Chapter 16: Telling the plan

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The group of trolls sneaked through the back of the back of the pizzeria so The Master as Gristle and Bridget called him couldn't see them. They got to the room their Bergen friends were in. Oak quietly knocked on the door to avoid them from being caught. The door opened to reveal Bridget and she ushered them to come inside. When they were all inside they saw Gristle with a little boy Bergen with green skin and pink hair wearing a blue shirt with denim pants and a little girl Bergen with purple skin and green hair wearing a yellow dress. "Thank you all for coming, these are our kids Adam and Bonnie." She said pointing to the Bergen kids. "Hi." Adam said. "Hello." Bonnie said. "Hello you two." Poppy said with a smile. "Hello." The group of trolls said all together. "Anyway we have a plan. You see these replicas of us?" Branch said. "Yeah." Gristle said. "Well you two bring them to your master and when he 'kills us' we'll play this tape recorder of the kids fake crying and we'll all sneak out and burn the place down with the master in it. What do you think?" Branch said. "What do we think?" Bridget and Gristle said in unison. "Yeah?" Branch said hesitantly if the Bergens didn't like the plan and decided to have the Trolls as their dinner. "We say let's put the plan into action." Bridget and Gristle said together with smiles on their faces. "Yes!" All the trolls said excitedly. Okay guys I'm going to stop right there for today and I got to say something, this is the last story of this series but it's not going to be my last Trolls story because I love the fandom too much to not make anymore stories about it. Anyway bye everyone.

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