Chapter Fourteen

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Jc's P.O.V

*Time skip two mouths*

Knowing I'm gonna be a dad is absolutely insane. I've always wanted to have kids I just didn't think it would be so soon not that I regret this baby I just hope I'm gonna be a good dad.

Me and Lilly are going to her doctors appointment to see if we're gonna have a boy or a girl seeing as she's four months pregnant "Jc look!!" Lilly says running to "Slow your pregnant ass down. It's not good for the baby." she stops in front of an ice cream shop "Do we have time to get some?" she asks looking at her phone "No I don't think so, but ho about we stop on our way back?" I ask and she nods "Jc have you thought about names?" she asks me "No not really what about you?" she laughs "Yes I have actually you wanna hear them?" I nod and she smiles "Okay well I have two girls names and two boys names. The two girls are Lavender Rose Caylen or Amelie Grace Caylen, then for the two boys' names we have Breyson Anthony Caylen and Jackson Ross Caylen." she says "Holly crap you have thought about this, I actually really like both of the girls names and I really like the name Breyson. I don't know about Jackson but I really like Breyson for sure." I say and she smiles, I didn't even realize we were at the doctors until I looked up. "Remember Lilly we aren't gonna look at the results Kian and your friend Leah are gonna throw a gender reveal  party. What if they like fall in love over this party?" I ask because Kian still hasn't found a girlfriend and he wont stop whining about it "Well seeing as shes married I don't thint that's gonna happen." I look up "She's married?" I didn't know that "Yeah she's quite a bit older than me actually and she only got married at the beginning of last year." she says as we walk into the doctors office.

After she gets checked in its time to wait "You know if they knew people were gonna have to wait in here they should at least put out good magazines. Not "How to keep a clean house in thre easy steps" kind of magazines." I say looking at her "Hey don't complain about those when I have a kid growing inside of me." she says right before we get called to go back there.

Lilly's P.O.V

"Hello Lilly how are we doing today?" Doctor Alex asks me when we get into the room "Pretty good sore feet is all I can really complain about right now." he laughs "That's pretty normal, it says here on your chart that you don't want me to tell you two what the baby is because you will be having a gender reveal party, is that correct?" me and Jc both nod and he stands up "Okay well can you pul your shirt up for me?" he asks and I pull my shirt up to the bottom of my bra "Okay this will be cold." he says and man it was cold. After moving the ultrasound thingy around he hands me a towel to wipe it all off "I will be calling Mr. Lawley right away and telling him the sex of the baby." he says and walks out, me and Jc leave after I wipe all the goo off of my stomach and making plans for my next check-up.

*Time skip to a week later because I can*

Still Lilly's P.O.V

Today is the day we get to find out if we are having a boy or a girl and I couldn't be happier, I went out and bought a pink and blue dress because me being me I didn't want to be wrong. "Jc! Are you ready people are here already!" I yell from the bathroom "Yes babe I'm waiting on you." he says walking into the bathroom "Look Jc my stomach is big enough you can tell there's a baby in there." I said which made him augh and hug me "Now lets go we wouldn't want to keep the people waiting." he says grabbing my hand and walking down the stairs "Look at you the pregnant lady herself!" my mother says while hugging me "Hello to you to mamma. Do you know if anyone else is coming or can we go ahead and start "You would have to ask Kian." I sigh and go to find Kian which wasn't hard because I knew he would be eating "Kiki can we start I'm getting to impatient." I say and he turns around with pink and blue frosting on his face "Kian look at your face, here let me wipe it off. I swear it feels like I have six kids already." I say and the people around me laugh.

After Kian got cleaned up it was time to find out what we were having, we were standing in the back yard when Leah brings a big black balloon that says "Pink or Blue?" On it "Okay fat-so time to figure out what's in there." She says handing me the balloon "Are you ready Jc?" I ask as she hands the pin to him so he can pop it "Heck yeah!" I laugh "Okay someone count us down!" I yep and they start counting down from three "Three! Two! One!" And Jc popped the balloon and blue confetti came out. I fell to the ground crying knowing I had a baby boy "Wait everyone we have a surprise!" Kian yells and brings another balloon out "You guys have to pop this one to." He adds "Wait! Twins!" I ask surprised "Yup!" I stand up and Jc holds the ballon this time "Count down again I guess!" Jc yells and hey count down again and I pop it and this time pink confetti comes out "Jc! A boy and a girl!" I say and fall into him "I know babe know your gonna have eight kids I guess." And with that we celebrate for the rest of the night.


Woah guys plot twist.

Word count:1034

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