Chapter twelve

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Sam's P.O.V

After Lilly stormed off so I now had to explain what just happened "Rosa that was the girl I was telling you about, I love her but I think I love you more but for now I need to talk to her and end things okay?" I ask "Sam I completely understand I just wish you would've told me you two were still together. Now listen to me though, give her some space and talk to her in the morning after she's had time to calm down a little okay?" "Okay, thank you so much Rosa I truly love you. ill call you tomorrow." I say as I walk her to her car. Once she leaves I go inside to find all of Lilly's stuff out of my room, I really wished I wouldn't of hurt her like this. Yes I cheated on her with Rosa, but when I think of a life with Lilly compared to a life with Rosa I can only think about Rosa. i decided to go to bed and get a little sleep before I talk to Lilly in the morning, and it doesn't take long for me to fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up to people laughing downstairs and people running around, I decide to go down and see what's going on. When I reach the bottom of the stairs I see Lilly. Jc and Ricky trying to cook breakfast and failing at it "What the actual fuck is going on down here?" I ask stepping into the kitchen "We tried making pancakes and uh it didn't really work out." Lilly says then realizes who I was "Not that you'd care. Don't you have some girl to be making out with right now?" I look down "About that Lilly can we talk, I know you probably can't stand the thought of me right now I just want to tell you why it happened." I ask expecting her to say no or ell or slap me but she just nods her head and walks out into the back yard "Okay Lilly I'll save the apologies because I know that won't help the situation. The girl I was kissing is a girl I met about a year ago at a coffee place downtown and we hit it off from the start, long story short she left to go back across seas and I just had to get over her and then we ya know became a thing. Lilly I really do love you and never wanted to hurt you but if I look at the big picture when I see a life with either you or Rosa, I can only see myself with Rosa and it actually hurts me telling you this but you needed to know." I say and look up to see a puffy eyed Lilly "Sam" she pauses "Go be with her, if she makes you happier than me I want to see you be happy. But promise me two things okay?" I nod my head "Promise me that for one you will never do this to HER, and for two that we will always be friends because I honestly don't want to just never talk again. I mean we do live in the same house for gods sakes." I laugh and say "I promise." we both stand up and hug "Oh ad I forgot Sam, Fuck off Pottorff." we both start laughing uncontrollably "Love you too Lilly, love you too."

Me and Lilly walk back inside and Jc comes up "What was that about?" He asks a little pissy "Jc I'll tell you later okay?" Lilly says putting her hand on his shoulder and he nods.

Lilly's P.O.V

After my talk with Sam a couple weeks ago I honestly am pretty hurt but I want nothing more than for him to be happy so I'll get over it, and I mean honestly he cheated several times on me so it's probably for the better we aren't together. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Jc shakes me "Lilly something wrong?" He asks looking worried "What? Yeah I was just thinking about the me and Sam or deal." I say laying my head on his shoulder "You wanna talk about it?" I shake my head "Not really, it's been at least a month and him and Rosa are the perfect couple. Jc I honestly don't know where I would be right now without you right now, you've been my rock and I don't ever want you to forget that." I say wrapping my arms around his neck "Lilly there's something I've been wanting to say for a while but never told you." I look up at him "What is it Jc? You can tell me anything." I say "Lilly I think I'm in love with you. I didn't say anything because you were so hurt with the Sam thing but I can't keep acting like I don't love you because it's to hard." He rushes out "Jc I never knew you felt that way-" he cuts me off by smashing his lips onto mine, we pull apart after what seems like forever "Jc I think I love you too." I say and kiss him again. One thing leads to another and yeah, let's just say we did the dirty.(Guys the first sex scene was to cringy and uncomfortable 😂)

After our little "workout" me and Jc fell asleep in our bed. I can't believe I've been this lucky to know this boy.

*next morning*

I wake up remembering last night and smile to myself then realize Jc isn't in bed next to me then hear the shower running. I hope up and walk into the bathroom "Hey Jc!" I say and grab my toothbrush "Hey babe, you wanna join me?" I laugh "Shower sex sounds awful, I'll pass I just need to brush my teeth." I say and start brushing my teeth.

After I brush my teeth I head downstairs and see Dom and Harrison with a younger boy "Hey guys who's this?" I ask "Hey Lilly this is my brother Anderson." Harrison says motioning to the boy "Hey Anderson, I'm Lilly." Hey smiles and shakes my hand.

"IM BOREDDDDDD!!" I yelled from the kitchen, all the guys walk into the kitchen "It's to damn early for this crap." Kian says and I bust up laughing "K-Kian wh-why is there ma-marker on you face?" He looks shocked "What are you talking about?!" He asks running to the mirror "JC FUCKING CAYLEN WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE?! I HAVE A AUDITION TODAY!!" He yells and Jc hides behind me wrapping his arms around me "Dude it's not that bad." He says and Kian starts to come after him then sees me "Step aside Lilly, you don't have to protect your little boyfriend." I laugh "I don't really have a choice." I say and Kian rolls his eyes and walks out. "Now you have to bring me to the movies." I say and walk away.


Word count:1178

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