Chapter Seven

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I hear the murmur of my neighbors whispers as I pass their houses. Having a white girl leave your house early morning was not a good look I guess.
"Can't believe he's really doing it..."
"I know... them white folks wont think twice about beating that boy!" I bow my head and tip my hat to try and cover up my embarrassment. It didn't help that after Brandi had gone inside she was right back out to tell me about my self. Once her mother found out what had gone down between us she was livid, but it wasn't really my... fault was it?
"Aye Judiah! Wait up!" Amaru shouts from behind me. I slow my pace and wait for him to catch up to me. "What's the matter man? You look like you're a few seconds from crying." He says and I smile softly.
"I'm fine really..." I say and he squints his eyes at me.
"I feel like you hold back your feelings a lot. Hopefully that's something little miss Mary can get out of you." He chuckles and I clench my jaw.
"I don't know if I'll l be seeing her anymore." I state and he kisses his teeth.
"Because of what other people are saying?! C'mon Judiah don't be stupid. Don't let people who don't matter get in the way of what y'all got." He says as we get to the bus stop. I look up at him and stare at him for a while before nodding.

"You're right..." I agree and he chuckles.
"I'm Tupac Amaru Shakur, when ain't I right." He says making me laugh. I see the bus coming from the distance and I pat my pockets for my money. "Shit! I forgot my fare!" Amaru says and I look over at him.
"Don't worry about it, I've got it." I say and he shakes his head.
"No brotha, you've done enough for me." He mumbles making me kiss my teeth.
"Oh stop it! Just get on." I say as the bus comes to a stop in front of us. He sighs roughly and steps onto the bus as the doors open.
"Hey buddy! Come pay your fare!" The driver shouts at him as he walks towards the back of the bus.
"Don't worry about him, I've got it." I say softly and the man scoffs.
"He can't pay his own?" He asks rudely and I simply ignore his question. "I'm talking to you boy." He grumbles and I catch eyes with him as I drop money into the machine.
"He's just forgotten his money." I say and he chuckles.
"Go to the back of the bus." He demands and I clench my jaw as I hold intense eye contact with him. "Now boy." He growls and I let my gaze fall to the ground.
"Yes sir." I mumble before walking away towards the back of the bus.

"Everything alright Ju?" Amaru asks and I nod my head.
"Yeah... drivers just trying to give me a hard time." I laugh it off and he shakes his head.
"Only if I could tell them about themselves." He mumbles and I nod.
"Only if..." I say before glancing out of the dirty window. The ride dragged on, only making me tired as we cruise down many streets. When our stop comes we quickly shuffle off of the bus.
"So... this morning with Brandi..." He starts and I sigh roughly.
"What about it?" I ask and he follows close behind me as we enter the building.
"She was pretty upset. What happened between you two, I thought you were still a vir-"
"I am," I cut him off. "Nothing serious happened between us. She's just an emotional teenage girl." I mumble before letting the boss know I was in. Amaru does the same and we make our way to our side of the factory.
"I can tell you're not telling me everything." He says as he slips on his gloves. I send him an unnoticed glare as I put on my own.
"I don't want to speak on Brandi any further. If she can't get over the fact that I've been with a white girl then so be it." I find myself growling as I begin to butcher the red meat in front of me.
"Sorry..." He mumbles but I ignore him and focus on my job.

"You head home, I have somewhere to be." Amaru says as we exit the factory. I nod and give him a wave as he walks in the opposite direction of me. I shove my hands in my pockets and walk down the dark street. A group of two boys and a girl stand posted against a brick wall as I make my way to the bus stop.
"Get off of me..." The girl demands as the two boys hover over her. I clear my throat and keep walking. "Stop!" She yells at them and I glance over my shoulder. The boys tugged at her clothing as she tries to get them off.
"Don't do it Judiah..." I tell myself but of course I don't listen.
"Hey... Rachel is that you? I didn't even notice." I say as I turn towards the people. The girl two boys look over their shoulders at me and glare at me. "You're father was just asking me about you!" I smile and the boys slowly let her go. Her brows furrow and she stares at me for a second before she catches onto what I'm doing.
"Uh... um..." She wiggles from in between the two boys. "Where'd you see him?" See asks, going with the flow.
"Right down at the factory, I've just got off, he was inspecting it." I smile and she slowly makes her way towards me.
"Really? Can you take me to him?" She asks, her eyes screaming for help. I nod and motion for her to grab onto my arm. She calmly does as so and I look at the boys.

I nod my head at them, keeping my smile and the grumble to themselves before running off into the night.
"Thank you..." The girl says softly and I look down at her.
"You're welcome... can I offer to walk you home? I don't want anything else happening to you." I say and she nods and squeezes my arm. We walk in silence for a couple of blocks.
"This is me... really thank you again... most people like you would have kept going..." She voices softly and I lick my lips.
"It's no problem. You stay safe and don't travel at this time of night by yourself again, it's rough around these parts." I say softly and she nods. She thanks me once more before quickly making her way into the apartment building. I turn on my way and bump into someone around my height. I look up at the mans face and freeze in my spot. It was Mary's father. Had he found out about me and his daughter, had Mary told him about us?
"Move out the way boy." He grumbles before roughly bumping my shoulder. I grunt and glance back at him as he walks towards a car. Shaking my head I sigh deeply before finally making my way back home.
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