Chapter Fourteen

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"Baby... these are amazing..." Judiah says softly as he gazes at the pictures of me. I blush and fork up a few green beans. I shove them into my mouth as he finally sets the pictures down. His eyes catch mine and he stares at me. He takes a slow lick of his lips before fluttering them down to the food in front of him. He picks up his burger and takes a bite out of it.
"Is it good?" I ask as I eye his food. He glances back up at me and nods before pushing the white glass plate towards me.
"Try it." He says as he picks up the burger once more. He holds it at my mouth and I take a small bite.
"Mmm..." I moan at the taste and he gives me a small smile. His eyes glimmer with an emotion I can't put my finger on as he licks his lips again. After the shoot was done, Richard was able to print out some pictures for us. As a celebration Judiah decided to take me out to dinner. Before we came here, we stopped at the hotel so I could change. Ever since I've slipped into this red dress he's had a hazy look in his eye. I know he was trying to hide it but he couldn't. Something about his stare was different tonight.

"Judiah." I call out, capturing his attention from playing with his food.
"Yes Mary?" He asks softly and I set my fork down.
"You alright? You keep looking at me strangely." I say and he nods.
"I'm fine babe... that dress just looks really good on you. I can't help myself from staring." He voices as his eyes flutter down to my chest. The tightness of the dress exposed a little more than it should but he obviously wasn't complaint. I smirk lightly and reach for my champagne. I tip the glass back and let the smooth liquid flow down my throat. "Do you want desert?" His raspy voice asks huskily and I nod before pulling my glass back. I lick my lips to rid it of the access liquid and his eyes flutter down to them. "Chocolate cake sound good?" He asks and I nod once more.
"That sounds amazing. Ask them to put strawberries and whipped cream on it." I say and he nods before flagging down our waitress. As he orders I lift my heeled foot and place it on his thigh.

I see his Adam's Apple bob before he begins to stumble over his words. I shift my foot up and place it on his crotch. His eyes snap over to mine as he continues talking.
"And that's for the two of you?" The waitress asks causing his eyes to slowly leave mine and meet hers.
"Yes." He says before giving her a smile. My foot presses down and he grunts before gripping it under the table.
"Alright... I'll be right back with that." She says before walking away.
"Mary, what're you doing?" He asks as he still holds onto my foot firmly. I shrug my shoulders and tug my foot back.
"Playing around." I giggle and he raises his brow at me.
"Playing around? I don't think turning me on during dinner is a game." He says and I let out another giggle.
"Can we finish this after dinner then?" I ask, batting my lashes innocently at him. He bites into his bottom lips as his eyes sparkle.

When he opens his mouth to say something, a large piece of chocolate cake is placed between us.
"Enjoy." The waitress smiles and we thank her. Skipping over my fork I swipe a strawberry from the top of the cake. I dip it into the whipped cream before bringing the sweet treat to my lips. I bite into the juicy fruit and a mass of the cream falls onto my chest. I use my finger to wipe it off before placing it into my mouth. I suck the cream off and Judiah shifts in his seat.
"Lets go home." He says and I furrow my brows.
"What? Ju I didn't get to-"
"Come on Mary we're going home." It was no longer a suggestion anymore. He stands from his seat, tosses a fifty dollar bill on the table and reaches his hand out for me. I pout as I grab his and he lifts me up. He guides us out of the restaurant before flagging down a taxi. Once we're inside I cross my arms over my chest and stare out the window. "Don't he like that doll..." Judiah whispers into my ear before his lips kiss my shoulder. I shudder lightly as his hands caress my waist.
"You made me leave." I whisper back and he sighs. He says nothing, instead begins to kiss at my neck. His lips reach my sweet spot and I gasp lowly.

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