to me. Thanks lovelies! Jenn♥

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