Chapter Ten

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Lilly's P.O.V.

I start walking down the road to my favorite place in the world, the cemetery. It's always so quiet and peaceful down here it gives me time to think about everything.

After an hour or two of walking around I decided to leave I grab my phone and dial his number, after three rings he answers "Can you come get me?" He sighs "Where are you?" I laugh "Where do I always go when I need to think?" "I'm headed there now." And with that he hangs up after about ten minutes I see his black Jeep pull up I walk over to it "Hey big bro." I say "Hey little sis." He says back "So Lilly mind telling me what brought you here tonight?" He asks "Well Jake it was Sam." I say "I SWEAR TO GOD IF H-" I cut him off "We just got into a fight its nothing I just needed to clear my head." I say looking at my hands. "Where am I taking you?" he asks and I don't really know what to say "Just take me to his house I do live there now." "SINCE WHEN?!" He asks clearly surprised "Since a few weeks ago." I shrug.

We get back to the house and I hug Jake "Call if you need anything okay?" "Okay big bro." he laughs and I walk up to the house and o inside, nobody seems to be home so I walk into mine and Sam's room and grab some clothes without waking him up and walk to Kian's room and knock on the door, a very sleepy Kian opens the door and sees me standing there "Can I sleep in her tonight?" I ask and he nods "I'm gonna take a shower and then I'll be back." i say and walk into the bathroom,

After I get out I walk out to see Kian on his phone "I hope you aren't up waiting on me." I say getting into bed "Lilly it's 2:00 in the morning where have you been?" I sigh "I got in a fight with Sam about Dean and Sammy." I say and rest my head on his shoulder. "Lilly Sam is very protective I'm sure he wasn't trying to be mean." He says trying to reason with me "He told me I couldn't talk to them or see them anymore." I say "Oh well yeah he probably meant that, just talk to him tomorrow after you've both had a good nights sleep in. Maybe you can reason with him a like I said." I yawn "Thank you KiKi." I say kissing his cheek.

Next morning

Still Lilly's P.O.V

I wake up to no one beside me and decide to brush my teeth then head downstairs, hopefully my talk with Sam goes good. If this is like any other time he's probably already got another girl hanging on him.

I get downstairs and find Trevor watching T.V "Hey Trev what's up?" I ask "Nothing just watching Netflix, where did you go last night?" I go to answer then remember I need to find Sam "I just went on a walk, hey do you know where I could find Sam by any chance?" I ask hoping for him to say yes "As far as I know he's up in your guys' room." I sigh "Thanks boo." I say and walk up to our room. Once I'm at the door I can't decide wether to knock or walk in then I hear someone crying and decide to walk on in, I find Sam on the bed with red puffy eyes he looks like he didn't sleep at all "Sam what's wrong?!" I ask running to the bed "Y-yo-you came ba-back?" He ask stuttering "Yes Sam I came back I couldn't leave you all forever what would I do without having to take care of you babies?" I ask laughing "Lilly I thought I had lost you forever." Sam says hugging me "Sam you really think you can get rid of me that easily?" I say and he laughs "No I don't, about our fight if you want to talk to Sam and Dean I'm not gonna stop you, I love you Lilly and I just got a little over protective and I'm sorry okay just please that's the third time you e ran away from me after a fight just call Kian or Trevor and tell us where you are." He says not letting go of me "Sam I'm sorry I'm just not use to living with people who actually care about where I am, I'll have to get used to telling people where I'm going I guess." We both laugh and he lets go "So guess who's coming over today!!" He says excitingly "The queen!" I say sarcastically "No Dom and Harrison!" He says and I jump up and run around our room "You must love them more than you love me." He says laughing "No I just miss them more than you." I say jumping back into bed "So when will they be here?" I ask "Ten minutes." He says "I'm not gonna change I'll just throw my hair up in a messy bun." I say walking over to the mirror.

Me and Sam were sitting there for what seemed like hours in a comfortable silence when we heard a knock at the door, I jump up and run downstairs hoping to see Don and Harrison but to my surprise it was the last person I ever wanted to see Bobby fucking Mares "What the actual hell are you doing here?" I ask wanting to slam the door in his face "Woah Lilly! Is it really you!? I've not seen you in years!" He says going to hug me "I was trying to not see your sleezy ass ever again but clearly I've failed, now please tell me what you doin-" "BOBBY!!" I hear Kian yell "KIKI!!" Bobby yells back and goes to run to him but I step between them "I'm the only one who can call him KiKi. Isn't that right?" I ask turning to Kian "Yes it is lil." I smile and glare at Bobby "Is there something going on here that I'm not getting?" Kian asks "Do you wanna tell him or should I." I ask he stays quiet "Okay well Kian, Bobby here went to school with one of my best friends and decided that he would get her pregnant then leave, and when my friend had a miscarriage and was devastated he decided to call her and tell her that he told her to get an abortion when she got pregnant with "it" but that baby was a miracle to her because she wasn't even supposed to ever have a baby. So after that she fell into a deep depression and decided to kill her self." Kian looked pissed after I told him "Kian I can ex-" Bobby start talking but Kian cuts him off "Bobby I want you off of our property until I call you tomorrow okay?" Kian pl-" "I said okay?" Bobby shakes his head and walks away "Kian he's your friend I should've stayed quiet about that I was just really mad." I say "Lilly you don't have to explain yourself. If you wouldn't of told me who else would've?" He says and I shrug "I need to forgive him he was young and stupid. But even if I forgive him I will never I repeat NEVER forget." I say and hug Kian "Ello anyone here?" I jump "HARRISON!!!" I yell and jump onto him. "Good god Lilly are you happy to see me or something?" He asks and I laugh, I hear someone cough and look up and see Dom "Oh my god sorry Dommy!" I say and hop off Harrison and run to Dom the we hear someone say "Pizza anyone?"


Hey my dude I really like Bobby I just needed something to put in there but don't worry that's not how it's gonna end for him trust me.

Word count:1319

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