Chapter 7

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I woke up exhausted, and though I had slept away the majority of the morning, it felt as if I had hardly slept at all. My dreams of the night before haunted me, making it difficult to do anything, and I finally conceded to my desire to do absolutely nothing. After I poured myself a glass of chocolate milk, I curled up on the couch, and wrapped a blanket around me. I opened Netflix, and searched until I found The Breakfast Club, my favorite movie of all time. But, not even Bender, telling his principal to eat his shorts could cheer me up, and I watched the entire movie in a bitter silence.

Thomas texted me several times, asking if he could see me. Though I wanted to be alone, I decided to invite him to the apartment. All I had to do was say that I had just recently moved. Regardless of the fact that I'd been moved in for well over a year, there were still boxes everywhere. He knocked gently, and I let him in. He could tell something was wrong, and he hugged me tightly. "Did something happen?" He asked, quietly. I nodded. "I found out that my, um, aunt and, er, uncle, were murdered. They were a really big part of my life." He sighed and grimaced. He hugged me again, and we walked to the couch. I curled up to him, allowing myself to succumb to the comfort of his presence.

We watched episode after episode of The Big Bang Theory, neither of us saying a word. It seemed as if his presence was more comforting than if he had attempted to comfort me with words, and eventually, I reached out, and slipped my hand into his.  He laced his fingers through mine, and we sat there for a while longer. My stomach growled loudly, and we laughed, finally breaking the tension that had been so thick in the room. "What would you like for dinner?" I asked him, and he shook his head firmly. "Uh uh, nope. You aren't cooking anything. Get dressed, I'm gonna take you  on that date now!" He replied.

I didn't have the will power to argue, so I simply did as I was told. I slipped into my room, and slid into a tight, short, midnight blue dress. Silver heels, and a silver necklace, with small diamond earrings that had been a gift from the Kingsley's, and I twisted my hair up into a fancy knot at the nape of my neck, securing it with one of the hundreds of bobby-pins scattered across my bathroom counter. Thomas smiled as I walked out, and I knew that I looked good. I locked my apartment door, and he took my hand as we strolled down the city sidewalk. 

He finally stopped in front of a fancy restaurant called Piángi's Café. "Here?" I asked, incredulously. I'd never been inside, much less eaten there. It was much too far out of my price range. I could never afford it. "Yes, here," he replied, with a laugh. "You deserve something extra special." He opened the door, and we walked in. I was thankful for the support of his fingers laced through mine, as I felt  even more completely out of place than I had when I'd been inside the Wilson mansion. The man who stood behind the podeum nodded as we entered, and though I heard him telling other people their wait times, he led Thomas and I directly to a table. I suppose being the Senator's son did have it's benefits. 

The restaurant's food was delectible, and though neither Thomas nor myself were of age, the champagne was endless, and I found myself drinking flute after flute of the bubbly, warming liquid. When we'd finished, I was slightly tipsy, though far from being drunk. Thomas paid the man in the front, and we strolled once again down the sidewalks, toward my apartment. Thomas kept a strong grip on my hand, keeping me from stumbling, as it seemed that the majority of my coordination had disappeared with the champagne. 

He was understanding, however, as it was obvious that I was much happier than I had been when he'd arrived earlier in the day. He halted on my doorstep, apparently not coming in. "Thank you for dinner," I said. He smiled, and said, "You're welcome," as he inched closer and closer, closing the gap between us. I knew what was coming before it even happened, and I was ready. His lips landed on mine, and the rest of the world, all the pain, the mourning, the stress, all faded away, and it was just him and I, locked in each other's embrace.

«Hey, guys, I'd really like some feedback on this one. It's kinda my life right now, so I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about it. Comment, vote, or message me, please! Thanks bunches! Oh, and sorry that this chapter was so short! It just seemed like a good end to a chapter, there wasn't much more to end. I'll make it up by making the next chapter a little longer! Jenn♥»

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