Chapter One

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"Wait stop!" I call at the bus but it was no use. I was left standing in a cloud of smoke in the rain. I huff and place my hat back on my head.
"Move out the way!" A man grumbles and pushes me to the side making me stumble.
"Sorry sir..." I say lightly looking down at the ground. He scoffs and keeps moving. Having to walk to work now there was no doubt that I was going to be late. I shake my head and begin my long walk.

"Judiah! You're late!" My boss scowls as I waltz in, feet aching and my body soaked.
"I'm sorry sir the bus wouldn't stop for me so-"
"That's your problem not mine! Don't let it happen again or you're fired! There's many of your kind that would kill to be in your spot." He spits and I swallow the lump in my throat and nod.

"Hey Judiah!" Brant smiles at me as I take my position next to him. Brant was a teenage white boy with green eyes. I enjoyed his company, he make being here not as boring.
"Hey B." I smile lightly and begin to roll up my sleeves. I take off my hat and place it on the floor. I pick up a pair of clean gloves and slip them on.
"I heard the boss," He says shaking his head. "He's a real jerk! Why does he think he can treat you like that?" He asks as I pick up a large knife and begin to butcher the meat in front of me.

I smile lightly and glance over at him.
"Well B, I'm not the same color as you two," I start. "Even though I got some white in me it ain't enough. I've learned to deal with it, kinda got no choice." I say softly. He frowns and goes back to cutting the fat off of the beef. Six hours into my shift my muscles began to ache. I take my gloves off and make my way to the bosses office. "Sir... can I take my break now?" I ask avoiding eye contact with him. His bitter laugh rumbles through my ears and my face turns red.

"You think you can have a break when you showed up late? Judiah don't act dumb. Get back to work." He says before going back to reading his magazine. I sigh and turn around, going back to my station. Six more hours left, just stick it out Judiah. When the clock strikes seven I internally jump from joy. My boss gives me the eye telling me I can go and I clean my hands, grab my hat and practically run from the factory.

I watch my feet as they kick the ground. My tall body knocks into a smaller one and I hear a small gasp.
"Oh! I'm sorry ma'am!" I get out. My eyes frantically search the streets as I try to help her up. Hopefully no one takes something else. Her creamy hand grasps mine and I pull her up. She shakes her blonde locks from her face and looks up at me. Her blue orbs make me stare to hard. Her long lashes flutter as she blushes.
"No... that was my fault. I was to busy reading the paper." She smiles shyly and brings the paper into view, waving it lightly.

"I wasn't paying attention either..." I say softly. We stare at each other for a moment before she extends her hand.
"Mary..." She smiles. I grasp her hand and shake it gently.
"Judiah..." I blush biting into my bottom lip. She giggles making my face redden more.
"Mary? Come on we're on a tight schedule darling!" An older white man yells from down the street.

"It was nice meeting you Judiah... I hope to see you again soon." She smiles before jogging towards the car.
"Bye..." I whisper watching her slide into the black car. I catch a glimpse of the bus coming and I hurry to the bus stop. It squeals as it comes to a stop. I fish in my pockets for my dime as the doors open. I locate it and step up onto the bus. I put in my five cents and make my way to the back of the bus.

The bus ride drags on and I release a quiet sigh as I gaze out of the window. Day turns to night as the bus finally arrives at my stop.
"Thank you." I mumble quietly as I make my way off the bus. The driver nods and I step off.
"S'cuse me mister, you have a dime? I jus' wanna buy a apple but momma hasn't came home yet." A brown girl asks me. I nod and dig into my pockets. I pull out a quarter and a nickel and place them in her little hand. Her eyes widen and she smiles brightly.

"Thank you!" She says excitedly before running off to the store. I smile lightly and continue my short walk home.
"Hi Judiah..." Brandi says catching my attention.
"Hi Brandi..." I reply with a light blush on my cheeks. Brandi was a beautiful young girl about my age with long black locks of hair. Her skin was a milky chocolate color, her almond eyes about the same. She steps off of her porch and walks towards me.

"You should come in for dinner... momma cooked a whole bunch and there should be more than enough for you." She says coming stand in front of me. I nervously look at the ground and shift uneasily.
"U-um I don't know... I'd feel bad eating food that could be saved for another time... times are getting rough around here." I say shyly. I feel my hat being lifted off my head, exposing my blonde curls.
"Look at you trying to be like them white people." She teases. I clear my throat and look up at her. Judiah I'm not taking no for an answer." She says raising a perfect brow. I sigh and give in.
"Since I have no choice..." I mumble and she grabs my hand and pulls me to the house.

"Momma! Judiah's staying for dinner." She cheeses. Her mother turns and gives me a smile.
"I'd love to have Judiah here." She says making me smile bashfully. "You two set the table, foods just about done." She says and we nod.
"What're you doing for your 19th birthday Judiah?" She asks and I shrug.

"I work on my birthday... so not much I suppose." I say as I set the white plates around the table. After we finish she stares at me.
"Judiah that's no fun... how about me and you go see a movie after you get out?" She suggests.
"I guess that'd be fun." I say giving her a light smile. She smiles also and grabs my hand again.
"You're so shy and nervous." She giggles. "It's adorable." She finishes as her thumb strokes over the top of my hand. "For my 17th birthday I want to do something special." She says stepping a little closer. I divert my eyes from hers and look at my feet

"I-If I have that day off I'll take you down to that new soul food place that opened up. Work around my job is that it's good." I say shakily. She nods and takes her pink bottom lip between her teeth. We fall into a state again making my heart pound wildly.
"Alright all done!" Her momma says causing me to rip away from Brandi. I clear my throat and go to help her being out the food.
Something different, yes the book takes place in 1930, no the characters aren't anyone famous but Judiah that's obviously played by Chris. I'm super excited about this one! :::)))

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