Chapter 13

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I woke up late the next morning to the smell of muffins. Muffins? Why the hell were there muffins in my apartment? I rolled over on the couch, to see Aunt Ginny in the kitchen, bustling around, and Uncle Kevin sitting at the table with a cup of coffee, reading the New York Times. I yawned. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked, groggily. Aunt Ginny put a muffin, and a cup of milk on a stand-up tray, and brought it in to me. "We decided to come check on you last night. Everything that had happened has seemed to affect you badly." I sighed, "It wasn't just all of that."

Uncle Kevin set down his paper, and took a swig of his coffee. "Did something else happen last night, Honey Bear?" I couldn't help but perk up a little at the childhood nickname. "I told Thomas everything last night," I admitted. "And when he left, he seemed really, really upset. Or maybe angry. I'm not sure which. I'm not sure if HE knew which." I sighed. "I never planned on actually caring for him. It just, I don't know, happened. All at once. And now, I don't know what to do."

Aunt Ginny sat down beside me on the couch. "Think about it from his perspective for a minute, honey. Last night, you told him that everything that's happened over the last couple of weeks was a lie. No one can just bounce back from that. If he's really as amazing as you've told me, and if he really does care about you, he'll come back. Just give him time to sort out all of his thoughts, and his feelings. Give him time to figure out what to do. And no matter what, let HIM come to YOU. Going to him will just upset him more." Uncle Kevin nodded.

"Your aunt is right. She's nearly always right when it comes to relationships, and this is no exception. Give the boy time. I'm not saying what you did was right,, and I'm not saying it was wrong. You did what you had to, and if the boy really cares, he'll understand that, and he'll give you a chance to really be you around him." I didn't answer for a moment. What they said made perfect sense. I knew they were right, but it didn't make the pain ease any. In fact, knowing that I would just have to wait this out, made it a little worse, if that was at all possible. I sighed again.

Aunt Ginny pulled me close and gave me a hug. "I know it's hard, Baby Girl, but it will get better. You know that Uncle Kevin and I are just a phone call or a visit away, if you need us." I nodded. "I know. Thank  you guys for always being here, no matter what. I love you guys." Aunt Ginny hugged me again. "And we love you, Sweetie." Uncle Kevin folded his paper, and put his cup in the sink. "Stop by the house when you have a chance, I have something I want to give you." I nodded, as another thought crossed my mind.

"The ring. From Tiffany's. Did you guys really buy it? Or was that Wilson?" They both smiled. "He may have forced us to write the address, but the ring was genuinely from us to you. We knew you would love it." Aunt Ginny told me.  A tear slipped from my eye. "Thank you." I whispered, as they headed for the door. After they left, I ate my muffin, savoring the homemade taste. I wondered I'd done in a past life to deserve people like them in my current one. They sure were special.

Eventually, I hauled myself off the couch, set my cup in the sink, and plodded into the bathroom. I turned the shower on, letting the water run for a moment so it would heat up. I washed the streaked makeup off my face, and brushed the knots out of my hair. I stood under the hot water for a while, washed my hair, and toweled myself off. My favorite, fawn-colored leggings were laying folded on top of the dresser, and I pulled them on, and pulled a teal, flowy-cut top, with bronze beading around the neckline.  I blew my hair dry, and braided it over my  shoulder, clipping my bangs back with a teal flower from Claire's. 

I slipped on a pair of metallic, bronze flats, and slipped out of the apartment, headed toward the Kingsley's. I took my time, walking slowly, and stopping when I felt like it. My phone felt like a stone in my pocket, still and cold. I prayed, hoped, and wished for it to vibrate, to ring. Anything that said that Thomas wanted to talk to me, but when I reached the Kingsley's, my phone had still not gone off. I sighed, and tried the knob, which as I had assumed, was unlocked. "Uncle Kevin? Aunt Ginny?"  Aunt Ginny's voice rang out from the den. "In here, Baby Girl!" 

I walked that way, kicking my shoes off by the entrance, and plopped down in the recliner across from the couch. "Hungry?" Aunt Ginny asked. I shook my head. I didn't want to eat, anyway. Uncle Kevin was looking at an old photo album, and for a moment, we all sat in silence. "The only pictures I have of your parents, and you three as a family are in this album." He handed it to me, and they sat quietly, holding hands as I looked through the album. I took my time as I looked through them, memorizing the details of each. The last picture was different though. There was another girl in the picture, about five years old. She had the same crazy red hair as me, and her blue eyes were as shocking as mine. 

I looked over at my aunt and uncle. "Who is this other girl? In the picture with my parents and I." Uncle Kevin and Aunt Ginny looked at one another, exchanging glances that looked nervous, to say the least. "Well," Uncle Kevin said, clearing his throat, "Um, I guess there's one more thing that your aunt and I need to tell you, Honey Bear." Aunt Ginny looked on the verge of tears. My uncle continued. "Thea, Honey. You had, well, er, HAVE, a sister."

I dropped the photo album. "A sister? I have a sister, and you never told me?!" I couldn't believe it. And then the situation got even more unbelievable. It was if I was looking into a mirror of what I would look like in 5 years, as a tall woman with bright blue eyes and long red hair strode into the room. She glanced over at me, and smiled awkwardly as I stared at her incredulously. "Oh god... Is now not a good time?" I dropped my head and stared at the ceiling. Holy fucking shit.

A/N: Vote, pleaseeee! (: It'll give me some positive feedback on how you like the story, and it just takes a second! Please, please, please, and thank you! Jenn

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