Chapter 12

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Each second seemed to drag on for hours, as I clung to my uncle, hoping to god that Taylor would walk out of the building unscathed. A beeping sound began emanating from the house, and Uncle Kevin screamed, "Get behind the cars!" We all dived for cover, and right as we all hit the ground, there was an explosion, a wave of heat, and a shower of debris.  Only one thought went through my  head as the debris began to settle. A blood curdling scream pierced the air, and it took me a moment to realize that it was mine. "Taylor!" I screamed, and I began to run toward the house, Dawkins on my heels. Taylor had been his partner, and Taylor had saved my life. 

We ran into the piled of wood and brick, with no thought of cuts and bruises, and began digging down, looking for the body of our colleague. Soon enough, a strangled cry came from Dawkins, as he began lifting Taylor's body. I felt tears pouring down my cheeks as I saw the limp body of the man who had saved my life. I helped Dawkins carry him our of the debris, toward the one car that had not been irreparably damaged by the explosion. We laid him gently on the ground, and Dawkins pressed his ear to Taylor's chest.

Aunt Ginny made her way toward us, and whispered, "Oh, Timothy. I'm so sorry." Tears were falling down my face, and down Dawkins', but suddenly he looked up. "Call an ambulance, he has a heartbeat!" My heart leapt for joy with the realization that it was possible for him to live. But Uncle Kevin stepped in. "You know we have to take him to THE hospital. They ask no questions, only take care of Agency members." Dawkins nodded, and we laid Taylor's limp, though living body across our bodies in the back seat. His skin was blackened, his hair singed, and cuts and scrapes covered his skin. I shuddered. If he hadn't told me to get out, that would be me,

No questions were asked when we finally reached the hospital. It seemed that this particular hospital had been helping the Agency for years, and within moments, there was a doctor at Taylor's side, rushing him into a private room.  Aunt Ginny turned to me. "Go home, Sweetie, get some rest. We'll let you know as soon as we know anything." I nodded, and left the hospital, walking toward my apartment. I texted Thomas. 

Meet me at my apartment? I need to talk to you about something

His reply was instantaneous. 

Sure, hon. I'll be there in a half hour.

I didn't know how this was going to work, but I had to tell him the truth. I had to, or this relationship would be entirely a lie. I unlocked my door and walked in, letting it slam close behind me. I stripped off my outfit and my underclothes, kicked my shoes into the corner, and limped into the bathroom to shower. I was covered in a layer of dirt, grime, and blood. Taylor's blood. The entire situation seemed extremely surreal. After I scrubbed as much dirt off my body as possible, I wrapped my hair in a towel, and slipped on my favorite pair of black leggings, and a pink tank top. I shook my hair out, and braided it down my back, and sat down on the couch, waiting for Thomas.

My body felt sluggish and heavy, and it was a struggle to keep my eyes open, but I managed to pull through, until Thomas knocked gently on the door, and I let him in. He looked shocked when he saw me. "Are you okay?" he asked. I shook my head. "No offense, hun, but you look like hell." I nodded. "I know I do. And when I'm finished with everything I'm about to tell you, you'll understand why. We sat down on the couch. "Alright, let's get started, he replied.

 I took a deep breath. "I'm not even going to ask you to promise not to get mad when I'm done, because you have every right to be mad about this. Every right." I sighed, and he waited quietly for me to continue. "Almost everything you know about me is a lie. You know my name and my age, and where I live, but that's it. I'm not who you think I am. I'm not just some normal teenage girl. I'm a liar and a thief, a spy by profession. I was taught that you do whatever it takes to finish a job. And for the job I was assigned, you were the easiest way in." A pained look crossed his face. "Until yesterday, I didn't know that the man who employed me, who ran the Agency that I worked for, was your uncle. He hired me to find out what your father knew, and he knew too much."

Thomas sat quietly, letting me say my piece. "I didn't realize at first that I really would fall in love with you. Before I'd found out anything about what the Director, er, your uncle, had done, I'd made my decision that this would be my last assignment." I realized for the first time that it was true. "I know you probably don't believe me. Everything I've told you has been a lie, why should you. And I know it doesn't make up for anything, but everything I've ever known has been a lie. Your uncle murdered my parents, gave me to my aunt and uncle, and had them raise me. I never knew why my parents left me, or that the Kingsley's were my real aunt and uncle. I never knew my parents were dead, until another agent told me, just today."

His look went from mixed anger to pity, and it tore at my heart. "Don't pity me, Thomas, I don't deserve it. Anyway, I know it doesn't mean much now, but I'm sorry. I do care about you, that's the one thing that I haven't lied about." I paused one last time, trying to read his expression. "That's all I can say."

He looked me up and down, and just stared at me for a moment, his expression ranging everwhere from pure anger, to hate, to love, to confusion, and pity. Neither of us said a word, we just sat in silence. It seemed as if we were both waiting for the other to say something. Finally, he broke the silence. "I need to go clear my head. I don't know what to think of all this. I can't promise that I'll be in touch." He stood up, and in three steps, crossed my apartment, and opened the door. "Good bye, Thea." The door slammed behind him, and a tear crept down my face.

I'd known that his reaction wasn'y going to be pretty. I knew that he was going to be angry, hurt, heartbroken, and whatever else he was feeling. But nothing had, and nothing could have, prepared me for the pain of him walking out that door. For the pain of him saying "Good bye." I put my head in my hands, and cried.

A/N: I really appreciate all the reads that this has been getting, but if you guys like it, please, please, PLEEEAASE, take a second to vote for it. It literally takes like two seconds, and it would make me super happy. And if you want, take a second to comment or message me to tell me what you think of it, or give me any suggestions. I want you guys to be happy with it!  Jenn

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