Chapter 3

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I raised my eyebrows, slightly concerned, but I kept my cool. "Not much of a family resemblance, huh?" He laughed, without a trace of anger. "Not much of one, is there?" He said. "I don't really get along with anyone in my family. All any of them care about is money, and I couldn't care less. I mean, look at my part of the house." He motioned around, and for the first time, I looked around at my surroundings. It was furnished simply. A few recliners and a love-seat couch sat in front of a TV stand with a big-screen tv, and several stacks of video games were off on one side, that was separated from the part we were sitting in by a curtain. On this side, there was just a box-spring and mattress, with a little wooden table next to it. There was a pile of dirty clothes off to the side, and the floor was covered in rag-rugs.

"Do you play?" He asked, motioning to the TV. I shrugged. "Not well, I never learned!" He looked astonished. It was if that was a thought that had never crossed his mind, and a look of determination passed over his face. "Come on, I'll teach you," he told me, pulling me over to the love-seat. He set everything up, began showing me controls, and helped me out until I began to understand the basics. Soon, we were playing, and before I knew it, we were sitting extremely close. Though I was using him to get to my target, I was beginning to feel a true attraction to this tall, kind, boy. That scared me. I scooted away from Thomas, needing my space so I could think things through.

We kept playing, it seemed like only minutes, but nearly two hours slipped by, before a knock came on the door. Linda bustled in a moment later, telling us that dinner was nearly ready, and would be served in fifteen minutes. She then whispered something into Thomas' ear, and he nodded in agreement. I noticed that he had never changed out of his fancy clothes. "Come on," he said, pleasantly. "Let's head over to my sister's room, for a minute." I followed him without question. This must have been what Linda had suggested.  He threw open the door of a walk-in closet, and my jaw dropped. It was filled with beautiful dresses of every color and style. 

"Try to find something that fits you," He told me. "And please hurry. I'll never hear the end of it from my father if we're late. I pulled out a pale gold halter-topped dress and looked at the size. A 4 should fit, I thought to myself, and turning away from him, I stripped, and slid it over my head. I grabbed a pair of black heels from the floor, and even though they were a bit small, I squeezed into them. I looked at the mirror in the closet, and was satisfied. My hair still hung in loose curls, and my neutral makeup accented my blue eyes against the shimmering material. If his sister had some hair ties, pins, and a comb, within five minutes, I could easily put my hair into an elegant up-do. Shit! I couldn't get the straps that went around my neck tied. 

"Er, Thomas?" I asked, a little nervously, "Could you help me? I can't get this tied." He walked over quickly, and expertly tied the straps. He must have been recruited to help his sister, quite often. I walked to the vanity, and saw a comb and some pins laying on top. "Is it okay if I use some of this?" I asked him. He nodded. "My sister rarely comes back. She won't notice." I quickly combed my hair back , and up. I twisted it around, and pinned it in place. I left one, small curl to hang by my face, and then I turned to face Thomas. I cocked my hip as his jaw dropped. "Well?"  I asked. He looked me up and down, looking pleased.

"Damn," He replied, "You clean up well!" I blushed, ever so slightly. I rarely got compliments on my looks alone. Perhaps on how my looks would help me in whatever assignment I was doing, but never just a pure compliment. It was nice, for a change. "We'd better hurry," I reminded him, and he returned to earth. He led the way, and held the door open to a magnificent dining room, in which Senator Wilson and his wife were already seated. Thomas came in just moments behind me, and pulled out the chair next to his mother. I sat down quietly, thankful for the kind smile that his mother gave me, making me feel ever so slightly more at home. 

Senator Wilson glanced at his watch, then glared up at Thomas. "You're two minues late, you worthless child," he said, coldly. Thomas said nothing, sitting quietly, and lowering his gaze. "I'm sorry, Sir," I spoke quietly, but firmly. "It was my fault that we were late, not Thomas'." The Senator glared at me for a moment, before his gaze softened, ever so slightly better. "I see. Well, regardless, he should have been more careful about getting you here on time. However, your willingness to take blame when it is due to you is admirable." I nodded my thanks.

Throughout dinner, I could feel the Senator's eyes on me, as if he were trying to look into my soul. I couldn't shake the feeling that he knew I wasn't just your average teenage girl. But I wasn't too worried, I knew I could convince him that I was someone who could be trusted. I was an actress, after all!

I Spyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें