one dance

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+omg compared to other pd101 fanfics, mine has one of the most comments despite the few chapters 😫👌🏻

+yall cheer me up the most with your hilarious comments seriously 😂

+i snorted so loud at macdonalds reading some comments my friends thought the fries went up my nose

+ y'all are the best seriously ❤️ i was wondering what should i call y'all. 'shookt-dles'? because daniel's shoulders got home shookt real bad

+ suggest in the comments !!


[this chapter is over a period of time in case y'all can't understand my horrible descriptive writing!]

3rd Person POV:

Slipping her sneakers on, Dayeon made a satisfied sigh as she got up, making her way downstairs to the bus stop.

She found herself looking forward to go to school more for the past few weeks ever since she met Daniel quite some time back. Now, they're so close, her feelings have gotten even more mixed up then they have ever been.

In a blink of an eye, a whole month has already passed by. So much has happened.

Her daily reminder of meeting Daniel at the bus stop to get to school together always served as push force to get out of bed he moment she wakes up just to spend slightly more time with him.

The elevator 'ding'-ed

as she got to the ground floor.

Tightening her grip on her bag's strap, she skipped towards the front gate of the apartment where the security guard was, "Morning, ahjussi!"

"Good morning, Dayeon," the old man smiled at her as he looked up from his newspaper, "I think your Friend is here," he used his chin to point up somewhere in front.

"Oh, really? Who?" She raised her brows, "I'll go look then. Bye, ahjussi!"

Her lips curled into a smile as she caught sight of a familiar backpack in the distance.

Slowly skipping behind the figure, she jumps and swings her arm over his shoulder, "DANIEL YA," she exclaims into his ear.

"Holy sh— oh god, you scared me right there," he laughed as he pulled her arm over his head, off his (60cm-got-me-still-shookt) shoulders.

"Mornin'," she greeted with her usual sunny smile despite it being a Monday morning, "Why are you waiting here today? Don't we usually meet at the bus stop?" She asked, walking down the stone pavement with him, side by side.

"I felt like walking longer with you today. Wae? Don't feel comfortable?" He raised his eyebrows as he switched his gaze onto her, his eye smile already on his face so early in the morning.

"Ani," she blushed and look away, "It was just a pleasant surprise."

"That's good," he chuckled, secretly catching a glance of her pink tinted cheeks, "Let's go now."

He pushes her lightly from behind, a habit he already picked up when he wants her to walk ahead of him and he will be there in case something happens.

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