bonus chapter: one last dance

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i honestly can't bare to leave this book because it's the most successful book ive written despite the many writers block i experienced throughout. and also, y'all are the best readers ive met with all those comments, really.

here's a last chapter and final goodbye from me, I'll miss you guys!

let's meet again in my new daniel fanfic, 'Play Cupid'! check it out on my profile!

i love you guys, thank you once again!

i love you guys, thank you once again!

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3rd Person POV:

Daniel panted heavily as he plopped to the ground, exhausted from the vigorous dance routine he managed to choreograph in an hour.

"Ah-sah!" He fist pumped his fist in the air as he caught the time on the clock by the right wall of the practice room, calling it a day. 

Wiping the beads of swear with the sleeve of his shirt, he gathered his things and grabbed his gym bag, pulling out a fresh white shirt to change into since the one he was wearing was absolutely soaked.

"Damn Daniel Kang-ssi, aren't you a hot one?" A voice teased from the back as Daniel took his shirt off.

Already knowing who it was without looking, he laughed and rolled his eyes, "What do you need this time, hyung," looking over his shoulders to Jisung.

"Not me," the latter smirked, "Your fiancée," he threw Daniel's phone to him.

"My fiancée," Daniel laughed giddily and dreamily to himself, it has been three months and he's still not used to the word.

Jisung took one last look at the love struck Daniel before walking back to another practice room with a teasing and amused look plastered on his face.

"Daniel?" the voice on the other end of the call answered.

A loving smile immediately spread across his face, "Hmm? Why are you calling at this hour? Shouldn't you already be at home preparing for tomorrow?"

"I am," Dayeon laughs, "But I'm sure you aren't. You're still at the MMO building, aren't you?"

He laughed nervously, "Yeah... but I'm already packing up. I'm going home soon. Sleep early tonight, alright?"

"Already preparing to. Don't be late at the chapel tomorrow, okay?" Dayeon joked, knowing Daniel's habit of sleeping in on a Saturday morning.

"I won't, don't worry."

"That's good," Dayeon chuckled lightly.

"Oh and one more thing, Dayeon."


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