Chapter 11

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Dawkins and Taylor, two of the Director's top hands, dragged me into the house, where they deposited me in a room just left of the door. The Director followed suit. Oh shit. This was NOT going to end well. I looked around for any sign of the Kingsley's, but there was nothing there. "What the hell is this?" I spat, anger welling up inside me. I'd been the Director's employee since I was 16 years old. I'd bent over backwards, finished every case, gotten him what he wanted, every single time. What basis did he have to treat me, or my family for that matter, like this?

He smiled at me, a grim, angry smile. "Oh, Miss Carter, you can't possibly have thought that I would let you go free after you found out about my connection with the Wilson family. Or that I took your surrogate family from you? I couldn't risk them tellinmg you anything more than you already knew." He paused. "It is a pity that you've already gotten inside my nephew's head. Shame to break an innocent heart. Oh well,"  he sighed, "He should be here any moment." My heart leapt. Thomas was coming! Then my heart skipped a beat and sunk. Oh god. No. Thomas was coming.

"You're a bastard," I hissed, wishing my hands were free so I could claw his eyes out. He laughed, and turned around, exiting the room. Dawkins and Taylor turned to me, glancing at me quickly, showing emotion for the first time. "Don't say anything, just listen," Taylor whispered. "We want him dead as much as you do. We have since the day he killed your parents." Though he continued to speak, my mind no longer heard him. The Director killed my parents? Oh my god. "--Got it?" Taylor was saying. I shook my head. "I'm sorry," I said, quietly, "I got distracted, could you--?" He nodded and repeated the plan, as Dawkins loosened the ropes that were around my hands.

"When he comes back, you're going to be on the couch. Make sure he doesn't see that your hands are loose. And make especially sure he doesn't see this." He handed me a long, curved knife, that I recognized as the one that had sat on the Director's desk. "We're going to be 'keeping watch' for his nephew." He put air quotations around 'keeping watch'. "While we're doing that, we're really going to be setting your aunt and uncle free. There are other agents on the way, as well, and Thomas Wilson has been detained, and won't be getting here. Kill the Director, Thea. Kill him. No one else has a better reason." I nodded, and the two men walked out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I thought back to my very first mission, almost three years ago. Taylor had been there with me, training me,  you could say. I'd noticed that he'd seemed protective of me, but at the time I'd just thought that it was because I wasn't trained, and he didn't want me to get hurt. Now, I was starting to think differently. But my thought process changed when I thought of Thomas. What did Taylor mean, that he was 'detained'? A cold sweat began to drip down my back. What if he was hurt? They wouldn't hurt him, would they? Thomas was completely innocent! Wasn't he? I didn't know who to trust, or what to think.

The door flew open, and the Director came in. I made a mental note to address him as Andrew as soon as possible. It would be wonderful to see his reaction. "My nephew will be any moment," He chuckled, "And I'll reveal you to him for the low-life liar you are." Now it was my turn to chuckle. I stood up, shook the ropes off my wrists, and shoved him up against the wall, the blade of his knife pushed up against his throat. "Oh, will you, Andrew?" I noticed his hand reaching toward a holster at his hip. I pressed the blade even closer into his neck, watching a little trickle of blood make its way down toward his collar. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," I hissed, reaching down, and slipping the gun out, and holding it.

Rage flew through me as I looked down at the man who, according to Taylor, had killed my parents. "Is it true?" I asked quietly. "Did you kill them?" Andrew Wilson stood silently, helplessly, beneath the blade of his own knife. "DID YOU KILL MY PARENTS?" I screamed, allowing the blade to sink even deeper into his flesh. Still, he said nothing. "I could slit your throat here and now," I hissed. "Did you kill them?" Finally, he looked up, meeting my eyes. But he still said nothing. Instead, he began to chuckle, and after a moment, he began to laugh, loudly, merrily. I prepared myself to drive the knife completely through his neck, to end his life, as he had my parents'. 

Taylor came sprinting through the door. "Thea, get the hell out of here! I'll take care of him!" He shoved me away from Wilson, and toward the door. "Go! Your uncle will explain everything when you get outside!" After a moment of hesitation, I obeyed, headed through the door. Uncle Kevin, Aunt Ginny, and Dawkins were standing by the cars, looking at the house worriedly. Dawkins looked at me with a look of fear on his face. "Where the hell is Taylor?!" He cried, putting his hand son my shoulders. A tear slipped out of my eye. "He stayed in there to kill Wilson. What the hell is going on?" I asked. 

Uncle Kevin looked at me, then back at the house. "The whole fucking house is a bomb. It's set to go off in less than a minute." Oh my god. Taylor, please hurry.

A/N I know it's kind of short, but I wanted to end it on a cliff hanger! Enjoy! Jenn♥

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