Chapter 14

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"Thea, this is your older sister, Courtney." Uncle Kevin spoke softly. "Your grandparent's took her and raised her after your parents were killed. You know we couldn't have told you." I nodded. I did know, and I understood. I knew what it felt like to be under Andrew Wilson's control. The bastard. She sat down on the arm of the recliner, and leaned back. "If it makes you feel any better, I didn't know any sooner than yesterday. I mean, I was only five. I didn't have many memories of my childhood, and growing up with Gram and Papaw, I didn't really think about it much. And I never remembered that I had a little sister." She shrugged as if that made up for everything.

"I understand. Well. We have 17 years to make up for. Do you wanna stay at my place tonight?" I asked, mostly because I knew that it was what the Kingsley's wanted to hear. She nodded enthusiastically, a huge grin on her face. Oh, god. What was I getting myself into? Didn't I have enough on my plate, with thinking about Thomas, and worrying about Taylor? Taylor. Oh my god. "Shit!" I said, much louder than I had intended. "Thea, language!" Aunt Ginny scolded. I gave her a pointed look, and stood up, headed for the door. "I forgot to go to the hospital to check on Taylor!" I cried, running out before anyone could say another word.

I debated taking a taxi, but the events of the previous day still had me on edge, and I decided just to walk. It was only a few blocks over, anyway. I hurried through the crowded streets, silently cussing at myself for forgetting. How could I have forgotten to visit Tayor? Especially after he saved my life! I wove my way through the city, and as I turned the corner of the hospital building, I ran smack-dab into a tall, warm figure. Who else should it be but Thomas? Wonderful. "Thea, are you okay?" he asked, as I composed myself. It was bad enough not having him talk to me, but now of all time, I had to run into him? I nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay, are you?" He nodded. "Well, um, I guess I'll talk to you later, or whatever," he said, and I hurried into the hospital.

I was nearly to Taylor's room, when I realized that Thomas had been coming out of the hospital. What had he been doing here? How strange. But I shook the thought out of my head, as I knocked gently on Taylor's door, and slipped inside. Dawkins was still there, sitting there next to the bed, looking distraught and tired. "Have you slept at all?" I asked him, sitting down in the chair next to his. He shook his head. "Someone needs to be here with him all the time. So I've stayed." That made sense to me, but I didn't like how it sounded. It seemed like he hadn't left the room at all.

"Go downstairs, and get something to eat. Go to the bathroom. Get some water. Take a break for a little while. I'll stay here with him, until you back,"  I said, meaning it. He looked like he wanted to argue with me, but obviously thought better of it, and went to do as I'd told him. I moved over into his seat and took Taylor's hand in my own. "Please, please wake up," I whispered, quietly begging him. "Please." I sat in silence after that, just hoping that his eyes would open, or that he would say something, anything so that I would know that he would be okay.

But when Dawkins came back, nearly a half an hour later, with some food, and a cup of coffee, there had still been no sign of life. I told Dawkins good bye, and that I would be back the next day, and beagn the walk back to my apartment. I needed to clean up before Courtney got there. I unlocked the door and stepped inside. Oh god. When did I let this place get so filthy? There were clothes scattered everywhere, my room looked as if a tornado had ripped through it, and I was fairly certain that before Aunt Ginny had come, there'd been a stack of dirty dishes in the sink. I quickly began picking up clothes, and anything else that was on the floor, and did the same with my bedroom.

I shoved armfuls of dirty clothes into the empty hamper in my closet. Note to self: do laundry! I kicked the hamper into the closet and slammed the door. I pushed the mattress straight on the bed frame, and made the bed, tucking the blankets underneath the mattress. I straightened up my desk, and the living room table, and swept quickly.  Finally, I slipped out of my leggings and dressy shirt, replacing them with a comfortable white tank top, and purple shorts. As a last thought, I called the Kingsley's house. 

"Hello?" Aunt Ginny's pleasant British accent greeted my ears. "Hey, Auntie, do you know when Courtney is coming over? And does she know how to get here?"I asked, realizing that I'd never told her where I lived. "I told her how to get there, Darling, and she left about twenty minutes ago, so she should be there shortly!" I thanked her, and wished her a good evening before plopping down in the recliner to relax for a few minutes. I clicked on the TV, and watched a re-run of The Big Bang Theory  as I waited.  I was in the process of laughing at Sheldon's antics as the doorbell. "Here we go," I said to myself, and I crossed the room, and opened the door for my sister.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, hugging me as she walked in. I tensed. Biologically sisters or not, this was a perfect stranger that was hugging me. I forced myself to hug her back. "Since I'm of age, I brought the stuff for us to have some fun!" She giggled, pulling out a bottle of tequila and some margarita mix. So maybe this chick had some perks, after all. It was going to be a good night, if there was alcohol to be had! "You can put your bag in my bedroom, if you want," I said, trying not to be extremely formal. She's your sister, she's your sister, she's your sister. Those three words had become my mantra in my head.

She dropped her stuff, and we went back to the kitchen, to mix up a pitcher, and I pulled out two glasses. We headed back into the living room with our drinks, sat on opposite ends of the couch, and stared at the TV. "So, I know that it'll be a little weird, but I was hoping that we could try to get to know each other, to make up for all the lost time," she suggested. Right on cue, Sheldon looked at Leonard, and said "It's on, Bitch!" I chuckled, pointed at the TV, and said, "Yeah, what he said!" We looked at each other, and laughed.

A/N: I'm not really sure where I'm going with this right now, but do you guys like it??? Thoughts on where it should go? Message me, or comment. Also, please please please, keep voting! it just takes a second, and means the world to me! Jenn♥

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