Author's Note (Emtremely Important)

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This morning I was googling my username (because sometimes the weird unrelated things that pop up are funny) and I came across something that angered me so much. Right at the bottom of the first search page was a link to a Vietnamese website that had copied the entirety of both Echos and How (Not) to Fall in Love. They didn't translate it to any other language and didn't even bother removing the notice saying that the work was mine and that no one else could plagiarize it when they directly violated that notice. I would also like to point out that at the bottom of the page, it link to multiple "related stories" that I have seen around Wattpad as well.

At the bottom of the page it says that the "Copyright of the author is clearly stated in the description". However they also list that the website is protected by the DMCA which says (on the website's specific protection certificate) that it is protected because everything is original or "published under permission including but not limited to text, design, code, images, photographs, and videos" and later says "Reproduction or re-publication of this content is prohibited without permission".

I did not give permission for my story to be republished (or translated, which they didn't even do) and I feel that the authors to many of the other stories on this website also didn't give permission for their story to be republished either. I also feel that is extremely unfair that their content (that they did not get with permission) is protected while my (and other's) original content is not.

If anyone has any idea of how to get my books taken down from this website please contact me or anyone else if you see their stories there as well.


Both tabdancer1 and I reached out to Wattpad about this issue and have been informed that the website that we have been speaking of is a mirror website. That means that someone is looking through another thing into Wattpad. They are currently working on taking these types of websites down, but it is a long and tricky process, as they are usually from countries that are less caring of the copyright law.

The Wattpad team also advises that if you have clicked on the website that I have been speaking of or any other websites like it, that you do a threat/safety scan on any device that you may have been to the website. This is due to the fact that the website may have made your devices vulnerable to a malware attack.

They also advised that you put the following message in the description of any of the stories that may have been copied onto a website such as this: "If you are reading this on any platform other than Wattpad [or any other platform that you may have your stories posted on] you are very likely to be at risk of a malware attack. If you wish to read this story in its original, safe, form, please go to [insert Wattpad link here]. Thank you."

How (Not) to Fall in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now