Chapter five

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Sam's P.O.V

I can't believe I just said that. Lilly ran out and I went to chase after her but Harrison stopped me "Get the fuck off me Harrison!" I yell "Dude don't you think it would be better for me to go after her?" It would be she's pissed at me right now. I stomp up to my room and he runs out to find her, I jump onto my bed and put my hands over my face why am I so stupid? She had just started to forgive me and I screwed it up. I hear a knock on my door and the person comes in... it's Lilly.

She starts throwing stuff in a bag "What are you doing?" I ask "I'm staying the night with Harrison since I'm such a whore." She blankly says "Lilly I was just mad yo-" "People speak the truth when there mad Sam. Just next time don't act like you care." And with that she left man I wish I wouldn't of said that even though I was just mad. I really didn't mean it and now she's off with Harrison who knows she's better off without me.

Harrison's P.O.V (changing it up😂)

I wake up and hear the shower running and Lilly's gone "She's made herself feel at home I guess." I say to myself getting up and knocking on the door "May I  come in and brush my teeth?" I hear her laugh "Yes you may." When I walk in I'm overwhelmed by the smell of vanilla "It smells delicious in here." Lilly laughs "Bodywash bitch." She says. After I brush my teeth Lilly's done with her shower and steps out of the shower with only a towel, I didn't realize I was staring until Lilly said "Dude eyes up here." I awkwardly laugh and walk out s that she can change. She really was beautiful, she walked out of the bathroom with a pair of my sweatpants on and my shirt "Are those my clothes that your wearing?" "Yup." she says popping the P. we both bust up laughing "Come on Dom made us pancakes." "Do you trust his cooking that much?" she asked a little worried "Don't worry he's actually a really good cook trust me."

Lilly's P.O.V

Dom's pancakes were actually really good just like Harrison had said "Dominic your a really good cook," I say and smile "First off you can call me Dom and second I've always been able to cook its a secret talent I guess." I laugh and we finish breakfast "I should probably go back I mean the guys are probably worried about me and I miss them surprisingly." "Why is that surprising?" I guess these two are gonna figure it out sooner or later "The boys use to bully me and Sam was like the leader I guess you could call him. the would beat me almost every day and I self harmed because of them but a couple days ago they all apologized to me but I don't think Sam actually meant it considering what he said yesterday." I look down at my feet "I'll kill 'em if they touch you ever again." says Harrison "Me too." Dom says "Okay but I don't think that'll be needed or at least I hope not." I say.

I head upstairs and grab my stuff and walk back downstairs and Harrison and me head to his car. "Hey thanks for letting me stay the night at your house last nigh." I say not looking up from my shoes "No worries love, anything for a pretty girl, so about that date." I look up at him "What about it?" I  asked kinda worried what if he doesn't like me anymore? "Would you wanna go out next Friday I was invited to a party and was told to bring a date." he says laughing I feel relived now " I would love to Harrison!" we pull into the guys house " Do you want e to come with you or?" I think "I think it might be best if you didn't." I finally say "Okay call me if you need anything okay?" "Okay." he leans in and kisses my cheek.

I get out of his car and start walking up to the house "Here goes nothing." I whisper to myself and walk in "LILLY YOUR BACK!!!" Trevor screams hugging me "Well someone's happy to see me." I laugh "So you missed some big shit." he says grabbing my bags "Like what?" I ask then walk into the living room to find Sam making out with the same girl from the store "Like that." Trevor whispers to me "I'M STILL SLEEPING IN YOUR ROOM SAMMMMM!!" I yell running up to his room. When Trevor catches up with me I'm sitting on Sam's bed crying "Hey, hey Lilly what's wrong, what's wrong?" JC says as he runs into Sam's room "Why couldn't Sam of just been honest in the first place and told me he didn't like me instead of pretending?" he sighs "Lilly Sam really likes you but he's just mad right now. Give him a little you hurt him by kissing Harrison and then leaving with him to go to his house." "He made me mad by kissing that girl down there she's the reason that you punched him remember?" I look up at him "Yes I remember that and his jaw is still bruised and I feel bad." just then Sam comes in "Trevor said that you were crying what did Harrison do to you?" he looks concerned "Harrison didn't do anything to hurt me it as all you Sam." he looks down "Look Lilly I was just kissing her because I missed having you here and I was mad at you an-" I cut him off "Sam I forgive you okay?" he looks up smiling "YAYYYYYY!!!" he screams running around like a little kid. Me and JC are laughing so hard that we were both crying, Sam comes and picks me up and starts running down the stairs with me over his shoulder "SAM PUT ME DOWN!!" I yell as he walks out back "As you wish." Sam says as he drops me in the pool "SAMMMM!!" I yell he's just laughing his ass off "Will you at least help me out?" I ask "Yes, yes I will>" as soon as he grabs my hand I pull him in, by the end of it all the guys are in the pool. "This is gonna be pretty great." I say to myself and continue swimming.

Ahhhhh I'm really starting to like this story but I'm gonna probably need some a couple girls to be some of the guys girlfriends so comment if you want to be one.

Word count:1099

Fuck off Pottorff (bullied by the O2L guys)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang