Something New

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Dipper pov

I walk in the woods, going to the enchanted part of the forest like I do every day. I've become friends with all the supernatural creatures. Even the gnomes. They even promised to stop tormenting Mabel. Jeff walks up to me.

"Hello Dipper!"

"Hey Jeff, anything happening?"

I ask him this every day. Asking if he's seen anything out of what's normal here, and if there's something new here. The answer is always no, and that's what I was expecting.

Jeff nodded. "Yes. I saw a yellowish blur yesterday!"

My eyes widen. "Really!"

"Mmhm." He points behind him. "Over there."

"Thanks Jeff!" I get up and run towards were he pointed. I hear him say "be careful!!" as I run away, excited to find something new here.

~ Time Skip ~

I've been walking for a few hours, looking for what Jeff saw. But I haven't seen it. So I sigh and start to walk back to the Mystery Shack, for lunch. Because I'm hungry.

'Maybe I'll find it later.' I thought

??? Pov

I watch him as he walks away. I guess he can feel my presence, because he shudders, and then continues to walk away. I chuckle to myself

"Maybe I will let you find me tomorrow."

Dipper Pov

I sigh as I walk inside and sit down at the table. I hear the vending machine door open and close. Ford walks in the kitchen and sits next to me.

"Hello Dipper."

"Hey Gruncle Ford. Where did you go today?"

Gruncle Ford Made a portal that doesn't help start Weirdmaggedon. He goes to different universes and dimensions, meeting its inhabitants.

"I went to a place where..." He stops. "You know what, it's better if I don't say."

I shrug. "Ok Gruncle Ford."

"What about you Dipper. Anything new?"

Then I remember about the yellowish blur Jeff saw.

"Jeff said he say something yesterday, but I couldn't track it down."

He nods.

"There are things out there that even I don't know about."

Then I hear a loud crashing sound come from downstairs followed by what sounded like a growl. Ford mumbles a curse. "That must be from the universe I visited today." He looks at me "Dipper don't follow me downstairs."

"I'm not." Then I hear a roar.

"CRAP" and with that, Ford runs to his lab.

'I have a feeling that I won't be seeing him for a while.' 

If anyone was wondering which  Dimension Ford visited, Here's a hint. The thing downstairs was another version of him that he invited over. Comment If you know which it is. 

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