The Meeting

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Dippers Pov

I wake up and look around. Sunlight streams into my room. I sigh and get up. I walk into the living room and sit next to Mabel on Stan's chair.

"Mornin' Mabs."

"Good morning Dip-Dop."

I let out a sigh. "Mabel, what did I say about calling me that?"

Mabel giggles. "sorry DIPPING SAUCE. I forgot!"

I decided to give up. Then Mabel remembers something.

"Oh ya, Dipper your going with me, Candy, Paz, and Grenda to go see a movie!"

I groan. "Why do I have to go with you guys Mabel."

She gives me this look that is just to serious for her.

"Mason," I flinch at the mention of my real name "You need to go places besides here and the woods."

I sigh. "fine."

~  Time Skip  ~

I sigh as I'm walking down the the street with my sister and her friends. Their talking about girl stuff, so I'm not listening. After a while,I bump into someone. 


he then turns to face me, when, GOD he's hot! He smiles.

"it's ok."

(What he looks like)

(What he looks like)

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"I-I'm Dipper." I hold out my hand.

He chuckles. "I'm Caesar." He shakes my hand. "Nice to met you, Dipper." When he says my name, I feel as if sparks were flying every where. 

"W-W-Well maybe I-I-I'll see you some time."

He smiles "I would like that."

I wave him goodbye and run back to Mabel and the others. Mabel gives me a funny look. 

"Dipper were where you?"

I blush, "N-N-No where Mabel!"

She smirks. "Ooooohhhhhhhh~ I see Dip." She giggles and her and the others walk into the movies.


Caesar Pov

My hearts pounding. I feel like its going to leap out of my chest an minute. I go around the corner and slide down the brick wall till I'm sitting. I put my hand on my head. and let out a soft laugh. 

'He didn't hate me!' I smile to myself. 'I-I want to see him again!'

Dippers Pov 

~  Time Skip to after the movie  ~

We are walking to the Greasy Diner when I hear a "Hey!" I turn to see... CAESAR?!? I blush instantly.

"H-H-H-Hey Caesar!" He walks up to me. "Who are they?" he gestures to Mabel and the others.

"Oh that's Mabel,Pacifica,Candy and Grenda." As I say their name a point to them. Mabel smirks.

"I'm Mabel, nice to meet you." she shakes Caesars hand. "Sooo~ are you Dippers boyfriend?"

Both of us blush (me more).


Caesar looks at me then Mabel and mumbles something under his breath. Mabel and the others laugh so hard that they fall down.

"O-o-ohhhhh! Your reactions were PRICELESS!!!" Mabel laughs. I feel so embarrassed that I run to the woods. I hear Caesar call out my name, But I don't care. I can't show my face to any of them. tears fall down my face while I run farther and farther.

(I hope you like this chapter)  

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