Chapter One

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Hi, my name is Lillyan Rose I'm 16 and live in California. Yeah it sounds nice but it's not when you get bullied every fucking day.


"Ugh" I groan as I roll out of bed "Why must school start so early?" I ask looking at my dog coco as if she can understand me, she just wags her tail. I walk into the bathroom across the hall and taking a shower. Once I'm done I wrap the towel around me and walk back to my room, I walk over to my closet and pic out a shirt that says brat in black letters and some skinny jeans I take my towel off and get dressed and go to blow dry my hair. Once I'm done blow drying it and decide to curl my hair and do my makeup. I walk downstairs and pull on my black converse and grab a granola bar and walk to the door.

My parents are always gone on a business trip so I'm usually home alone, I start walking to school since it's only a 10 minute walk when I here a car pull up beside me "Hey babe." It's Sam "What do you want Pottorff?" "Oh nothing just to say you look awful this morning." He says smiling "Why thank you same to you." I say walking off, why is he such an asshole? As I walk up to school my friend Jake walks up to me "Hey Lilly, how's it going?" "Well pretty good I haven't been hit yet." I say that's when I felt a hard pain in my left side "Slut." Sam says as he walks away "Well then." Jake says helping me up "That's gonna bruise for sure." I say getting to my feet. "Come on let's get you to your class." Jake says walking with me, me and Jake only have lunch together so I'm alone in all my classes. I walk into Math and my teacher smiles at me "Hello Mrs. David we have new assigned seat, you will now sit by Mr. Pottorff." I smiled at her and turned around and glared at Sam "Hey there baby." "Fuck off Pottorff." I say turning my head to the teacher.

skip to lunch

I walk in and find Jake he's my only friend here, once I find him I sit down "Are you seriously not eating again?" He asks me sitting down "Nope." I say playing with my hands "Come on please just eat this banana." He looks at me with puppy dog eyes "Fine." I say eating the banana "Thank you Lilly." I smile at him I look over and see Sam making out with some girl I laugh and go back to my banana when a note gets thrown at me. It said,

Why are you even still here? You should just help everyone out and kill yourself already. Nobody would miss you your parents don't even love you enough to stay with you.

That hurt me a single tear ran down my cheek I looked up to see Sam staring at me and then he laughed. I got up and ran out of the cafeteria, I soon heard footsteps behind me I turned around and it was Jake I slowed down and fell back against a locker. "Lilly don't believe what's in that letter it's not true." "Yes it is! Sam is completely right about everything!" I said "Jake go back and eat your lunch please I need some time alone." I said he nodded and walked off. I heard footsteps come up behind me and said "Jake go eat I wanna be alone." I turned around only to be pushed down, it was Jc one of Sams friends "What do you want Jc?" I asked clearly pissed off "SAM!" He yelled just then Sam came around the corner "There you are." He said following him were Kian, Trever, Ricky and Conner I stood up "Hey there babe you tried running away from us, we don't really like that." Kian said throwing me on the ground they all started kicking me. I couldn't hold it in anymore I fought back with all my might, I ended up being able to stand up and I started yelling at them and said "WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH HUH? I HAVENT EVER DONE ANYTHING TO YOU AND YET YOU DO THIS TO ME!" I yelled "You wanna see what you've made me do?" I asked and didn't wait for them to reply I pulled my shirt up revealing all of my cuts "YOU ALL DID THIS TO ME! YOU MADE THESE ON MY SKIN! DO YOU THINK I NEED TOU TELLING ME IM UGLY EVERYDAY? NO I KNOW I SEE MYSELF IN THE MIRROR EVERY FUCKING DAY I DONT NEED THE REMINDER!" I yell they all have a look of shock on their face I turn around and walk out of school with no one following me.

After school Jake came by my house "What happened to you today?" I asked when he walked in I told him everything that happened and he was just as surprised as me. "Go Lilly!!" He said clapping I laugh "Okay well now that I know your okay I better get home my mom needs my help." Jake says kissing the top of my head, he's like a brother to me and I love it "Okay tell her I said hi." I said waving as he got in his car and left. I walked into the kitchen to look for something to eat when I heard a knock at the door "That's not Jake he would just come in." I said to myself, I look out the window to see 6 guys that I never want to see again.

"What do you guys want?" I ask clearly mad "We want to tell you we're sorry." Ricky say "Sorry two years of beating me and all I get is sorry. You want me to forgive you just like that?" They all just kinda shrug "I'll forgive you when these go away." I say referring to my arms and slams the door in their face.

So yeah this is the first chapter and I really hope you like it!!

Word count: 1,049

Fuck off Pottorff (bullied by the O2L guys)Where stories live. Discover now