Chapter nine

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Kians P.O.V

It's been nice being back at home and not in the hospital that place sucks balls. Me and JC are getting ready to meet the rest of the guys and Lilly at the movies tonight as a celebration of me being home or some shit like that. "Hey dude what movie are we seeing?" I ask JC who was driving "I don't know actually but Lilly's here so probably some sappy romance movie." He says and laughs I turn and look out the window "Did Andrea come to the hospital the night you guys brought me up there?" I ask still looking out the window, I hear JC sigh "No man she didn't we tried calling a bunch of different times and she never answered." He says and I look down at my lap "I didn't think so." "Dude look!" JC says and I look up to see Andrea making out with some random dude but wait?! "DUDE IS THAT CORY?!" I yell getting pissed "I uh I think so." "Pull this car over right now!" I say and JC does as told. Once the cars stoped I jump out "WHAT THE FUCK ANDREA IM IN THE HOSPITAL AND YOU DONT EVEN COME UP THERE?! AND YOU CORY YOUR ONE OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS HOW COULD YOU KISS MY GIRLFRIEND?!" Cory looks really confused "She's your what? She told me you two broke up the night you went into the hospital?" She what? Now I'm really mad "Why would you tell him that Andrea? You know what I don't care we're really done now, Cory it's not your fault you can have her but know this. She fucked it in the head and doesn't care about anyone but herself." I say waking away and getting back into the car "I can't believe you just did that Kian, your a badass." JC says pulling away. I don't feel like much of a badass though I feel hurt, I really loved her and she cheated on me. I can't be mad at Cory he's not the brightest crayon in the box. I don't even know anymore I just want to get to the movies and forget about the whole thing.

Once we get to the movies we see Lilly and the guys and walk over to them. JC tells them what happened and Lilly hasn't let go of me "Lilly I'm okay really." I say hopping that she would stop worrying herself about it "No Kian it's not she shouldn't have done this to you, even though you did bully me that doesn't matter anymore your a great guy that any girl would be lucky to have." She says and I sigh "Do you think you can let go long enough for me to go to the bathroom?" She nods and lets go.

Lilly's P.O.V

I can't believe Andrea did that I never liked her but I didn't know she would do this especially to Kian he's so sweet and kind how could anyone hurt him like this? I'm brought out of my thought when I hear someone calling my name, I turn around to see a guy and not just any guy he went to school with me before I moved here "Dean? Dean Winchester?! It can't be you?" I say running up and hugging him "It's me!" He says hugging back "What happened to you? You left after like three months of going to school?" I ask "It's my dad his... job has him move a lot." He says scratching his neck "I'm just glad I get to see you again!" I say hugging him again memories flooding in.


I walk into school and look for Dean he's new here and I wanted to show him around. I look around until I see an unfamiliar face and guess it's Dean.

"Man he's hot." I say to myself and walk towards him, once I got a little closer he looked up at me, he had on jeans a Kansas t-shirt and a leather jacket. "Hi I'm Lilly and I wanted to show you around if you'd like." I say a little faster than I wanted "Well Lilly I'm assuming you know who I am?" He says "Well I was hoping you were Dean?" He laughs "Yeah that's me. And I think I'd like to hit you up on that offer. I'd say we go now and ditch school but you look like the type of girl who wouldn't do that." He says and I look down "Yeah your right I don't do that only because if I did I would most likely get beat by my parents." I say laughing "Here let me see your schedule." I say and he hands it to me "Well Dean it looks like we have every class together." I say and the bell rings "Lead the way Melady." He says holding his arm out and I grab it walking down to first period.

End of flashback

"Hey Lilly we've bee- Who's this?" Sam asks breaking me out of the teams I was in "Oh Sam this is Dean we went to school together before I moved here, Dean this is my boyfriend Sam." Dean looks kinda upset but holds his hand out to Sam "Hi Sam nice to meet you." Sam shakes his hand "Same to you." I go to say something then see him "SAMMY IS THAT YOU?!" I literally yell "LILLY OH MY GOD!" He yells back I run over and hug him and we fall to the floor hugging while people stare at us but we didn't care. You see Sam was like my brother I told him everything and he did me too. After we calm down we stand up and I introduced them to the rest of the guys. Sam looked a little mad but I couldn't care less right now.

After the movie Sam and Dean head back to their motel even after I begged them to stay with us they still wouldn't. "Lilly." I heard Sam say "Yeah Sam?" I ask "I don't want you to talk to Sam and Dean." He says blankly "Excuse me? You can't tell me I can't see them Dean was one of my best friends and Sam was like a brother. I just got them back and now you don't want me to talk to them? That fucked up Sam!!" I yell getting mad "Lilly did you see the way Dean was looking at you?! He was undressing you with his eyes! Sam I don't really care but I'm telling you now you can not speak to Dean." He says raising his voice a little "Fuck. Off. Pottorff." I say and walk out of the house. I know exactly where to go.


Hey my dudes I'm not really sure what this chapter is about sorry.

Word count:1134

Fuck off Pottorff (bullied by the O2L guys)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat