Chapter 16

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Several weeks passed, each day the same routine. Wake up, look for a job. Go to the Kingsley's for dinner, go to the hospital, meet Thomas at home. Nothing changed with Taylor. No matter how often I went, he still remained asleep, and I prayed that he was still there, and would resurface sometime soon. I missed his smiling face and easy going nature. And I still needed to thank him for saving me. The longer Taylor was asleep though, the more Dawkins was deteriorating. His once toned body now looked flabby and week. His face looked shallow and jaundiced, his eyes hollow. And it seemed that he hadn't shaved since that day. Finally one day, I had enough.

"Timothy, go home.  You need to shave, and get a night of sleep that isn't in an armchair in a hospital room!" I told him. He looked taken aback, as though he couldn't believe that I had actually told him to leave. "But, but, but.. I can't leave him alone. What if he wakes up?" He stuttered, not sure how to react to my sudden outburst. "I will stay here. Timothy Dawkins if you don't go home right this minute and relax, I'm gonna have Uncle Kevin come and make you!" I felt childish threatening him with my uncle, but I didn't know what else to say. But it worked. He grabbed his cup of water off of the table.

"I'll be back first thing tomorrow morning," he said, looking like a toddler who'd been put in a time out. I managed to keep a straight face until he was down the hallway, but when he was gone, I cracked up. Could a grown man be any more stubborn? Oh, he was something else, alright. Why was he so hell bent on staying here with Taylor? A thought eased it's way into my mind, but I shook it away. It wasn't possible, was it? No. No, no, no, no, no. Nope. Not even possible. Huh uh. I couldn't get it out of the back of my mind, but I ignored it, and went to sit next to  Taylor, taking his hand in mine. "Please, wake up," I muttered. "Please." I sat there for a while, looking for any sign of life in his now-pale face. But there was nothing.

I texted Tomas to tell him that I wouldn't be home tonight, and called Aunt Ginny to let her know that I wouldn't be coming to dinner. She wished me the best, after hearing about the situation, and commended me on managing to get Dawkins out of there, even if it was just for an evening. I considered asking her about the thought that had occurred to me, but I thought better of it, and decided to just leave it as it was.

I walked back to the bedside and sighed. I found myself talking to him, hoping that maybe my words would get through to him, and he would wake up. At one point, I thought I saw his eyelids flutter, and my heart jumped, beating faster. But after several minutes of staring intently at his face, I realized that it had more than likely been my imagination. Close to midnight, I found myself getting extremely hungry, and headed toward the door, ready to make my way down to the 24-hour food court. I turned back toward him. "Now don't you go anywhere, you hear me?" I chuckled at my own joke, and turned and left the room. And even though I knew I was probably just crazy, I would have sworn that I heard him laugh.

A personal pizza, a bagel, a cookie, and a soda later, I walked back to the room, feeling full and satisfied. How in hell did I stay skinny? Running couldn't possibly burn the calories of all the shit I ate. I shrugged. Oh, well! I sat back down in the armchair, and yawned. No, I couldn't go sleep yet! Or could I? I had to stay awake.....

I woke up ton Dawkins shaking my arm. I yawned again, and looked at him. Wait, what? "Shit! What time is it?!" I asked him, astonished by his presence. He smirked a little bit, looking much better after a shave, a shower, and a good night of sleep. "It's 9 in the morning, Sweet Cheeks!" I jumped up. Oh, my neck. Yep, he was right. I'd definitely slept in that stupid arm chair. "Go home, Thea," he chucked. "Thanks for staying last night, but I can take it from here." I nodded, rubbing my sore neck, and headed for the door. But even though he thought I was gone, I wasn't I hovered by the edge of the door frame. I wanted to listen for a minute.

"Please wake up, Isaac," Dawkins was whispering. "I miss you. I miss my best friend. I miss hearing you say, 'I love you, too." He sighed, and I heard what sounded like a kiss. "I need you, Isaac. Please, wake up." I slipped quietly down the hall and out of the hospital, walking home, deep in thought. So, I was right. Timothy was in love with him. Interesting. Now, I had only to wonder, did Isaac feel the same? Dawkins had said something about him saying "I love you, too." I smiled. That would be the cutest thing ever!

I unlocked the door, and slipped inside, wanting nothing but a hot shower, and to cuddle up with Thomas. But he wasn't inside, and there was a note on the refrigerator, that said:


My parents called, and apparently, my oldest sister is having a baby, and we all have to go. I'll be back in a couple of days. Be careful around here, call me if you need me.


P.S. I didn't even know she was pregnant....

I laughed. Only in a truly dysfunctional family  could you not even know that your sister was pregnant. Either way, I understood. It was only right that he went with his family. Even though I would miss him, it would also be nice to have a couple of days to myself. I didn't know any girl who didn't need some alone time! I decided to draw a bath, and was just getting ready to drop my bathrobe, and lower myself into the steaming water, when there was a knock at the door. Tying my robe around me tightly, I pulled the door open just a crack. Courtney was standing there with a wild look on her face and a gun in her hand. She pushed me back, slammed the door, and locked it. 

"We need to go. Now!" She yelled, shoving me toward my room. I couldn't help but think that maybe she was a little crazy. "What the hell, Courtney!"

A/N: I need some help coming up with a catchy name for the next book.. Any suggestions? Comment them, or message them to me! And please, please, please, vote! It just takes a second. Love always, Jenn♥

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