Chapter Thirteen

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 My eyes stare at Mary's sleeping body as mine is pressed against the wall

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My eyes stare at Mary's sleeping body as mine is pressed against the wall. I'd have had this clench in the pit of my stomach since this morning, I felt something bad was going to happen. Her photoshoot was tomorrow, something I didn't want to go through with but if she wanted it she could have it. I let out a soft sigh before pushing my body up and making my way towards the bed. I slip off my briefs, now completely nude, and lift up the bottom of the blanket. I dip underneath and spread her legs slowly. Crawling up, I rest my head on her stomach before my arms wrap around her waist. Her nude body rubs against mine and I flutter my eyes closed. I hold her tighter when I feel her hands begin to play in my growling curls. She lazily strokes them as I place my chin on her stomach and look up. I couldn't see her face due to me being hidden underneath the comforter but I could tell her eyes were now open.
"Why're you still up?" She asks softly and I kiss her naval.
"I don't know..." I whisper and she plays with my ear lobe. I close my eyes and enjoy the feel of her hands on me.

"You need sleep Judiah, you've been keeping yourself up lately." She says and I lay my head back down.
"I'm just worried." I mumble truthfully and she sighs.
"Judiah come look at me." She demands and I lift myself and crawl up. My head pokes from beneath the comforter and my eyes meet her blue ones. "Why are you so worried? We're safe here. Nobody can tell us what to do anymore. So what people stare? They don't have what we have, they don't feel what we feel when we're around each other. They don't have a spark like we do. They don't have love like we do." She whispers and wipes a tear from my cheek that I didn't even know fell.  Her arms wrap around my neck and she pulls me into a kiss. Our eyes close and I rest my weight on her as my tongue asks to explore her mouth. She opens up for me and my pink muscle slips into her heated mouth. Her legs wrap around my waist and I pull away to place a few kisses on her jawline.
"Say it." I whisper against her skin as she lets out a pleased sigh.

"I love you Judiah." She whispers breathlessly as I nip at her neck.
"Again." I ask as I inhale her natural scent. Her hands tug at my hair and she makes me look up at her.
"Goddamn Judiah I love you." She voices making me smile.
"I love you Mary." I say before resting my head in her neck. Our arms tangle each other into one another's hold and we lay silently until we drift to sleep.

"How do I look?" Mary asks and spins around. I smile lightly and sit back in my seat.
"You look amazing as always." I say and she runs up to me to grasp my face. Her lips smother mine and I chuckle and wrap my arms around her waist. I stand and set her down before my lips pop off of hers. "Come on, we don't want to be late." I say and she smiles before nodding. I grasp her hand and we make our way to the door. Once we're out I make sure the doors locks before we head down to the lobby. Her heels clack against the floor as we make our way outside. I release her hand and push the door open for her. Once she's stepped out in right behind her and I attempt to wave down a taxi. I huff when they keep passing me and she steps up. Her arm raises and she waves it frantically.
"Taxi!" She yells and slowly one comes to a stop. I smirk and shake my head as we walk up the the car. I pull the door open for her and she slips in.

"One at a time boy." The driver says and I look over at him.
"We're together." I say and his face scrunched up.
"He work for you ma'am?" He asks and I clear my throat. She shakes her head and grips my bicep as she pulls me further into the car.
"No he's my boyfriend." She says and his brows raise. He shakes his head and turns back towards the front. I finish slipping into the car and shut the door. We strap ourselves down before I go to tell him where we're headed.
"We're going to-"
"Where are you going ma'am?" He asks Mary, cutting me off. I lick my lips and sit back before looking out the window. She spits the destination at him before rolling her eyes. The car rides through the streets and we sit in silence. Her hand grasps mine and she rubs her thumb over the top of it. I glance over at her and smile lightly before lifting her hand. I kiss her knuckles and she giggles. My eyes catch the drivers through the mirror and he shakes his head.

I quickly divert my eyes from his and look back out of the window.
"Alright, we're here." The driver says after a while and we nod. I pull out some cash and hand it to him before slipping from inside the car. I hold my hand out to Mary and she steps one heeled foot out of the door before the other. I pull her up and shut the car door behind her before walking up to the entrance.
"I'm so nervous Ju..." She whispers as I pull the door open. I give her a small smile before allowing her to walk in first.
"There's no need to be darling, you're beautiful and I'm more than sure that the camera will love you." I say as my arm wraps around her slim waist. She looks up at me and batts her lashes.

"Yeah?" She asks softly and I nod before bending down to place a kiss on her small nose.
"Ah! My model has arrived! Hello Ms. Mary!" Richard says causing us to look forward. "Hello to you... Judiah yes?" He asks as he extends his hand out for me to shake. I nod and grasp his hand firmly and we shake.
"Yes Judiah." I smile softly and he nods.
"Alright, follow me this way and we'll start taking pictures. No outfit change needed she looks stunning." He sends her a playful wink and she blushes like a small school girl. I chuckle lightly and he leads the way. "Now the first shots we're going to take is on this beach background. You know make it look like she's living the dream. Which I'm sure she is at the moment." He laughs and I join in lightly. "Come here darling stand right here." He directs her and she gives my hand a final squeeze before walking away.

I bite into my bottom lip as she struts over to the set. She wasn't even modeling yet but she damn sure looked like it. A natural is what she was, a damn beautiful woman. As Richard walks back towards me I pull him aside.
"What do you plan on doing with these photos?" I ask and he glances over at Mary who was fixing her hair.
"They're going to be in the magazine, you know the biggest one out, the Life magazine." He says and my eyes widen.
"No, no we can't do that." I say and he furrows his brows.
"What? Why? Look at her face. Have you really looked at that woman? Go ahead have a look at her right now." He says and my eyes slowly flutter over to Mary. She smiles brightly and gives me a small wave before hooking her hands behind her back and swaying. I sigh deeply and look back at Richard. "You see how beautiful, how pure she is? If you're worried about world opinion, don't be. Listen I'm a gay man living in America at the moment. I haven't been through nearly as much as your people but I understand. Don't be afraid, embrace what you are, what you have with that woman over there." He says and I swallow the lump in my throat.
"Okay." I say softly and he smiles.
"Great, great! Strap your seat belt young man because this woman is going to be all over the world." He smiles and I let out a small one as I glance back at my girl.
"You're going to be a star baby!" I shout over to her and she blushes as a cute giggle leaves her lips.
"No baby we are going to be stars." She says and I chuckle before resting my back against the wall and watching her do her thing.
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