Chapter 3: pregnant

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After breakfast Poppy and Branch arrived at the doctor's office, signed in at the counter and waited for the doctor to see them. "Queen Poppy and King Branch?" They heard Doctor Plum Plimsy say and they followed her to a room. "So what seems to be the problem You're majesty?" She asked. "This morning I woke up feeling sick and threw up, after that we ate breakfast and I scarfed down like a wild animal." (I don't know how to write pregnant women please forgive me.) "hmm interesting. Do you mind me taking a few tests your majesty?" Doctor Plum asked. " no not at all." Poppy said with a smile. "Great." Doctor Plum said with a smile. She handed Poppy a patient's gown which of course Branch had to wait in the waiting room until the tests are done. "Now Queen Poppy we're only going to do one test. Here I want you to take this pregnancy test to the bathroom and if it says positive I want you to come back to this room okay?" Doctor Plum said. "Yes ma'am." Poppy said and went to the bathroom. She took the little pregnancy test out of the box and peed (omg I'm blushing so hard right now.) on it. She waited until it said positive or negative and when it stopped beeping she was surprised when it said positive and went back to the doctor's room and showed it to Doctor Plum. "Well congratulations you're majesty you're going to be a mother we'll have the the gender result once you're stomach starts swelling." Said Doctor Plum with excitement. "Oh my gosh thank you so much Doctor Plum." Said Poppy with excitement that she was going to be a mommy and got dressed back in to her dress. "Your welcome dear." Doctor Plum said. As soon as Poppy came back to the waiting room she saw Branch and ran to him to tell him the big news. "Branch oh my gosh you're not going to believe it!" Poppy said with excitement. "What is it Poppy? Are you sick? Are you injured?!" Branch said with worry. "No and no. Branch....I'm pregnant." Poppy said. Branch stared at her in shock until he had a big grin on his face. "Yes!!! Woohoo I'm going to be a dad!!!" He said with happiness and pulled Poppy in to a hug. "Thank you Poppy, i love you so much." Branch said. "I love you too Branch." Poppy said returning the hug and they both pulled away. "Now come on we gotta go tell my father and our friends." She said. Branch nodded in agreement and they ran off to tell everyone about Poppy's pregnancy. And that wraps up this chapter for today. Let me know what y'all think and another thing, the song up above belongs to JT Machinima. Bye everyone.

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