Ok... its a 90% chance its a fight scene

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((Sry about the titles. I can't think of anything else at the moment \(•^•)/ ))

Dippers POV
I'm sitting at the table and Caesar/ I think Bill? is pouring me a cup of PittCola.
He hands me the cup.
"S-so what are you doin' here Dipper?"
"I uh just wanted to ask what was with you and Selene."
His eyes narrow.
"I actually would like to know how you met her Pi-DIPPER! I said Dipper!"
I just give him a confused look and say
"I just meet her in the woods ,and like any good person would, took her home and asked if she was lost. Why?"
He shakes his head.
"N-no reason. And to answer your question, s-she's my niece."
I nod and sip my PittCola. And we talk about random things for a minute or two when I scream in my head.
'GEEZUS! Pinetree, you got quite the loud internal scream there!' Selene says 'we are inside. Just distract him for a little longer!'
I look at Caesar and say
"When did you move here Caesar?"
He stops and rubs the back of his neck.
"Uummmm...I've always pretty much lived here." He shrugs and chuckles to himself. "I guess you can say I just can't leave this place."
'Yep this is definitely Bill'
I nod politely and pretend not to know that he's an all knowing, dream demon that can....... READ MY MIND SHET!!!
'Don't worry Dip. All his magics into scanning the surrounding forest. He can't read your mind right now.' Selene says.
Then Caesar frowns at something. Then his eyes widen and he mumbles at least 10 curses.
"Dipper, stay in here please."
I pretend not to know what's probably happening.
"Why Caesar? Are you on the look out for the mob or somethin'?"
"Something like that."
And with that, he walks into the living room and growls. He stomps back into the kitchen and looks at me.
I shudder at the tone in his voice. I guess he could see that it scared me, because he breaths out and says in a calmer tone "you have to go. I have some... family matters to attend to."
I nod and start walking back to the Mystery Shack.

Bill/Caesar's POV (cause it was pretty obvious)
I turn into my triangle form and look around for Kitsune,Klein,Yuki, and Selene. They interrupted me and Pinetrees private time so they must PaY iN BlOoD.~

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