Chapter 5

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I ended up just staying at the Kingsley's that night, taking over the firmiliar bedroom that I had used as a child. I woke up late the next morning, and moved slowly toward the pile of clothes on the floor. The dresser was full of my old clothes, but I figured I would just put back on what I'd already been wearing. I would just stop by my apartment. I yawned as I slipped into my outfit, made the bed, and then quietly slipped out of the room, closing the door behind me.  

Uncle Kevin was long gone, just like always, it was far past time for him to be working on whatever mission that he was assigned to at the moment. Aunt Ginny was also no where to be found, but there was a note on the kitchen counter.


I had to run out for groceries. I probably won't be back before you have to leave, so just lock the door behind you! I made banana nut muffins, I know they're your favorite. They're in the fridge, take what you don't eat with you.

Much love,

Aunt Ginny♥

I couldn't help but smile at that! Banana nut muffins?! I threw opened the fridge, and saw the basket of muffins. Yes! I grabbed the gallon of milk, as well, and poured myself a glass. What better breakfast than milk and banana nut muffins? I ate a second, before I made my way toward the front door. As requested, I locked the door from the inside, and quickly made my way around the two blocks between their house and my apartment. I slid the basket of muffins onto the counter as I entered, plugged my dead phone into the charger, and stripped off my clothes, ready for a hot shower.

I had talked to Thomas all the night before, and found myself upset when my phone battery had finally given out. Two things were horrible about this situation. Number one, I was becoming attached to someone that I could never tell the truth. Number two, I was getting attached far too quickly. It wasn't as if I'd been around the kid for six months. It hadn't even been six days. I stepped into the hot water. "Snap out of it, Thea!" I said to myself. Thomas had invited me to come over after dinner, but I decided not to go. Seperation, when possible, was going to be a better choice.

I toweled off my hair, leaving it to dr,y as I slipped into my favorite pair of shorts. Neon blue, with a darker blue trimming, they paired perfectly with a white tanktop, and made running fun. I walked down the hall to the elevator of the building, and made my way down to the gym, where I ran a solid five miles. God, I loved running. If only the weather would shape up so that I could run in the park. I wiped my forehead with a towel. I really hadn't though that through. Now I would have to shower again.

I plodded back into my apartment, and poured myself some chocolate milk fromt he jug in the fridge. I slipped on a pair of leggings, and a grey and pink sweater. I wanted to go to the lab. If I couldn't find anything about my parents' current wherabouts, I at least wanted to find out whatever I could about their past. I wanted to know what they had done, where they'd lived, and their family backgrounds. I wanted to know everything. 

I jogged most of the way to the lab, not wanting to put it off any longer. I slowed down at the sight of some other agents at the computers. Shit. I had wanted to be alone. Oh well, it wasn't the end of the world. I padded to the end of the final row, an settled down at "my" desk, and booted up the computer. I would look for stuff on my mom first.

Joanna Constance Carter. I pulled up her file, and couldn't believe it when I noticed that there was a picture file. I clicked on it hesitantly, nervous to see what she looked like. My jaw dropped as I gazed upon the only picture in the file. It was as if I was staring at a picture of myself. From the long, red hair, to the bright blue eyes, it was obvious to me where I got every aspect of my appearance. As of this year, she would be 43. She had been 19 when she married my father. She had been born in upstate New York. Funny, there was nothing about her occupation here. Weird! 

I looked into the family section of her file. Of course, my father was listed first, and I was second. Then my grandparents, who I'd never met, were listed. My mother's maiden name was Kingsley. I wondered briefly if she was related to Uncle Kevin, somehow. My eyes went wide as I looked at the screen displaying my mother's siblings. Uncle Kevin and my mother were fraternal twins. Oh. My. God.

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