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Don't hate me.

I have to go to a university on 21/5 to register. The university is located far from my hometown. I'm not sure if I can update for next week. I've written the next part on Microsoft Office Words but I can't find the document. That's also the reason why the last part is short. The laptop I use to write the story is... on verge of death(?). It's in a very poor condition, maybe that's why I can't find the document I saved.

I'm sorry too if there is any grammatical error in this whole book but no one point it out. Maybe I forgot to ask you to tell me the error. I don't mind, so please tell me if there is any error. I want to fix the error before I leave Wattpad for a while. I've checked the whole book but maybe I missed the error somewhere.

I will be inactive for a while for I need to prepare my mental.

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