Chapter eleven

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Bobby's P.O.V

I can't believe Anna (Lilly's friend) told Lilly that, the truth is I wanted to be apart of the babies life and hers. She pushed me out and told me if I ever stepped near her again because she thought I cheated on her which I didn't. I had no idea she lost the baby and killed her self, I loved her more than anything in the world. Lilly would never believe me so I'll have to try to get through to Kian at least he's closer to her than me at least.

I decided to text Kian


B- Kian I really think I need to explain to you what happened it really didn't happen like that at all. Anna the girl Lilly is talking about thought I was cheating on her and made up the whole thing about the abortion. I loved the idea of having a baby with her because she was the love of my life and that's why I left I knew she would be more stressed with me being there then if I wasn't. I however didn't know that she kept on letting Lilly believe it was all true and I didn't know about the miscarriage and her killing her self.

K-Bobby this is Lilly Kian let me read that, please come back over as soon as you can.

B-I'll be over in five.
Read at 5:37

I headed over to the o2l house as soon as I could. 

I walked into the house and Lilly must have been waiting because she latched into me hugging me as tight as she could "Bobby I never knew about that, I'm so sorry I was such an ass to you." She said letting go "Lilly it's not your fault but please know I would never get a girl pregnant and then leave her. Unless she wanted me to of course." I say she looks down "Want some pizza? Ricky went and got some right after you left." I laugh "Is that even a question?" She smiles and runs to the kitchen.

Lilly's P.O.V

I feel really bad for Bobby, he was always super sweet to me and Anna I don't know why I ever believed her story or even questioned it; he seemed really upset when he was talking about her.

Right now me, Bobby and the guys are all sitting watching some stupid tv show that they turned on. "Guyssss." I whine "Whattttttt?" Kian asks "I'm really bored." I say standing up and stretching "Suck it up buttercup." Sam says "I'm calling my Sammy." I say and walk outside I grab my phone and dial his number

S- hey Lilly what's up?
L- nothing actually I was wondering if you were busy?
S- Nope I'm just watching dean play th- what dean? No dea- Lilly he wants you to come over.
L- okay I'll be over in five.
S- okay see yo- Shut up dean she's headed over now.
L- bye Sam

I hang up and grab my keys "I'm headed over to Sam and deans motel, call me if you need anything." I say and walk out.

It didn't take me to long to get to their motel, I walk up to room 251 and knock "LILLLYYYY!!" I hear dean yell as he runs to the door and opens it hugging me. "Well hello to you too." I say laughing and walking in "This place is a mess you two." I add moving trash off the bed "We're two dudes how else would you expect to see our room?" Dean asks laying down on the other bed "So Lilly what's it like living with six famous dudes? Are they good to you?" Sam asks "It's not really any different then living with six normal guys besides the fact that they are all bat shit crazy. They treat me good except for when they throw me in the pool or play pranks on me but I love them all more than anything." I say realizing how lucky I was to have them in my life "What about you two? Do you work with your dad?" I ask and they both tense up "Our father died a couple months ago, or I guess he was actually killed but you know." Dean says sitting up "I'm so sorry you two, I didn't know." I say looking down "It's okay Lilly we understand. Now change of subject who's hungry?" Dean asks "When am I not?" I ask playfully punching Sam's arm "Hey he asked not me!" He says pushing me making me fall off the bed "Oh no you didn't!" I yell jump up onto Sam making me and him fall.

After we ate I left with a huge smile on my face, man how I've missed those two. I walk up to the house and go inside to find Sam with some girl making out on the couch "Sa-Sam?" I stutter out almost a whisper he jolted up of the couch "Lilly you uh you weren't supposed to see this."   I laugh "Oh really I figured you wanted me to see. And to think I actually believed you when you said you didn't want to lose me. It was all one big lie, I'm moving my stuff into Jc or Kian's room right now." I say walking no stomping up the stairs "JC KIAN COME HERE!" I yell and they both come running "What what happens are you okay?!" Jc asks worried "Sam was making out with some girl on the couch I broke up with him and I'm moving into one of your guys' rooms, who wants me with them Kian looks at me "Lilly I love you but I can NOT sleep peacefully with you in the same bed." Kian says which makes me laugh "haha Kian I get her then!" Jc says while running up and grabbing me "Okay Jc put me down so I can get all my stuff. Will you two help me?" I ask and they both happily help me move my stuff to Jc's room.

Me and Jc were just laying on his bed watching youtube when I start to get really tired "Hey Jc I'm gonna go take a shower I'm really tired." I say getting up and walking to the bathroom "Okay Dokay." I hear him say as I shut the door which makes me laugh.

I turn the water on and make sure its warm enough for me and step in, I was my hair then realize I left my bodywash in the bedroom "Hey Jc?" I yell "Yeah?" he yells back "I kinda forgot my bodywash out there can you bring it here for me?" I hear him laugh and walk in with my soap "Thank you Justin." I say and he rolls his eyes "Look I live you but, please don't call me that." he says wich makes me laugh "Okay...Justin." I say he just ends up walking out. After I get dressed in one of Jc's shirts I walk out "Damn you look good in my shirt." he says as I lay down "Shut up and go to bed." I say playfully hitting him "Okay Okay." he says wrapping his arms around me, I feel safe with Jc. He's just so cuddley and warm and nice. I never felt that way with Sam. I eventually fall asleep to the sounds of Jc's light snoring.


hey my dudes, plot twist I guess you could say. leave a comment and vote if you'd like.

word count:1245

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