Chapter Six

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Our lips pull at one another's as we stand under the shower head

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Our lips pull at one another's as we stand under the shower head. Nothing serious had gone on between us two except for kissing here and there. After our incident in the theater I decided to catch a taxi back to my place instead of taking a dragged out bus ride. Mary's back slowly collides with the cold tiled wall as I snake my tongue into her headed mouth. She lets out a soft moan and brings one of her legs up and hooks it onto my waist. Her womanhood rubs against my hip making me let out a moan myself and step closer to her. My heart pounds in my chest and I pull away from the kiss and rest my forehead on hers.
"You feel it too Ju?" Mary whispers, both our eyes still closed.
"Yes baby..." I let out softly, my brows furrowed as I focus on the beating of my heart in my chest.
"I wish we could stay like this forever..." She says softly and I let my eyes open. I caress her hips as her eyes remain closed.
"Won't your father worry about where you are?" I question and she finally lets her blue orbs open.
"Yes but he doesn't matter much to me Judiah," She begins to lift her other leg up onto my hip. "I can't stand him, even bare to look at him sometimes." She says and I just continue to stare at her.

"Where's your parents?" She asks and I lick my lips as water drips down them.
"My mother died of cancer and I never knew my father." I reply softly and she frowns.
"So you're all alone?" She asks and I nod hesitantly. "Oh Judiah it must be horrible." She says, pulling me into a hug and wrapping her legs tight around me.
"I've been alright." I mumble into her blonde locks.

She places her lips along my neck and I lean my head back to give her more access

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She places her lips along my neck and I lean my head back to give her more access.
"Lets get out... the waters running cold." She says and I nod. I place her back on her feet and twist the handles to shut the water off. She slips out before me but I quickly follow her actions. Mary reaches behind her for my hand and I grasp the small limb in my large one. We walk down the hallway and after a few moments make it to my room. She climbs into my bed and glances over her shoulder seductively. I bite softly into my bottom lip and start to walk towards her. She turns onto her back and lifts her legs before crossing them. I crawl up to her and stare down at her beautifully sculpted face. "You make me feel like a rebel." She giggles and I blush. My hands grip her thighs and I spread them; my body presses even closer to hers.
"How so?" I ask as I inch my gm face down closer to hers.
"This... interracial interaction." She whispers as I place my lips ever so lightly on hers.
"You make me not care about what is and isn't supposed to go on." I admit and she gives me a beautiful bright smile. Her lips pucker and I capture them with mine. My member continues to harden against her thigh making her moan softly. I groan and pop my lips away from hers when she grasps me in her soft palm.
"Will this be your first time?" She asks me and I look into her eyes and nod. "Me too..." She says softly, her hand cupping the back of my neck.

"We're actually going to do this?" I ask in a whisper and she shrugs.
"If you want to... I'm not forcing you into this Judiah..." She says and I close my eyes to think for a moment.
"I-I don't think I'm ready..." I stare finally and she rubs my beard with her thumb.
"That's alright... I'm more than willing to wait." She smiles making me do also. "Stop staring and kiss me again." She giggles making me chuckle. I do as told and she smiles through the kiss. After we fall apart once again and I rest my head on her chest.
"So... you're staying the night?" I ask as she runs her hands up and down my back.
"Yes, if I return home now my dad will only bicker until the morning... I'd rather hear it tomorrow." She mumbles and I close my eyes.
"What will happen to me if he finds out about us?" I ask and she sighs.
"Nothing Judiah, I won't let anything happen to you. He needs to get over the fact that society isn't the way it used to be! Things change. I'm tired of the same old preppy white boys that I'm forced to be around... I want a taste of the other side... a taste of you. And I've indeed gotten that." She laughs towards the end making me smile goofily.

"Mary its like you were hand crafted by God himself... you have the perfect personality, perfect face and the perfect body." I breathe out as I let my hand slide up her stomach. I tilt my head to look up at her and she's already looking at me.
"I could say the same about you." She whispers as her hand slides down my abdominals. I lick my lips and glance down at her perky breasts. "You can touch..." She says softly and I shakily bring one of my hands up to them. I cup the soft mound in my hand and she lets out a light moan. Her hand grabs my other and places it on her unoccupied breast. I squeeze them lightly in my hands making her back arch slightly off of the sheets. "I swear you're such a tease..." She giggles seductively. I smirk and peck her lips.
"I don't try to be... I'm just cautious." I mumble against her lips. She laughs and pulls my head down so that our lips can lick for the thousandth time tonight.

"You've got all of your things?" I ask Mary as we wait for her taxi. She nods and I grab her hand. We exit the bedroom and make our way down the hallway, next down the stairs. I catch Amaru'a eyes from the kitchen and he smiles goofily and gives me two thumbs up. I blush and shake my head as we get closer to the door. She slips on her shoes as I go and I pull the door open for her. She steps out into the morning air inhales deeply.
"Smells like summer!" She giggles and I release a smile, something I seem to do often around her. We step down the front steps and wait patiently on the side walk. I stand close behind her with my arms wrapped around her slim waist and my chin resting on her shoulder. We stand in a comfortable silence as we glance around the quiet neighborhood. I hear the door open to the house next door and look over. Brandi steps outside in a pair of shorts and a white shirt. She smiles and waves at a neighbor across he street before looking towards my house. Her smile drops and I quickly look away from her.

"You alright Ju? You're gripping me really tight." Mary's soft voice catches my attention. I loosen my grip and clear my throat.
"Uh... yeah... yeah..." I lie and she nods and begins to sway in my arms. Her taxi pulls up in just a few short moments and I walk her over to it.
"I'll see you next time." She blushes as she plays with my hand.
"See you next time..." I voice shyly and she bites her lip before I open up the back door to the taxi. She goes to get in but quickly turns around and grasps my face. Her lips press against mine and I kiss her back. She pulls away in a blush and waves 'goodbye' before sliding inside. I pay her driver and wave as she rides away. I bite my bottom lip, still feeling her lips on mine.
"Who's that?" A familiar voice says making me stiffen a bit.
"Uh... a friend..." I say as I turn around seeing Brandi stand with her arms crossed over her chest.
"A friend?" She laughs and shakes her head at me. "You're seeing a white girl." She frowns making my face heat up.
"It's not about what color she is-"
"Oh the hell if it's not! You have all of us black women surrounding you, willing to spend our time on you and you're... you're sleeping with a white girl!" She shouts angrily, causing people to peak out of their windows at us.
"Brandi calm down, it really doesn't matter what race she is. And we're not sleeping with each other she's just a friend." I try to convince her, stepping closer to her. She shoves me away as tears begin to well in her eyes.
"You seem to make it a habit of kissing your friends!" She yells before stomping back towards her house. I look up to see her mother frowning at me from the porch making my face heat up in embarrassment.
"Brandi wait!" I call out but she's already up her steps and slamming her front door behind her. "Ms. Washington-" She cuts me off by shaking her head and disappearing into her home.
🙃connect/ vote. I'll try to update a few more books today but I'm going to be busy ://

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