Chapter four

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Sam's P.O.V

I open the door to see Dominic and Harrison "What the hell guys?!" I say hugging them "We thought we might stop in and say hi." Says Dominic "Bloody hell are you gonna invite us in it's burning up out here?" Harrison says. They come in and both of their eyes land on Lilly, this is not gonna be good.

Lilly's P.O.V

When Sam came out all I wanted to do was hug him but I didn't and just kept talking with the guys. We soon heard a knock on the door and Sam got up and answered the door I heard some British guy and got intrigued because what can I say, most british guys are hot so I got up but they came out here so I sat back down. Both of their eyes were on me and I could see Sam getting mad, so being me I decided to get up and introduce myself. "Hi I'm Lilly." "I'm Harrison and this-" he says gesturing to the guy next to him "This is Dominic." I shake their hands and we start talking Harrison at my left and Dominic at my right. I got up to get a drink and could feel the guys staring at my ass so I started swaying it back and forth just to tease them.

I was getting my drink when I felt arms wrap around me "Get off Sam I'm still mad at you." I said trying to get free "I'm not Sam." Harrison says "Oh sorry I just thought you were Sam." I said kinda embarrassed "No worries love, may I ask you a question?" "Shoot." I say "Okay well I was wondering if you'd like to go out for dinner tomorrow night or a movie or-" I cat him off "Yes Harrison I would love to go out with you." I say just then I felt a pair of lips on mine I kissed back to, god his lips were so soft and kissable "What the fuck is going on in here?!" I hear Sam yell making us both stop kissing "What do you mean?!" I yell back "You just met him and your already making out with him?!" "Yeah and we're going out tomorrow night gotta problem with that to?" I say getting pissed "You know what Lilly I always knew you were a slut." And with that Sam left. He still doesn't care "SAM POTTORFF!!" I yell "WHAT WHORE?" He yells coming back into the room "You really aren't good at keeping promises Sam." I say falling to the floor crying "Lilly I-" "Fuck off Pottorff." I say blankly "Lilly-" I stood up "I SAID FUCK OFF I CANT BELIEVE I TRUSTED YOU EVEN AFTER WHAT YOU PUT ME THROUGH JUST DO ME A FAVOR AND NEVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN!" I yell running out the door.

I hear footsteps behind me "If your Sam get away." I turn around to see Harrison "Oh hey." I say and quite walking "Don't ever do that again." He says out of breath "Sorry I just needed to get out of there." I say looking down "Hey don't apologize you had every right to just next time walk." I laugh "You don't think I could stay with you tonight do you?" I ask "Of course you can Lilly." I hug him "Thank you so much!" I say into his neck "No problem, lets go back and you can grab your stuff and I'll get Dominic and then we'll go?" He asked/said "Sounds good." I say walking back.

Once I walk in the guys come running to me "Woah guys I need air." I say "Sorry you just scared us." Trevor says "I know I'm sorry but imma stay the night at his house tonight so I'm gonna run up and get some clothes." I say running up the stairs and then realizing I'm gonna have to go into Sam's room to get them. I walk in and Sam's on his bed I go over and stuff some clothes into the bag "What are you doing?" Sam asks "I'm staying the night at Harrison's since I'm such a whore." I say back "Lilly I was just mad yo-" "People speak the truth when their mad look I don't care if that's what you think of me just next time don't fake being nice okay." I say walking out of the door.

Harrison's P.O.V

Once we get to my house Lilly plops down on the couch "Okay so you'll either have to sleep with me or Dominic because I only have one guest room and he's in it." I say sitting by her "I'll just sleep with you if that's okay?" She says I mentally am jumping up and down right now "Yeah that completely fine. Wanna order some food?" "YASSSSS!!" She yells "Okay okay." I say "Wanna just get pizza?" "Sounds good to me." She says.

Once we eat it's pretty late "I'm going to bed." Lilly states "Which room is yours?" "Here I'll go with you." I laugh and we walk upstairs Lilly changes clothes and I just take my shirt and sweats off leaving me in my boxers. Lilly walks out of the bathroom and stairs at my chest "Like what you see?" I say joking "Shut up Harrison." She laughs I put my hand over my heart "That hurt." I say sarcastically and she just rolls her eyes and lays down I lay beside her "You forgot the liiighttt." Lilly groans "Hey I got this." I say grabbing my shoe and throwing it at the light switch missing I throw the other one and miss again. "Ugh I'll just get up and do it." She groans falling out of be I mean she literally fell "I might just sleep down here." I laugh "Are you that tired?" I ask "Yes, yes I am." I hear her say I get up and pick her up off the floor laying her in bed and turning the light off  "Ha I knew that would work." She says "Shut up and go to sleep." I say snuggling up next to her. And with that we were out.

Probably not who you expected am I right?

Word count:1026

Fuck off Pottorff (bullied by the O2L guys)Where stories live. Discover now