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Dipper's POV
I'm in the living room, on stans chair. Selene enters the room. She looks... pissed as hell. She's mumbling something.
"Are you ok?"
"nO." She looks at me and I shudder as her eyes are blue irises and everything else is black. "I HoPe hE DiEs SlOwLy AnD PaInFuLly."
I thought she ment me.She sighs. "Don't worry. It's not you Mason."
I let out a breath of relief. "Well that's good. But then who?"
"My piece of sheet uncle!"
I tilt my head. "Sheet?"
I throw my hands into the air. "Geezus! Sorry I asked!"
She looks at me. "Do ya wanna help?"
"with what?"
She gives me a exasperated sigh."Killin' my uncle, of course." She says this like it's a totally normal thing.
"uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh... mmmmk."
Her face lights up. "R-Really?"
I shrug. "I have nothin' else to do, so what the hell."
She hugs me. "I like you so much better than my dimensions Dipper! He's no fun! But you, you are."
"Uh, Thanks...I think?"
She chuckles. "Just take it as a compliment."
"Ok! So who is this uncle of yours?"
She picks up a demon gun. "Isn't it obvious? Bill. Bill Cipher."
Caesars POV
~after talking to Kitsuñe~
I sit on my chair,Kind of evilly. I chuckle. 'So little fox is trying to kill me now' I laugh harder and look at Kitsuñe, who's chained to the wall. Her face and body bloody. Her tails coat shredded.
"ShE'lL NeVeR gEt HeRe iN TiMe!"
I laugh like I did back like when I was at my highest point in my life.
'Come at me, Pinetree'
Dippers POV
Selene looks at me "Yes?"
"Me and the others killed him! Years ago, might I add!"
Selene sighs. "You only banished his physical form... At least for a while."
I look at her. "What are you saying?"
She sighs. "You only stopped him from causing Weirdmaggadon for a while. He probably possessed a human afterwards." She looks at me. "Sorry Mason."
I sigh. "So what we did was all for nothing?"
She shakes her head.
"Mason, you did what you had to at the time. I've visited many dimensions, and you always do what is necessary for the survival of you, your friends, and your family."
I nod. I strap the demon gun to my back. "Lets go."
((Please keep commenting and voting and other things. And please tell me If you like the book. Thankz!))
∩( ・ω・)∩

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